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Easy Rider

Easy Rider

'After doing a re-make of John Cassevetes’ "Faces" [1968], I decided to re-make another American classic, Dennis Hopper’s "Easy Rider" [1969]. "Easy Rider" interests me in two ways: its portrayal of 60’s counterculture – unlike "Faces" which for me is more about the 50’s – and its search for place. I divided the original film into scenes (like I did with "Faces") and then replaced each scene with one shot filmed at the original location (unlike "Faces" where shots were gleaned from the original film itself). My "Easy Rider" tries to find today’s counter-culture (if one exists) by replacing the 60’s music with music that I listen to today.' ~ James Benning.

Easy. Vegan: The Film about Veganism

Easy. Vegan: The Film about Veganism

Do you think that living a vegan life means doing without? Do you think it is unrealistic these days? Quite the opposite. In times of environmental destruction, immense animal exploitation and excess fat, it is urgently time to take a look beyond our own horizons. This film deals with the health, ecological and ethical reasons that make a vegan lifestyle so important today. easy.vegan: it's so easy..

Easy Does It

Easy Does It

When best friends, Jack and Scottie, get a once in a lifetime shot at hidden loot, they take off on a cross-country adventure turned crime spree. With a whiny accidental hostage in tow, and a deranged bounty huntress and Johnny Law hot on their trail, it's going to be a race to the bullet-riddled finish..