

voir film Superman streaming vf

The New Adventures of Superman

The New Adventures of Superman

The New Adventures of Superman is a series of six-minute animated Superman adventures produced by Filmation that were broadcast on CBS between 1966 and 1970. The 68 segments appeared as part of three different programs during that time, packaged with similar shorts featuring The Adventures of Superboy and other DC Comics superheroes..

Superman Super Villains: Brainiac

Superman Super Villains: Brainiac

L'homme d'acier a de nombreux ennemis redoutables, mais aucun n'est plus froid ou calculateur que Brainiac! Android incessant d'un autre monde, Brainiac avance avec un seul objectif: dévorer les connaissances de planètes entières et les éradiquer..

Waiting for

Waiting for "Superman"

Documentaire sur l'état catastrophique du système éducatif américain.Davis Guggenheim part à la rencontre des élèves et de leurs parents, mais aussi des professeurs et membres de ce système qui essayent, jour après jour, de l'améliorer..

Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend

Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend

When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles acquire Mutastones from Crys-Mu, the spirit of light, they acquire the ability to enhance themselves into Super Turtles for a duration of three minutes. Meanwhile, the evil Shredder and his minions Bebop and Rocksteady stumble upon the Dark Mutastone, which transforms them into Devil Shredder, Supermutant Bebop and Supermutant Rocksteady, respectively. But the Turtles have one more trick up their shells: all four of them can combine into their ultimate form—Turtle Saint..

You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman

You Will Believe: The Cinematic Saga of Superman

A 5-part documentary of the history of Superman in the movies. • Origin - Superman in the media and the challenges the Salkinds faced • Vision - Creating the right script, Choosing the right director and casting the right actors • Ascent - The production and launch of a new kind of fantasy film • Crisis - Complications and conflicts between the creative forces behind Superman II • Redemption - Criticisms and burnout of Superman III and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

Luck l'Intrépide

Luck l'Intrépide

Sur la planète Toa, vit un étrange berger aux cheveux verts, Luke. Bien qu'il ait l'aspect d'un adolescent, Luke est en réalité un ESPer, un être doté de puissants pouvoirs psychiques et qui a la capacité de modifier son apparence tout en restant éternellement jeune. Le colonel Ryu Yamaki , chef des services secrets de l'Armée Fédérale, est convaincu que Luke doit se servir de ses pouvoirs pour prendre part à la guerre qui oppose les humains à Lady Cahn....

The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure

The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure

The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure is a Filmation animated series that aired on CBS from 1967 to 1968. Premiering on September 9, 1967, this 60-minute program included a series of six-minute adventures featuring various DC Comics superheroes..

Locke the Superman: New World Command

Locke the Superman: New World Command

Azalea has been residing on the Colony-Planet of Dinahl, and she can't recall anything about herself until she hears a voice calling her name. Then there is another voice summoning her to go to a park on top of a skyscraper. Once she arrives there, she meets up with other people who also have no recollection of who they are or what they were doing before arriving at this destination as instructed by the voice. All the people assembled there possess superhuman powers, such as Eno's psychic power, Umoth's x-ray vision, Neia's teleportation powers, Azalea's telepathy, and Locke's electrical wizardry. Who has summoned them, and what will the five super-psychics confront?.

St. Louis Superman

St. Louis Superman

Bruce Franks Jr. is a 34-year-old battle rapper, Ferguson activist and state representative from St. Louis, Missouri. Known as Superman to his constituents, he is a political figure the likes of which you've never seen - full of contradictions and deep insights, who has overcome unspeakable loss to become one of the most exciting and unapologetic young leaders in the country. This short verité documentary follows Bruce at a critical juncture in his life, when he is forced to deal with the mental trauma he's been carrying for the nearly 30 years since his 9-year-old brother was shot and killed in front of him, in order to find peace and truly fulfill his destiny as a leader for his community..