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Ce que Pauline ne vous dit pas

Ce que Pauline ne vous dit pas

Pauline a 35 ans. Elle est en train de divorcer de son mari, Olivier Borel. La séparation tourne mal. Olivier profite de la situation précaire de Pauline pour l’humilier et lui rendre la vie impossible dès qu’il en a l’opportunité. Un jour, alors que Pauline emmène son fils chez son père, l'enfant la découvre agenouillée dans le jardin, devant le corps inerte d’Olivier, baignant dans une mare de sang. Que s’est-il réellement passé ? Face aux autorités et à la justice, Pauline reste mutique....



O'PENing is the new name of Drama Stage which has been broadcasting the winning work of the O'PEN storyteller contest. The franchise will continue to make meaningful steps to introduce and support new writers to see the light of the world and diversify content genres..

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

Pamela is an eight-year-old girl who loves horror movies and fairy tales. When his uncle gives her away a doll named "Hellequin" as a birthday gift, a tale of betrayal begins to unfold before her eyes..

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

The documentary analyses the relationship between producers and chefs based on their own testimonies. It touches on subjects such as the importance of the produce in the kitchen, sustainability, the generational takeover and promotion of the rural world..

Mais... qu'avez vous fait à Solange

Mais... qu'avez vous fait à Solange

A Londres, une élève d'un collège catholique pour filles est tuée de manière brutale près de la Tamise. Enrico Rosseni, un professeur qui se baladait près des lieux, devient le suspect idéal, surtout que celui-ci entretient une liaison secrète avec une de ses étudiantes. Alors que les soupçons se font de plus en plus pressants, le professeur Rosseni décide d'agir et d'enquêter par lui-même..

Which Star Are You From

Which Star Are You From

Seung Hee est un réalisateur, et il est fou amoureux de Hae Su. Mais même si la famille de cette dernière s'y oppose il décide de la demander en mariage. Seulement ils ont un accident de voiture durant lequel Hae Su trouve la mort. Seung Hee ne surmonte pas sa mort et décide de se retrouver dans un petit village loin de Séoul... Là-bas, il rencontre une jeune fille (Bok Sil) qui ressemble étrangement à Hae Su. Ces deux-là se rapprochent et finissent par se retrouver à Séoul où Bok Sil doit travailler pour Seung Hee. Mais un jour ils découvrent que Bok Sil est en réalité Hae Rim la sœur jumelle de Hae Su que l'on avait cru morte après un incendie....

La Lame infernale

La Lame infernale

Une adolescente est retrouvée pendue. Ce qui s'apparente à un suicide est en réalité un meurtre. Une femme juge d'instruction et un commissaire de police sont chargés de l'enquête. Bien vite, ils remontent la piste d'un réseau de prostitution de mineures. Un tueur se lance aussitôt dans le nettoyage des témoins et l'intimidation des enquêteurs..

What Are You Going to Do When You Get Out of Here?

What Are You Going to Do When You Get Out of Here?

A complex landscape of improvised situations immersed in a perpetual network of mines under the Slovenian town of Trbovlje (Iztok Kovács' hometown and his main source of inspiration). The realistic imagery of this post-socialist city, which seems to still exist outside of time, has triggered the impulse of this introspective introspection by a team of renowned dancers and filmmakers. The physical tension and human flashes of seven bodies crashing into a deliberately chosen enclosed environment, surrounded by the unlit warmth and humidity of the underworld, inhabit and create the poetic mood of the film, echoing Tarkovsky and Beckett..

Where do you come from? What are you doing? Where are you going?

Where do you come from? What are you doing? Where are you going?

A dismissed chef and a failed rapper rob a car to flee from the city after having a very bad day. On their way, they meet a mentally unstable girl who thinks of herself as an angel. Later they find out that a gang is chasing after them, because of the car they robbed. The trio has different destinations in life but rides on the same journey. Will they reach their destinations? Three people, two days, one journey..

What Is Your Favorite Primitive

What Is Your Favorite Primitive

Li Yi-Fan’s What Is Your Favorite Primitive (2023) narrates “a death match” between the artist and their software while grappling with the production process. In a fight between social and ethical concerns, it also raises questions of image production and communication..

What's Left of You

What's Left of You

On his 18th birthday, wealthy but spoiled Ozgur(Ekin Koc) gets a surprise from his deceased grandfather's will. He has to leave his luxurious life in Istanbul and graduate from a public school in a small village on the Aegean coast. After falling for Elif(Neslihan Atagul), a secretive classmate, Ozgur begins to understand the importance of this tiny and seemingly trivial village.Adapted from the South Korean romantic drama, 'A Millionaire's First Love'..

Call It What You Want

Call It What You Want

The story of BL director, James, who has a secret on-set romance with one of his actors, Ait. The series will explore the darker side of the entertainment industry, and the pressure actors receive from talent agencies; revealing the corrupted BL industry that is indeed far from perfection..

Kushina, What Will You Be

Kushina, What Will You Be

Deep in the mountains, hidden in a forest, there is a village populated only by women who ran away from home to commit suicide in the area. It was founded by Onikuma, a strong-willed yet kind-hearted mother and village head-woman who fled from the city with her daughter, Kagu who was 14-years-old and pregnant with the titular Kushina..