

voir film Freedom streaming vf

Dreaming Arizona

Dreaming Arizona

Where does the dream begin and reality end? In Dreaming Arizona, this is the question both for the central figures and for the viewer. Known for his staged documentaries, Danish director Jon Bang Carlsen has five American teenagers from a small town in Arizona reenact their own lives—past, present and future..

Jean-Michel Jarre - Solidarność Live

Jean-Michel Jarre - Solidarność Live

Tracklist: 01. Shipyard overture (Industrial revolution) 02. Suite for flute 03. Oxygene 2 04. Tribute to Chopin 05.Aero 06.Oxygene 4 07. Souvenir 08. Space of freedom (March 23) 09. Theremin memories 10. Chronology 2 11. Mury 12. Chronology 6 13. Oxygene 8 14. Light my sky 15. Tribute to Jean Paul II (Acropolis) 16. Rendez-vous 2 17. Vivaldi "summer- presto" 18. Oxygene 12 19. Rendez-vous 4 20. Solidarnosc (Oxygene 13) 21. Aerology (Remix) 22. No Comment: Alternative shots 23. Concert teaser Darsteller: Jean Michel Jarre Musik: Jean Michel Jarre, Luis Llach.

Jesus of Malibu

Jesus of Malibu

Jesus and Mindy set off on a spiritual journey to discover truth. Their quest takes them across the U.S. into the desert. As they individually search for purpose and meaning in their lives, their worlds intertwine and they embark on a journey to find a way to change the world..



Filmed in post-war Beirut, Leyla Assaf-Tengroth's "Frihetsligan" proposes a trajectory around the city guided by an unusual little girl, hustling to find her bearings in a place that appears both hostile and inspiring..

The Independence Pioneers

The Independence Pioneers

The arrest of Haji Jalaluddin during his sermon leaves a strong impression on the hearts of Hamid and Halimah, his followers. Halimah is a wife who is taken for granted by her husband who is pro-Dutch. Hamid is the son of a rich merchant who falls into poverty after being branded as a rebel. His mother takes him to Padang to be raised by the family of Haji Jakfar, who has a daughter, Zainab. Hamid then studies at Padang Panjang and meets old friends, Fakhrudin and Zainudin. Hamid and Fakhrudin have more similar views with their teacher, while Zainudin is more radical. The latter organises a rebellion and fails. The Dutch keeps arresting people. Hamid, disappointed by Zainab’s marriage to someone else, sails to Mecca. Halimah is left to organise the fight for freedom but in the end, is also captured by the Dutch. The film’s message is that a physical fight for freedom, without being based on religious morality, will become meaningless..

His Excellency

His Excellency

This 1928 film features stylized cinematography and actors from the Moscow Art Theater in a fiction story based on the life of Jewish Labor Bund member Hirsch Lekert who attempted to assassinate the Vilna governor in 1902 to avenge the flogging of workers who participated in a May Day rally..

The Citizen 2

The Citizen 2

A man, Thongphun Khokpho, is released from jail after five years spent for manslaughter. As he tries to make an honest living, he discovers that there's no room in Thai society for ex-cons. He soon gets himself into trouble again..

For Liberty

For Liberty

The final days of the reign of the Shah: processions of mourning and jubilation, scenes after the fire in the Cinema Rex in Abadan, southern Iran, in which 377 viewers died; the famous interview with the Shah – shortly before his departure at Mehrabad Airport, followed by the acclaimed arrival and first speech by Ayatollah Khomeini; finally the graves of the martyrs of the revolution in Tehran’s large cemetery Behesht-e Zahra. Torabi and his cameramen film euphoric crowds and thoughtful revolutionaries, statesmen and members of various minorities such as Turkmen and Zoroastrians..



Filmmaker Sanjay Kak offers this compelling and intimate glimpse of the daily tensions in Kashmir, where resistance to India's rule among everyday Kashmiris is unrelenting and can flare into violence. Kak follows a man to his son's gravesite and listens to a girl's account of a neighbor killed by the Indian army, all against a backdrop of stunning natural scenery to ask the question, Just what is the meaning of freedom?.