

voir film In the Garden streaming vf

In The Night Garden... Isn't That a Pip!

In The Night Garden... Isn't That a Pip!

Collection of episodes of the CBeebies pre-school series narrated by Derek Jacobi, which takes children on an imaginative journey through the night garden, encountering its funny and lovable residents including Upsy Daisy, Igglepiggle, Makka Pakka, the Tombliboos, the Pontipines and the Haahoos. Episodes comprise: 'The Pontipine Children On the Roof', 'Looking for Each Other', 'Slow Down Everybody!', 'Igglepiggle Goes Visiting', 'Where Is the Pinky Ponk going?'.

A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden

A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden

A Jumpin' Night in the Garden of Eden was the first film to document the klezmer revival, tracing the efforts of two founding groups, Kapelye and Boston's Klezmer Conservatory Band, to recover the lost history of klezmer music. For nearly a millennium, this vigorous and soulful music was part of the celebration of Jewish life in Eastern Europe. In the early decades of this century, the music took root in America. Klezmer musicians learned hundreds of tunes by ear and their ears were open to Gypsy, Ukrainian and Greek melodies of the old world, as well as to the new sounds of American jazz. Music born in Eastern Europe lived on in the imaginations of composers for New York's Yiddish theater, men whose tunes entered the mainstream through such unlikely adapters as the Andrew Sisters. Eventually Klezmer went underground as its audience assimilated into mainstream American culture..

MA: Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoan-ji

MA: Space/Time in the Garden of Ryoan-ji

The early sixteenth-century Japanese garden in the Zen temple of Ryoan-ji, in Kyoto, is considered a masterpiece of the karesansui or "dry landscape" style... In this film, the viewer is invited to experience the garden as an embodiment of ma, a Japanese concept that conveys both time and space... The aesthetic of the film is the message, it has the quality of an experimental film, a conceptual film-an artwork in itself. Good balance of music/visuals/titles. If not as compelling for some viewers as for others, still rated as very effective. Makes one want to visit the actual garden and experience its spiritual energy. – Art on Screen.

Out in the Garden

Out in the Garden

A film about the dynamic of assumptions as seen through the struggle of a gay man who has recently been told that he is HIV positive and who, in his own way, tries to come to terms with the news. The film eschews the usual talking head and focuses on the peculiar occasion for examining anew as brought on by disconnectedness. In the process,questions of identity, one's sense of reality, the day to day and social tyrannies end up implicating the viewer intimately as well. -VG..

The Garden of Sinners, film 2 : Enquête criminelle 1.0

The Garden of Sinners, film 2 : Enquête criminelle 1.0

Une série de meurtres mystérieux. Toutes les victimes ont été sauvagement assassinées, tous les corps sont mutilés, tous les crimes semblent être commis par un étudiant. L'oncle de Kokutou est en charge de l'enquête, mais au fur et à mesure de son investigation, il découvre que son neveu est plus proche du meurtrier qu'il n'y parait..

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden: The Summer of 1996 Continues

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden: The Summer of 1996 Continues

After a glorious beginning, the Sarah and Gwen romance has gone cold. Between having to hide her sexuality from her mom and deciding what to do with her girlfriend while she's away at college, Sarah's been stressed out and it's put a toll her relationship. While Gwen tries to spend time with Sarah, she just acts cagey and distant. So Gwen takes matters into her own hands. She teems up with her best friend Ryan to test their girlfriends' trust and patience with a jealous-inducing prank..

