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The Great Day on the Beach

The Great Day on the Beach

It is the adult Gustav Adolf, who tells the story of the momentous day when he as a little boy with his father and mother and the whole staircase, went to the beach to enjoy the pleasures of bathing. We are in 1930s working-class neighborhood in Copenhagen. In a backyard apartment, we meet the little working-up of small Gustav Adolf (Benjamin Rothenborg Vibe) who has great respect for his father, Axel (Erik Clausen). Father has a very lively gab and is always ready to tell a story from her exciting life - often from the time he was on the big Argentine pampas..

Le lys de mer

Le lys de mer

A young girl witnesses a violent and ultimately fatal act between her mother and another man and it emotionally scars her for years to come. As a young woman, she takes a vacation with a more worldly girlfriend to Sardinia, and in doing so, attracts the attention of a young man in the village. Despite her interest in the man her haunted past prevents her from developing a normal relationship with him..

Classic Albums: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

Classic Albums: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

En 1966 sortait l'album des Beach Boys «Pet Sounds». Écrit et composé en grande partie par Brian Wilson, le leader du groupe, le disque, événement charnière de l'histoire du rock et de la pop, est considéré aujourd'hui comme l'un des meilleurs de tous les temps. Rompant avec les thèmes légers de ses dix opus précédents - le surf, le soleil, l'insouciance de la jeunesse -, le groupe californien élabore l'un des premiers concept albums, avec des textes doux-amers, des harmonies subtiles et des expérimentations sonores autour d'instruments peu conventionnels - orgue, clavecin,.

Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes - Live at Jones Beach

Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes - Live at Jones Beach

Les Black Crowes et Jimmy Page enregistré lors d'une nuit à Jones Beach capture Page et le groupe livrant un certain nombre de classiques de Led Zeppelin de grande classe, parmi lesquels "Celebration Day", "The Lemon Song", "Heartbreaker" et "Whole Lotta Love", ainsi que des Titres auxquels personne ne s'attendait..

Wild Cats on the Beach

Wild Cats on the Beach

Various short stories. Giovanna arrives from Rome with her husband Alberto for a film audition. The journalist Gino comes to interview the great industrial Signore Carsoli. The famous American actress Rita is in search of her umpteenth husband. Leopoldo and Angelina from Sicily are on vacation in Rome where they meet the street smart Nicola..

Sur La Plage...

Sur La Plage...

Marcel made a big mess at school. His Mother is summoned to the Principal's office, but his Grandmother gets there first. Marcel's mother and the Principal have more troubles ahead..

Bitch on the Beach

Bitch on the Beach

One day, Ga-yeong walks into her ex-boyfriend's house and asks for sex. She doesn't plan on going back home without reaching her goals so she whines and Jeong-hoon is about to give in. Will Ga-yeong get what she wants?.

Bed on the Beach

Bed on the Beach

In "Bed on the Beach", young singles are followed during their stay in a luxurious holiday home on an idyllic island with only one goal: to find true love..

L'éternité pour nous

L'éternité pour nous

Un pianiste-compositeur de mauvaise humeur et sa voluptueuse fille danseuse de strip-tease évitent la réalité dans une station balnéaire française. La jeune gérante de la station a un mari mourant entre les mains et est attirée par le compositeur. Lorsque le mari meurt, les accusations et récriminations volent, combinées à diverses trahisons et jalousies....

Death on the Beach

Death on the Beach

The son of a wealthy businesswoman returns home from boarding school. His mother, always busy with business and with her ambitious lover, realizes that her son suffers for being a homosexual. Having killed a teacher who abused him, the trauma makes him keep killing..



Olga est une jeune femme combative au parcours professionnel brillant mais frustrée de ne pas avoir choisi sa vie. L’obligation de se confronter à un monde inconnu, se digitalisant, va réveiller ses vieux démons et l’emmener dans un parcours initiatique technologique de Moscou jusqu’à Royan. Et si elle laissait les algorithmes décider à sa place pour enfin vivre ses rêves !.

L'Enfer sur la plage

L'Enfer sur la plage

Alex, un ancien mercenaire retiré des affaires, vit sur un yacht ancré au large d'Antibes en compagnie de sa femme, la belle et hermétique Hélène, et de Jean, un ancien amant de celle-ci. Autour de ce trio, gravite Heidi, une blonde angélique, catalyseur des événements tragiques qui vont se succéder dès lors que son passé trouble rattrapera Alex..

Lost Kids on the Beach

Lost Kids on the Beach

Filmmaker Alina Manolache was born 1990, the year after the fall and execution of Romanian dictator Ceausescu. It marked the beginning of a new, post-communist era. At the start of the film, she calls out to people who had ever been lost on the beach in the nineties to get in touch with her. This seemingly random appeal leads to her traveling around the country and having conversations with a large number of peers about their memories of the experience, and about their life now..