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En Amazonie, des anthropologues découvrent les restes d'un homme âgé de plus de 300 ans lors de sa mort ! Un expédition est organisée pour trouver le mystère de cette incroyable longévité. Mais au coeur de la forêt impénétrable, une tribu sauvage et un serpent géant à cinq têtes montent la garde... Suite à la découverte d'un tombeau renfermant les restes d'un chef de tribu d'Amazonie, les chercheurs d'une industrie pharmaceutique déterminent l'âge du défunt à environ 300 ans. Pour le monde de la science, ce détail pourrait changer le cours de l'humanité. C'est pourquoi une seconde expédition est envoyée en Amérique du Sud pour percer le secret de cette jeunesse éternelle. Sur place, l'équipe se heurte à une ethnie ancestrale et à une menace animale gardant avec ferveur une fontaine de jouvence....

L'invasion des femmes abeilles

L'invasion des femmes abeilles

En Californie, des cadavres d'hommes ont été découverts dans la chambre d'un hôtel. Le détective Neil Agar, charger de l'enquête, se rend dans un laboratoire pour examiner les causes de la mort, et il est confronté à la mystérieuse Susan Harris, qui dirige des expérimentations génétiques. L'enquête avance, et d'après les analyses, les hommes seraient morts par infarctus causé par les abeilles..

The Dawnseeker

The Dawnseeker

Set in the year 2245 when Earth's sun threatens to wipe out all of humanity, "The Dawnseeker" follows five hired mercenaries who travel to an uncharted planet to collect a rare mineral known as stardust to replenish the dying star. After their spaceship crashes on the alien planet, they are stalked and hunted by a creature far more advanced than anything they have ever encountered before..

Maxed Out

Maxed Out

Maxed Out takes us on a journey deep inside the American debt-style, where everything seems okay as long as the minimum monthly payment arrives on time. Sure, most of us may have that sinking feeling that something isn't quite right, but we're told not to worry. After all, there's always more credit!.

Project Eliminator

Project Eliminator

A scientist working in a top-secret government weapons technology research becomes so disillusioned that he destroys his latest creation: an ultra-sophisticated flying attack laser. Soon, terrorists who want him to re-create the invention kidnap him. A shady government contact recruits two veteran Special Forces operatives Ron Morrell and John Slade who soon find themselves in a frantic race against the clock to rescue the scientist and keep his deadly knowledge a secret..

Predators: Crucified

Predators: Crucified

Crucified is an animated short film which tells the story of how the Classic Predator was captured and tied up in the hunting camp on the Predator game preserve. The short film was released on the Predators (2010) Blu-ray..

Alien Predators

Alien Predators

Three young friends who are on vacation in Spain and a NASA scientist must join forces to save themselves and the rest of the world from an alien menace..

Mars à table

Mars à table

Exceptional Vista, paisible bourgade d'Amerique du Nord, coule des jours paisibles, en depit de la fermeture de l'usine a ecrous. Mais voici qu'un beau jour le signal du relais de television se brouille et c'est la ville entiere qui bascule dans l'inconnu et la terreur: des citoyens disparaissent les uns apres les autres et leurs restes atrocement mutiles sont decouverts peu apres. L'arrivee d'un savant atomiste contribue a laisser croire que des extraterrestres ont debarque..



An ambitious personal growth coach, author of the Predator Psychology manual, unexpectedly finds himself drawn into a confrontation with a millionaire who wants to demolish the garage complex where he keeps his Jaguar. Now he has to prove in practice to the people who believe in him that he is capable of leading them into battle. Called a predator - be ready to show your teeth. A game without rules begins, where kidnapping, blackmail, forgery ... and a giant St. Bernard are used. Problems snowball into a cascade of comedic emergencies..



Au fond de la jungle amazonienne, une équipe de chercheurs se lance dans une expédition pour protéger les espèces en voie de disparition. Après une série d’événements étranges, leurs guides superstitieux les abandonnent. Ils se rendent compte qu’ils sont dans le terrain de chasse d’un prédateur inconnu….

HDSP: Hunting Down Small Predators

HDSP: Hunting Down Small Predators

A young man has trouble communicating with people and is seeing a shrink. He falls in love at first sight, then meets three friends and joins their small community. The four youngsters naively decide to make some easy money by blackmailing an elderly woman. Little do they know that a stranger with a shady past and problematic present will turn their lives upside down. A story about love and despair, hope and disillusionment, revenge and revelation..

Raiders of the Magic Ivory

Raiders of the Magic Ivory

Two Vietnam vets are hired to infiltrate a religious sect and steal an ancient relic, a magic ivory tablet. Mercenaries Sugar and Mark enter a dangerous jungle full of cannibalistic natives in an unnamed Asian country and retrieve an ancient stone relic being held by a hostile religious sect. The two accept the job but something about the gig just isn't sitting right and their client may be withholding information vital to the mission and their survival..

Shark, A Sad Predator

Shark, A Sad Predator

Cocos Island, a national park with a beautiful marine ecosystem 550 kilometers off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Cocos Island National Park is a place where rare sea creatures that were difficult to access usually gather, and is known as the best place to observe various species of sharks and stingrays. However, the number of sharks visiting Cocos Island is decreasing every year so their movements are being identified to protect them..



While on a camping trip, a young girl is captured and almost raped by four drug runners. She escapes, and instead of running away, determines to get her revenge on her attackers..

The Road Raiders

The Road Raiders

Filled with anachronisms and rip offs from "The 'A' Team" and "The Dirty Dozen" - It's 1942 in Manila and an American saloon owner organizes a misfit group to fight in WWII..

Le Prédateur et la proie

Le Prédateur et la proie

Michel Ciment, critique et historien du cinéma, examine la production du film 'Suddenly, Last Summer' (1959) de Joseph L. Mankiewicz, et explore ses thèmes et préoccupations complexes..

Mega Hammerhead: Ultimate Predator

Mega Hammerhead: Ultimate Predator

The great hammerhead has evolved into a super-predator with more specialized hunting abilities than any other species of shark. Recently, hammerheads have been popping up in some unexpected places, spotted in waters further north than ever before. Marine biologist Dr. Neil Hammerschlag is diving in to take advantage of this epic opportunity to find and study these sharks..