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Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez

Deux enfoirés à Saint-Tropez

Le film débute par la sortie de prison de Paul, condamné à quatre mois de prison à la place de son ami Julius. Afin de changer les idées de Paul, Julius décide de l'emmener à Saint-Tropez. Les deux jeunes hommes "empruntent" au passage une voiture et font sur le trajet la connaissance d'une charmante auto-stoppeuse, Évelyne, dont Julius ne tarde pas à tomber amoureux. Pour Paul, l'amour resurgit sous la forme de son ancienne compagne Milka, aux bras d'un marchand d'art quelque peu désagréable dénommé Saedi. C'est alors qu'on propose à Paul et à Julius de subtiliser deux statuettes pré-colombiennes appartenant à Saedi, qui s'avère en fait être un escroc. Mais le larcin ne se déroulera pas forcément comme prévu par nos deux compères..

Art Bastard

Art Bastard

What is art and how does it relate to society? Is its value determined by its popularity or originality? Is the goal profit or expressing one's personal vision? These are some of the questions raised as we follow fiercely independent New York artist Robert Cenedella in his artistic journey through decades of struggling for creative expression. A student, protégé and friend of German artist George Grosz, Cenedella is now passing on the legacy of Grosz's approach to art, in the very same room where Grosz taught. In portraying Cenedella's determination to buck the system of what's popular while critiquing that popularity in his attempt to turn the art world upside down, ART BASTARD is a funny, touching, and insightful look inside the maverick mind of a true original..

Lucky Bastard

Lucky Bastard

Lucky Bastard is a "found footage" thriller about a porn website run by Mike (Don McManus) that invites fans to have sex with porn stars. Jay Paulson plays Dave, an eager young fan given a chance to have sex with the fabulous Ashley Saint (Betsy Rue). But everyone gets more than they bargained for in the seemingly mild-mannered Dave... with gruesome results. The film is captured by the "Lucky Bastard" porn cameras for a fresh take on the "found footage" genre.



Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, des adolescents soviétiques sont conditionnés dans des camps de jeunesse afin de servir de chair à canon en vue d'opérations suicide..



Un jeune homme d'origine coréenne et philippine rêve de devenir un boxeur accompli et de retrouver son père disparu. Il entreprend donc un voyage aux Philippines. Mais au lieu d'obtenir des réponses à ses nombreuses questions, il se retrouve pris dans les filets de combats de boxe illégaux et rencontre un meurtrier notoire connu sous le nom de "Nobleman". Il est alors confronté non seulement à la lutte pour la survie, mais aussi à la recherche de sa propre identité..

Bastards' Road

Bastards' Road

Walking 5,800 miles around the United States, Veteran Jonathan Hancock uses the solitude of the road and the company of his fellow Marine brothers and the families of their fallen to successfully manage his wounds from war..

James Dean: Little Prince, Little Bastard

James Dean: Little Prince, Little Bastard

The collar of his coat turned up in New York: Images which have collaborated on building a myth – the image of eternal and misunderstood youth. Unlike Marlon Brando, the proletarian rebel with identifiable goals, James Dean was the timeless and androgynous youthful rebel. His death on the Interstate 46 leads us back to 1950s America, a time when youth was re-interpreted all anew..

Greedy Lying Bastards

Greedy Lying Bastards

What happens when an industry has too much power? "Greedy Lying Bastards" presents a searing indictment of the influence, deceit and corruption that defines the fossil fuel industry..

All Clowns are Bastards

All Clowns are Bastards

As soon as Mitchell, a cannibalistic killer clown, falls in love with the human Elena, he adapts an unusual lifestyle which affects him and his killer clown family: He becomes vegan....

Mad Bastards

Mad Bastards

TJ is a mad bastard, and his estranged 13‐year‐old son Bullet is on the fast track to becoming one, too. After being turned away from his mother’s house, TJ sets off across the country to the Kimberly region of northwestern Australia to make things right with his son.
 Grandpa Tex has lived a tough life, and now, as a local cop in the outback town of Five Rivers, he wants to change things for the men in his community. Cutting between three generations, Mad Bastards is a raw look at the journey to becoming a man and the personal transformation one must make.
 Developed with local Aboriginal communities and fueled by a local cast, Mad Bastards draws from the rich tradition of storytelling inherent in Indigenous life. Using music from legendary Broome musicians the Pigram Brothers, writer/director Brendan Fletcher poetically fuses the harsh realities of violence, healing, and family..



The families Iuvara and Patene are bound by a common inherited hatred, which is further deepened when young Luke accidentically kills his rival Alexander during a motorace. To avoid revenge, the Iuvaras are forced to steal on behalf of their ancient rivals..