

voir film Fugue streaming vf

Une Fugue

Une Fugue

A summer night, in a red house with blue shutters bordered by the forest. We hear the river flowing from the room where Sister, four years old, wakes Brother, ten years old. Because she has decided: tonight they will go swimming. Through the open window, the two children slip into the darkness. They slip between flowers, brambles, trees... And finally it is the water, the reflection of the stars, their two bodies at rest. But in the distance the storm is rumbling. It is already necessary to return. Brother and Sister go hand in hand. Suddenly, Brother disappears. Sister chases him, runs out of breath, spins around, despairs. Is it a game of hide-and-seek? A trick of the forest? Or is it her memory which, years later, plays a cruel trick on her ?.

Sonatina and Fugue

Sonatina and Fugue

Images of city and landscape moving with a romantic piano sonatina by Ferruccio Busoni (1866-1924), then classic keyboard figures by Johann S. Bach. Images and music, "in" the same time-space, sometimes join and affect each other, then pursue their own independent course again..



A short documentary and promotional video for the "Color Fugue” event held by Sanyebu on August 7, 2022. filmed in Shanghai, China. This film is the Part 3 of "Endless Trilogy".



Margot, âgée de 40 ans, décide de fuir le domicile familial le jour des 18 ans de sa fille, fatiguée de ne donner qu'aux autres sans jamais penser à elle. Au bord d'une nationale avec ses valises, elle va faire la rencontre de Claude, 80 ans, qui, elle aussi, a fugué, mais de sa maison de retraite des Glaïeuls, où son fils l'a placée plus ou moins pour s'en débarrasser. D'une rencontre houleuse entre deux femmes de générations différentes mais poursuivant le même but, fuir un enfer pour trouver un idéal, va naître une amitié sincère et semée d'embûches..

Nutrition Fugue

Nutrition Fugue

"Közért" (translation: "for the public") was a government owned chain of stores in Hungary, during the communist era (1948-1989). The word Közért is still used in the Hungarian language. Our film was made from the 35 mm celluloid raw footage of its advertisement: the film strips were digged in the soil, rotten with food and cut up in pieces..

Family Fugue

Family Fugue

A film about how we are haunted by, and in turn haunt our ancestors, and a family who cannot agree on how to tell their own story. A chase in three movements in pursuit of a white snake, a red duchess and a golden boy, spanning eight centuries and starting in a cave..

Prometheus Triumphant: A Fugue in the Key of Flesh

Prometheus Triumphant: A Fugue in the Key of Flesh

Europe, the late 19th Century: Janick is a brilliant but ultimately doomed young doctor in a remote town under the black cloud of a great Plague. His radical theories about life and death make him an outcast, driving him from his position at the medical college and from his beloved Esmeralda, into exile. Soon after Janick disappears Esmeralda becomes sick, and without his help, shortly dies. Enter a mysterious masked figure who exhumes her newly deceased body, takes her back to his remote lair and begins performing experiments upon it. Waking to find herself given a new life, Esmeralda slowly begins to re-learn the simple acts of life: eating, walking, dancing... all under the watchful tutelage of her mysterious savior. As awareness slowly creeps back into her psyche, she begins to wonder what his true motivations are..

The Fugue

The Fugue

Nora Dunn is a struggling artist desperately trying to recover from a childhood trauma, but her life is turn upside down when she is haunted by the vision of a long dead childhood friend. Is the spirit a hallucination or a foreshadowing of something worse to come? It is up to Dan Tsang, a young police detective to solve the mystery and save Nora before it is too late!.

Fugue Nefesh

Fugue Nefesh

A survivor of the Holocaust and an impoverished aboriginal boy have just died. United in their displacement, they become caught up in the flux of transmigration. A nomadic fugue, they wander timelessly among the naked souls of Winnipeg's desolate North End..

La seconde fugue d'Arthur Rimbaud

La seconde fugue d'Arthur Rimbaud

C’est d’abord la marotte d’un étudiant marseillais sortant de l’INSAS qui ne connaissait de la Belgique que ce qu’en avait écrit Rimbaud. Et qui caressa peu à peu le projet de refaire le trajet de sa seconde fugue (1870), de Charleville-Mézières jusqu’à Charleroi. En 2006, la fermeture des ateliers Thomé-Génot à Nouzonville vient ajouter un épisode à la série des pillages d’industries à laquelle semble abonnée la vallée de la Meuse, et rappelle au cinéaste que ce qui se passe là fait suite à ce qu’il est en train de filmer ailleurs : la destruction systématique des restes du monde ouvrier pour son pur et simple recyclage financier, la gentrification des villes, des espaces, des imaginaires. Une situation qui résonne avec l’un des poèmes écrits par Rimbaud au moment de son trajet, à l’aube de l’ère industrielle..

Jeux arborescents

Jeux arborescents

The relationships between the stained glass rosettes and the floral forms, between the architectural geometry and that, random, of the branches of trees form a dazzling catalog of plastic obsessions of an era..

Bach: 48 Preludes and Fugues: The Well Tempered Clavier

Bach: 48 Preludes and Fugues: The Well Tempered Clavier

Some 250 years after the death of Johann Sebastian Bach, four noted classical pianists tackle the composer's "The Well-Tempered Clavier," a collection of keyboard pieces often referred to as the "Old Testament of piano literature." The program features soloists Nikolai Demidenko, Andrei Gavrilov, Joanna MacGregor and Angela Hewitt performing in Venice, Italy; Barcelona, Spain; Oxford, England; and Bach's birthplace of Eisenach, Germany..

Le Chant des Fugueurs

Le Chant des Fugueurs

Yuiko et Rudolph, deux artistes ambulants, viennent interpréter, Métatron et La Colombe Bleue auprès des enfants. Mais Rudolph n’arrive plus à quitter le clown qu’il a créé. Il disparaît, laissant Yuiko, seule, le cœur brisé. Ici, où le soleil brille et s’éteint, la folie, l’enfance… Ici, où la mer se retire, un autre monde se dessine….



Notre fugueur, c’est Jo, un garçon de 13 ans né de père inconnu et dont la mère est morte à sa naissance. Il fugue à la recherche d’un père qui ne connaît même pas son existence.Ses périples vont l’amener à retrouver sa trace, à découvrir qu’il est mort lui aussi. De ses mésaventures, Jo connaîtra de solides ennuis avec la justice mais aussi des amitiés sincères auprès de ceux que le hasard lui a fait croiser..

Birdbeat (Fugue)

Birdbeat (Fugue)

Birds of many feathers peck and flap in synchronization, their prosaic behaviour transformed into music and visual rhythms that together add up to one interesting movie..