

voir film It Follows streaming vf

The Follower

The Follower

A team of South Australian filmmakers sought to tell the story of the Ashman family, a missing persons case that was never solved, and the answer found them..

Suivez-moi jeune homme

Suivez-moi jeune homme

Le riche armateur Aristide Oranos courtise assidûment Mlle Françoise, première vendeuse d'une bijouterie de la rue de la Paix. Mais la jeune fille semble indifférente à ses arguments financiers, aussi Aristide ne voit qu'une explication : il doit y avoir un rival ! Il charge donc une agence de renseignements de faire une enquête..

Follow the Light

Follow the Light

In a fading village in the Japanese countryside, the school is about to be closed, which weighs heavily on the students. Freshly arrived from Tokyo with his father after an acrimonious divorce, the shy Akira escapes into drawing and agrees to participate in a mural project to mark the end of the institution..

Follow the Shadows

Follow the Shadows

The young Carabiniere Gatta is sent to barracks in the Naples area. It's 1946 and the war is still hanging in the air even if the small community doesn't seem to have been affected that much by it. Even so, certain suspicions take root in the brigadier's mind. The hotel in the town was the setting for unexplained deaths and crimes that had been covered up. Gatta decides to investigate. Fragments begin to emerge, killers and their victims take shape and speak to each other from different times. There's the hotel owner, a grief-striken mother, a weak son and long-suffering sister, an orphan and two woman who were violently killed. Pain, indifference and shame cast a shadow over everything..

Is It OK If We Follow You Home?

Is It OK If We Follow You Home?

In Tokyo, after midnight, many people wander around without destinations. Some were partying, some were working late, and some were just too drunk to catch the train on time. What happens if a camera crew suddenly asks them to let a camera follow them home in exchange of paying the taxi fare? There is no time for preparation for the interviewee. The camera documents their house just as it is. Some starts to talk about their previous dream by showing photo albums. Some start to confess their gratefulness towards their wife in the middle of the night. Why not discover how people react when a TV crew suddenly visits their home after midnight..

FOLLOWMi World Tour Live

FOLLOWMi World Tour Live

In July 2019, Sammi Cheng launched the concert #FOLLOWMi, her first live tour in three years and tenth ever at the Hong Kong Coliseum. The diva finished 13 shows in less than a month. Apart from her classic hits and concert regulars, Sammi performed her chart-topping concert theme song "We Grew This Way" for the first time and sang duets with various artists, including "A Tacit Agreement" with Louis Koo, Power of Love and "The Last One" with Tie Shu Lan, Creo en Mi with Jackson Wang, and "Love Comes To Those Who Believe It" with rapper SHIMICA..

Abbado: The Silence that Follows the Music

Abbado: The Silence that Follows the Music

Shot over a two-year period observing Abbado: a) Rossini, Overture to 'll Barbiere di Siviglia' b) Schubert, Symphony no. 2 B-Major, D. 125 c) Arnold Schonberg, Kammersinfonie no. 1 E-Major op. 9 (Filmed in Venice, Gran Teatro La Fenice, in February 1995, Chamber Orchestra of Europe). a) Richard Strauss, Elektra (Deborah Polaski, Karita Mattila, Marjana Lipovsek, Ferrucio Furlanetto) b) Beethoven, Symphony no 6 F-Major, op. 68, 'Pastorale' (Filmed in the Festspielhaus Salzburg on the occasion of the Easter Festival, April 1995, Berlin Philharmonic). a) Beethoven, Concerto for piano and orchestra no. 3 C-MINOR, OP. 37 (Maria Joao Pires) b) Bruckner, Symphony no. 9 D-Minor (Filmed in Paris, Cite de la Musique, in August 1995, Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra)..

I Follow You

I Follow You

Anna bumps into Jesper on the morning train. She’s never seen him before, but it turns out he knows everything about her. A short film about social media and surveillance in postmodern society..

Qui m'aime me suive

Qui m'aime me suive

A 35 ans, Maxime Maréchal, un brillant médecin, mène une existence rangée entre sa femme avocate, ses amis admiratifs et sa famille satisfaite. Une existence moelleuse au point de se perdre dans les plis de l'oreiller. Jusqu'au jour où il rencontre Chine, une chanteuse qui va provoquer l'électrochoc tant redouté par ses proches. Max décide de balancer sa carrière pour remonter un groupe de rock, renouant ainsi avec son rêve de jeunesse. Il entraîne alors tout son entourage dans sa course effrénée et, par son choix, va chambouler l'existence des uns et des autres..



David, a young novel writer, must deal with the mysterious disappearance of his brother Isaac, who was suffering from psychotic attacks, tormented by the belief that something or someone was stalking him. Days after the disappearance David finds Isaac's diaries and when reading them he begins to question if what his brother said could be true at the same time that he begins to suffer hallucinations which will take him to the psychological limit..

Follow Me to Hell

Follow Me to Hell

The happiness of Lita and her husband, Rama, do not last long because Lita is often terrorized by creepy female creatures. Rama brings Mr. Adam to clean their house from the ghost disturbance. Mr. Adam explaines that this terror does not come from the house but from inside Lita herself. Mr. Adam gives a hint that the answer is in Lita's past, by asking for an explanation from Sari, the mother she left behind. Sari is admitted to a mental hospital..