

voir film Punks streaming vf

Deux voyous

Deux voyous

Centering on a young drifter almost casually drawn into violence--a crime drama about a boy and a man equally ill-equipped for criminal life and straight society. Neither wants to be a Yakuza, but normal life presents problems..

3 punks

3 punks

Junior, Nas et Marvin habitent le quartier pittoresque de l’Estaque à Marseille. Ils ont pris le virage de l’adolescence à toute allure et sans compromis. Aujourd’hui est un grand jour, ils vont se raser une crête, l’ultime transformation avant de devenir totalement punks. L’objectif va être de partir à Londres pour participer à un festival de musique punk,mais rien ne va se passer comme prévu..

Farewell, punks of Zamoskvorechye...

Farewell, punks of Zamoskvorechye...

Moscow outskirts, spring 1956. In memory and soul of the sixteen-year-old hero of the movie, the son of the political prisoner, this time will remain forever. He meets and loses his first love, encounters with blunt brutality of the criminal world, to bid farewell to childhood, to regain his father....

The Punks of Pol Pot County

The Punks of Pol Pot County

A documentary of the legendary band of the eighties called CPg (Come on Punk group). CPg was one of the first Hungarian punk (not skinhead) groups. In the eyes of the political leadership, they were the most reactionary and the rudest. Their songs sounded like a naive, somewhat anarchistic social criticism but were never racists. They were sentenced to two years in prison..

Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space

Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space

Tamala is a cat living on Planet Cat Earth in the Feline Galaxy. In attempt to leave the Feline Galaxy, which is practically owned by a mega corporation called Catty & Co., she crashes on the violence-ridden Planet Q where she meets Michelangelo. Together they have fun, while Tamala seaches for her connections to Catty & Co. and her mysterious homeworld Orion.

Mopped Muggers (a punk band called)

Mopped Muggers (a punk band called)

Motochorros is a punk band from Mendoza that is recording their second album. They travel to play in Buenos Aires. Supported by the criminal imagery of their flyers and lyrics, they display their furious punk rock live while singing the best pop hits on their travels..

Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer

Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer

In the winter of 2011, after a controversial election, Vladimir Putin was reinstalled as president of Russia. In response, hundreds of thousands of citizens rose up all over the country to challenge the legitimacy of Putin’s rule. Among them were a group of young, radical-feminist punk rockers, better known as Pussy Riot. Wearing colored balaclavas, tights, and summer dresses, they entered Moscow’s most venerated cathedral and dared to sing “Mother Mary, Banish Putin!” Now they have become victims of a “show” trial..

Punk Samurai Slash Down

Punk Samurai Slash Down

Junoshin Kake is a ronin. To get hired by the Kurokaze Han, he lies and tells them that a religious group is trying to destroy them. He gets hired by the Kurokaze Han, but they learn that Junoshin Kake lied. Junoshin Kake is given the death sentence and he must think of an escape plan..

Geats Extra: Kamen Rider PunkJack

Geats Extra: Kamen Rider PunkJack

Geats Extra: Kamen Rider PunkJack is an upcoming TTFC exclusive web special set within the continuity of Kamen Rider Geats. The special explores the origins of the Desire Grand Prix and how Win Hareruya became a member of their staff as Kamen Rider PunkJack..