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Acting : Kazja
popularity : 0.47
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Kazja en streaming gratuit.

Secrets Of The Aegean Apocalypse

Secrets Of The Aegean Apocalypse

This historical documentary takes a look at the mysterious catastrophic event that took place in the Mediterranean around 1,200 BC, wiping out much of the most advanced civilizations on Earth. Secrets of the Aegean Apocalypse movie Through discussions with historians, archaeologists, and other scholars, the program seeks to find an answer as to what happened..

House of White Spiders

House of White Spiders

Gregg Taylor presents, Stephen Kramer, a struggling young artist, accepts a job to clean out an isolated house several hours away from the city. After ignoring the ominous warnings of some eccentric local residents, Stephen unwittingly unlocks the many secrets of the house and discovers why he has been chosen for the job...encountering ghostly phantoms and a family of vengeful vampires who have sinister intentions for the young man. Stephen Kramer was destined to come to Raven's End!.

The American Tapestry

The American Tapestry

Showtime's "In the 20th Century" is a millennium-related strand of feature-length documentaries in which famous directors take on major subjects of their choosing. In the last of the six films, "The American Tapestry," filmmaker Gregory Nava takes viewers on an uplifting and challenging journey through the memoirs of five immigrant families, each one on a quest for its own American Dream. Beautifully interweaving accounts from several generations, Nava composes an astonishing tapestry of personal triumphs and tragedies, as each story of courage unfolds. The American Dream is an elusive thing, and the lives of the people in Nava's film are both triumphant and tragic, teeming with optimism and sometimes despair. They expose the finest and worst in America as well as what we feel most magnificent and dreadful. They are part of the many contrasting threads that make up the American tapestry — a complex portrait of a nation at the turn of the millennium..

The Stubborn Donkey

The Stubborn Donkey

When the old fisherman tries to convince his donkey to climb the steep winding road of their Greek island, he finds Mariza to be one suborn ass. But the old man knows that no one can resist Zorba's dance..