Sibelius - Violin Concerto / De Falla - Nights in the Gardens of Spain

Sibelius - Violin Concerto / De Falla - Nights in the Gardens of Spain

Sibelius's solitary concerto is one of the most passionate tests for the violin virtuoso, one to which Maxim Vengerov is more than equal. He captures the work's passion and its occasional quirky patches of the spookily sublime. His performances of the "Sarabande" from the Bach Second Partita and the "Ballade" from Ysaye's Third Sonata are admirable encores demonstrating his range and his elegant control. Daniel Barenboim's piano performance of the de Falla Nights in the Gardens of Spain is equally virtuosic, bringing out the work's structure as well as its local color. Placido Domingo's conducting is solid and serviceable. Barenboim ends the concert with three de Falla orchestral showstoppers--the "Farruca" from The Three-Cornered Hat and the "Magic Circle" and "Ritual Fire Dance" from Love the Magician. The Chicago Symphony perform throughout with their usual vigor and fine orchestral color, but are particularly remarkable in these three encores.

The Garden of Sinners, film 7 : Enquête criminelle 2.0

The Garden of Sinners, film 7 : Enquête criminelle 2.0

Découvrez le chapitre final de cette série de long métrages nous plongeant dans un univers fantastique teinté de malédictions japonaises et bénéficiant d’une réalisation digne des meilleurs Thrillers. Le cauchemar se répète ; une série de meurtres sanglants secoue à nouveau la ville. La police est en possession de deux indices : des traces de drogue et un mystérieux inconnu habillé d’un kimono aperçu non loin des scènes de crime. Kokutô craint que Shiki ne soit la responsable et décide de mener sa propre enquête. Mais Shiki demeure introuvable : est-elle à la recherche de réponses sur son passé ou bien d’une potentielle victime ?.

Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden

Treloar and Miss Marshall, Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show in Madison Square Garden

Opens with a woman posing on a pedestal, dressed in a white body leotard with a sash tied at her hips. Marshall continues with various feminine poses, reminiscent of classic Greek statuary, to accentuate her figure. Film cuts to Treloar posed on the bare stage without a pedestal. He wears brief leopard-skin trunks or short tunic, wrist bands, and Roman-looking laced sandals. His poses accentuate the muscular development of his upper body, particularly that of his arms, and include movements that make the muscles jump. Treloar finishes with a slight nod to the camera..

La Mort en ce jardin

La Mort en ce jardin

Dans un village reculé de la jungle amazonienne, un groupe de prospecteurs de diamants en colère se révolte lorsque le gouvernement local entreprend une répression violente..

Slocum et moi

Slocum et moi

Début des années 50, sur les bords de Marne, François, un jeune garçon de 11 ans, découvre avec intérêt que ses parents entament, dans le petit jardin familial, la construction d'un bateau, réplique du voilier du célèbre marin Joshua Slocum. Au long des années, dans une France d'après-guerre, le jeune François va voguer de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte. Au fil de la construction du bateau, tout en portant un regard tendre et poétique sur sa mère et son père, le jeune garçon entamera sa propre aventure, celle qui le mènera sur le chemin de ses passions, la mer et le dessin..

Amour et Mort dans le jardin des dieux

Amour et Mort dans le jardin des dieux

Abandonnés depuis leur tendre enfance (leur père est mort en Afrique et leur mère ne s’est jamais occupée d’eux), Manfredi et sa sœur Azzura ne se sont jamais quittés. Il s’est même tissé entre eux un lien presque incestueux… Mais les enfants grandissent et un jour, Azzura tombe amoureuse de Timothy, un pianiste célèbre et l’épouse. Manfredi vit assez mal cette séparation et se lance à corps perdu dans une relation avec Viola. Par hasard, le mari d'Azzura apprend qu’en réalité Manfredi n’est pas le frère de sa femme, qu’il est simple fils de paysans et qu’il a en fait remplacé à sa naissance l’héritier mort-né....

Démons dans le jardin

Démons dans le jardin

Dans un village de l'Espagne franquiste de l'apres-guerre, un enfant est témoin d'un vol dans la caisse de l'épicerie "le Jardin" de sa grand-mère. A la suite de ce fâcheux incident, il est amené a prendre une décision importante: sauver sa mere ou dénoncer sa tante Anna. Deuxième film de Manuel Gutierrez Aragon a être distribue en France apres "l'Autre Moitié du ciel"..