

The Storm voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Storm Chasers: Revenge of the Twister

Storm Chasers: Revenge of the Twister

Jamie Marshall (Kelly McGillis) is a "storm chaser" who, having lost her husband in a crash after his plane was struck by lightning, recklessly throws herself into her work. Sent by her boss to Colorado to investigate the cause of a devastating tornado, she meets Will Stanton (Wolf Larson), Field Coordinator for FEMA. One night, while working closely together examining the wreckage of the recent storm, Jamie and Will experience a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon - a ball of lightning falling from the sky connecting with the ground all around them. As Will tries to shield Jamie from the lightning, the two embrace and find themselves in a passionate kiss. The next day Jamie and Will return to the location. What they discover is a facility where waste from scientific experimentation is affecting the atmosphere causing the tornadoes. Armed with the new information and seven new tornadoes on the horizon, Jamie and Will prepare the already tornado ravaged town for another possible disaster!.

The Dust Storm

The Dust Storm

On a business trip to Nashville, Brennan finds himself reunited with the "Girl" who had previously broken his heart. Now, for one weekend in the city's music scene, a past and present romance will be reborn and challenged..

Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm

Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm

Two news broadcasters, through investigation, find that they were left behind after the biblical rapture. Bronson Pearl and Helen Hannah are two news broadcasters who are covering the impending war in Israel. Yet, suddenly millions of people disappear, then a new leader performs an incredible miracle. These are astounding media events. Helen soon comes to the realization that these times are fulfilling biblical prophesy... and she was left behind..

Le courage d'une mère

Le courage d'une mère

Alors que La Nouvelle-Orléans est menacée par un ouragan, trois criminels violents s'évadent de prison. Leur plan pour quitter la ville est mis à mal par la tempête et les inondations. Les trois hommes trouvent alors refuge dans une maison isolée, habitée par Cassie Broadbeck et ses deux filles. Cassie vient de quitter Wayne, son mari, et s'apprête à déménager à Chicago. Piégée dans sa maison par l'ouragan et les intrus, la jeune femme tente de protéger ses enfants. De son côté, Wayne, qui est à la tête des pompiers de la ville, s'inquiète pour sa famille....

Out of the Storm

Out of the Storm

Donald Lewis is a low-paid clerk in a high-profile shipbuilding firm. When the company is robbed in broad daylight, Lewis gathers up $100,000 on his own and skeedaddles, figuring that the lost funds will be attributed to the holdup. Before his girlfriend Ginny can persuade him to go straight, the hapless Lewis finds himself hotly pursued by cops and crooks alike..

The Storms of Jeremy Thomas

The Storms of Jeremy Thomas

Joining Oscar-winning producer Jeremy Thomas on his annual pilgrimage to the Cannes Film Festival, filmmaker Mark Cousins gives an intimate glimpse into the life of the legendary icon behind some of the most controversial and acclaimed films of all time..

Stormy, the Thoroughbred

Stormy, the Thoroughbred

It is the story of how a scrawny young colt grows up to be a highly-prized polo pony, and the cast includes Texan Cecil Smith who, for many years, was the highest rated Polo Player in the world. The story begins on the stormy night the colt was born on a horse farm in Kentucky, seven months after the farm's intended crop of yearlings. He is far behind the other colts and is regarded as a misfit. The other colts are sold off into the racing world, but the under-age and scrawny Stormy (real name Woodie D)is sent off to work on a California ranch. There, he is spotted for the thoroughbred he is and trained as a Polo pony, and comes through with flying colors..

Tess of the Storm Country

Tess of the Storm Country

Wealthy Elias Graves builds his home on the top of a hill, where a group of squatters have taken up residence at the bottom. Many of the men in the squatters' village have their eyes on young Tess, and one of them, Ben Letts, frames Tess's father for murder. While maintaining her father's innocence, Tess must keep her love for Graves' son a secret, while caring for Elias' daughter's illegitamate child..

Au nom du père

Au nom du père

De nos jours, le destin d’une famille de pasteurs de l’Église nationale du Danemark et le parcours croisé de deux frères, chacun cherchant sa voie, entre éveil à la foi et perdition..

Riders in the Storm

Riders in the Storm

Billy Van is a dangerous and perfidious outlaw who kidnapped a wealthy woman and the wife of Hamilton Monroe for ransom. However, Hamilton, makes an offer to free Billy's partner Jesson from prison. But it was Billy Van who double-crossed Jesson and put him in the prison. Now it's up to Jesson to find Billy and bring the kidnapped Maria back to get his freedom. Jesson teams up with a professional guide Sandy, Dirty Bob and a sharpshooter Little Swede, to find Billy, and goes on to achieve double purpose goal..

Dancing with the Storms

Dancing with the Storms

Les chasseurs de tempêtes sont des personnes qui interceptent et documentent avec passion les phénomènes météorologiques sauvages tels que les fronts d'orage, les tempêtes ou les tornades. Il n'est pas rare que ces hommes et ces femmes prennent certains risques s'ils veulent vivre de près les forces débridées de la nature. En Suisse, il y a aussi depuis une dizaine d'années un petit groupe de chasseurs d'orages qui, au milieu de l'été, parcourent le pays et au-delà presque tous les jours à la recherche de violents orages d'été et de tornades. Ils documentent et filment leurs expériences..