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Venom: The Seventh Date of Hell

Venom: The Seventh Date of Hell

Blistering live performance by British black metal pioneers Venom captured at the Hammersmith Odeon in London in June of 1984. One of the most legendary shows in the history of metal featuring the classic line-up of Cronos (vocals/bass), Mantas (guitar) and Abaddon (drums). TRACKLIST: 01. Leave Me In Hell 02. Countess Bathory 03. Die Hard 04. 7 Gates Of Hell 05. Buried Alive 06. Don't Burn The Witch 07. In Nomine Satanus 08. Welcome To Hell 09. Warhead 10. Stand Up And Be Counted 11. Blood Lust.

Venom ER

Venom ER

Venom ER is a television program made by the BBC Wildvision department of the BBC Natural History Unit for Animal Planet. It follows doctors at the Loma Linda University Medical Center dealing with venomous bites from snakes..

Scorpion: Double Venom 2

Scorpion: Double Venom 2

Nami Matsushima has escaped from the prison to which she was sentenced in Scorpion, but is now obsessed with tracking down the--don't laugh--one-armed man who murdered her younger sister fifteen years ago. Nami is certainly no great action heroine, and the plot at times makes little sense, climaxing with a coincidence more ridiculous than any Shakespeare ever used. For complicated reasons, Nami uses her medical knowledge to break into a women's prison as staff physician. There, as in the previous movie, the convicts wind up naked awfully frequently..

Venomous Tongues

Venomous Tongues

Charles Raleigh is a cousin of Miss Clara Burton, and is secretly in love with her. She returns his affection in secret also. Time parses and George Conway makes love to Clara. She considers his proposal of marriage long and seriously and makes entry of it in her diary. About this time Charles is called to America to look after his mining interests. He arrives in time to find himself a pauper as the result of a terrific conflagration that has swept his property. He decides to make a new start, but finds the battle difficult..

White Venom

White Venom

The film tells the story of Jan Kański, an industrialist addicted to cocaine. Drawn into addiction because of a beautiful woman, he turns away from his family and friends. He owes his rescue from the final fall to his daughter, who is looking for her father..

Attack of the Venoms

Attack of the Venoms

This installment of the Kung Fu Theater collection presents a martial arts classic from the vaults of Hong Kong cinema, the Shaw Brothers-produced Attack of the Venoms (1983). With Chinese opera singers dropping like flies, investigators are scrambling to solve the mystery. Is the ancient curse of the Joy God to blame, or is it the work of a more earthly evil? Chiang Sheng, Lu Feng and Chin Tien Chi co-star..



Kamandag or Venom is a fantasy Philippine drama that aired on GMA Network from November 19, 2007 to April 25, 2008. Based from the graphic novel of Carlo J. Caparas, it starred Richard Gutierrez..

La Vengeance des infirmes

La Vengeance des infirmes

Dao Tian-du un riche et puissant maître de kung-fu, laisse exploser sa colère après que sa femme se soit fait tuer et son fils sectionner les deux avant-bras par les Trois Tigres de Tiannan. Il jure alors d’enseigner à son unique héritier sa redoutable technique du tigre et de lui faire fabriquer des membres en acier. Les années ont passé et le fils de Dao Tian-du, Dao Chang, est devenu un redoutable artiste martial, mais aussi un homme cruel et belliqueux. Chaque fois qu’un individu ose le contredire ou se dresser sur son chemin, il le punit en le rendant à son tour infirme… Ainsi, pour s’être interposés, le colporteur Chen se fait crever les yeux, le forgeron Wei est rendu sourd et muet, le commerçant Kuei cul-de-jatte et l’épéiste Wang fou. Dépités, ils se rendent chez le maître de Wang, Li Ching Ying et lui demandent de devenir leur professeur pour dépasser leurs handicaps et réclamer vengeance..

La Morsure

La Morsure

Clark et sa petite amie font route vers la Californie. Pour s'y rendre plus rapidement, ils décident de prendre un raccourci et traversent une portion de désert utilisée par le gouvernement pour des essais nucléaires. La région est infestée de serpents. Clark se fait mordre et commence à subir des mutations génétiques..