

Character voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Wildcard Character

Wildcard Character

Wildcard Character describes the very moment of representation when performing labor is dissolving. The exertive performance in front of the camera serves a fast moving, grotesque imagery of glamour that is actively produced and constantly reproduced to not collapse into the ridiculous..

Character Studies

Character Studies

Montagu Love pretty much plays himself in this Vitaphone short where he starts off by introducing himself to the viewer and saying most probably remember him for playing villains. He then asks that people pretend that he's surrounded by a dinner party and he's been asked to give a speech even though he's shy..

Characters in Interrogation

Characters in Interrogation

A director-character, an intervening actor, an interviewer-character: how do these mediations reveal the shifting levels of difference in the relations woven inside films? The project investigates the interview as a dialogue strategy and fiction as its vehicle..

Story Tellers: An Evening with Colorful Characters

Story Tellers: An Evening with Colorful Characters

One cold night in the Utah Territory, three opinionated men find themselves sharing a campfire as they tell tales, swap insults, and expound on their personal philosophies. Join Porter Rockwell, Mark Twain, and J. Golden Kimball for an entertaining and enlightening evening with three of the most colorful characters of the Old West..

Sincerity: The Character of Ronald Reagan

Sincerity: The Character of Ronald Reagan

“Sincerity” draws upon internal White House footage from 1984 and 1985 surrounding Ronald Reagan’s re-election to the presidency. This short video examines issues of authenticity, privacy, and performance in the maintenance of a public identity..

Character Builders

Character Builders

This melodious series serves as a delightful platform for kids to grasp significant spiritual teachings. Filled with engaging tunes, it promotes desirable qualities by weaving them into enjoyable and touching narratives..