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Dave Koz & Phil Perry: Live at the Strand

Dave Koz & Phil Perry: Live at the Strand

Saxophonist Dave Koz has become one of the most successful and beloved instrumentalists of his time, and helped establish smooth jazz as a musical force to be reckoned with. His career catapulted with 1993's Lucky Man, one of Koz' slickest and most commercial releases (which is not a bad thing by any means) to date. The album has an undeniably crisp and clean feel, akin to the color schemes used in the artwork. The musical styles range from funky and peppy, as in the opening "Shakin' the Shack," "Silverlining," and the evergreen "You Make Me Smile," to tender and sweet, as in "Faces of the Heart," "Lucky Man," and "Tender Is the Night," which features hypnotic vocals courtesy of Phil Perry. Recorded May 18. 1991. Dave Koz on Sax, Phil Perry on Vocal. Band was Don Boyette - Bass, Mark Shulman - Drums, Carl Burnett - Guitar, Don Wyatt - Keyboards, Kevin Richard - Percussion, Joyce Imbesi - Keyboards, Leslie Smith, Anita Sherman & Delta Dickerson - Backup Vocalist.

The White Dress

The White Dress

Kamal marries Dalal despite the rejection of his father, Omar Bey. Kamal dies in a tragic accident and his father kicks Dalal out and takes away her daughter. The years go by and she tries to steal from Ahmed, to buy a new dress for her daughter's wedding..

Kalady – The Triumph of Faith over Time

Kalady – The Triumph of Faith over Time

This feature length film takes you on a visual journey of Sri Adi Shankaracharya's birthplace and childhood, chronicling the history, landmarks and temples of Kalady. There are fascinating interviews with ordinary people, former rulers and spiritual leaders influenced by this sage. The beautiful and heart-stopping images of the village, people and temples provide an unforgettable experience for devotees and inspire one to make the pilgrimage to this holy place in person..

Loubia Hamra

Loubia Hamra

17 enfants explosent tout ce qui ne bouge pas, inépuisables de gestes et de cris. Héros magnifiques d'une guerre sans écriture: pendant que l'armée française mitraille l'OAS, les enfants pillent l'armée française de l'huile, du chocolat, la semoule, le sucre, et même d'un prisonnier de guerre, condamné à manger un plat de haricots. Mais la guerre rattrape la belle aventure et ensanglante les haricots. Avec la force imaginative et transgressive de l'enfance, ce film dit la fin de l'Algérie Française..

Service public

Service public

Salhia Brakhlia a posé sa caméra pendant un an sur le plateau et dans les coulisses de la matinale de Franceinfo. Comment informer à l’heure des réseaux sociaux et des fake news ? Quelles précautions prennent les journalistes ? Quelles relations avec les politiques en coulisses en pleine élection présidentielle ? Cette plongée unique dans l’envers du décor de l’information apporte des éléments de réponse..



A former shy girl writes a coming-of-age story based on high school. The reunion will be the first time she comes face to face with the subjects of her book..

Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge

Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge

À Paris, en 1793, pendant la Terreur, le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge fomente un complot pour faire évader la reine Marie-Antoinette. Il reçoit l'aide de Dixmer, un maître-tanneur vu par ses concitoyens comme un ardent révolutionnaire, et de Geneviève, son épouse et la sœur du chevalier. Lors d'une expédition avec son frère, Geneviève doit à l'intervention du lieutenant Maurice Lindey de ne pas être arrêtée. Épouse malheureuse de Dixmer, elle tombe amoureuse du jeune officier. Cependant, un tunnel est creusé pour relier une maison louée par Dixmer à la Tour du Temple où est emprisonnée la reine qui, si elle n'est pas libérée, risque la guillotine..

Encontro Marcado com a Morte

Encontro Marcado com a Morte

In "Encontro Marcado com a Morte" we follow the night of a couple of strangers who decide to have dinner with the aim of getting to know each other better. But what revelations and mysteries could this meeting provide?.