

The Palace sokroflix gratuit

Platinum Party at the Palace

Platinum Party at the Palace

Le troisième jour des célébrations du jubilé se poursuit avec le concert au palais de Buckingham avec la présence de stars mondiales et d'artistes du monde de la musique et de la danse pour célébrer les 70 ans du règne de SM la Reine. À la tombée de la nuit, de superbes projections illuminent le palais..

La Vie de Palace de Zack et Cody

La Vie de Palace de Zack et Cody

Des frères jumeaux, Zack et Cody Martin, âgés de 12 ans, viennent vivre dans un palace de Boston appelé Le Tipton, dans lequel leur mère, Carey, travaille comme chanteuse. Les 2 jeunes garçons font connaissance avec les habitants et les employés..

The Enchanted Palace

The Enchanted Palace

To save his protegé from a fatal destiny, a magician has imprisoned knights and ladies in an enchanted labyrinthine palace and mystifies them to the point of delirium. Luigi Rossi's first opera - boasting sixteen soloists, double and triple choirs for 6 and 12 voices, numerous ballets - marked the last surge of Roman opera before the Eternal City forsook it for a long time. For the Argentine conductor Leonardo García Alarcón, who rediscovered the opera in the Vatican Library neglected for 380 years, Il palazzo incantato is ‘the missing link in the history of opera and the metaphor of our lives'. ‘Leonardo Garcia Alarcon was known as a magician, now he has become a conjurer.’ (Le Monde).

Luxury Trains of the World: The Palace on Wheels

Luxury Trains of the World: The Palace on Wheels

Tour Rajasthan, India's largest state, with this program that takes you on a seven-day journey aboard the Palace on Wheels, one of the most elegant trains in the world. Starting in New Delhi, the trip continues through India's countryside. Stops include the pink city of Jaipur, Udaipur, Rattan Bur National Park and the Taj Mahal. Named after former Rajput states, the cars are furnished sumptuously in the style of the regions they represent..

In the Palace

In the Palace

When the elderly burlesque dancer Elvira wishes to see her deceased husband Jean one last time, it is the devil who comes to pick her up..

In the Palace

In the Palace

In the Palace is the first film in a trilogy followed by Birds (2001) and Closeup Gallery (2003). It constituted Daria Martin’s MFA thesis at University of California, Los Angeles and was shot with a 16mm camera and released in an edition of four. Tate’s copy is the fourth in the edition. The film is set in a scaled up twenty-five foot (7620 mm) high version of the sculpture The Palace at 4 A.M. 1932 (Museum of Modern Art, New York) by Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti, from which it takes its title..

The Neon Palace

The Neon Palace

A product of its time, this quasi-documentary film is about the emptiness of modern culture. A blizzard of 1950s and 1960s archival material -- such as television commercials, news broadcasts and comic book pages -- is presented as a way of illustrating the pretensions of what the filmmakers feel was a decadent era. A chronicle of the many and fleeting mid-20th-century American fads and trends is juxtaposed against society's attitude toward the different and unusual..

The Splinter Palace

The Splinter Palace

A reclusive woman sees a homeless man drawing with chalk on the sidewalk. She takes pity and invites him in, only to realize he can't stop painting pictures. That was many years ago..

The Movie Palaces

The Movie Palaces

A documentary about the great American movie palaces of the 1920s and 1930s. Filmed on location at some of the extraordinary theaters across the country, the program explores the diverse and priceless architecture of such greats as the Atlanta Fox, the Wiltern in Los Angeles, San Antonio's Majestic, Seattle's Fifth Avenue and, perhaps the most famous, Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Also included are stills and vintage clips of classic movies and newsreels of the era that illustrate the historical evolution and mass appeal of the movie palaces. Picture palace organist Gaylord Carter performs a variety of movie accompaniments..

The Mammal Palace

The Mammal Palace

The movie takes a rather negative look at things despite the fact that it was shot in reversal film. It depicts the turbulent relationships of disturbed individuals existing on various levels of an apartment house. Donna Kerness and her husband Hopeton Morris are lurid together and they are also pretty lurid when they're alone..

As the Palaces Burn

As the Palaces Burn

As the Palaces Burn is a feature-length documentary that originally sought to follow Lamb of God and their fans throughout the world, to demonstrate how music ties us together when we can’t find any other common bond. However, during the filming process in 2012, the story abruptly took a dramatic turn when lead singer Randy Blythe was arrested on charges of manslaughter and blamed for the death of one of their young fans in the Czech Republic. What followed was a heart-wrenching courtroom drama that left fans, friends, and curious onlookers around the world on the edge of their seats..

The Land of Many Palaces

The Land of Many Palaces

In Ordos, China, thousands of farmers are being relocated into a new city under a government plan to modernize the region. "The Land of Many Palaces" follows a government official whose job is to convince these farmers that their lives will be better off in the city, and a farmer in one of the last remaining villages in the region who is pressured to move. The film explores a process that will take shape on an enormous scale across China, since the central government announced plans to relocate 250,000,000 farmers to cities across the nation, over the next 20 years..

L'Incroyable Histoire du facteur Cheval

L'Incroyable Histoire du facteur Cheval

Fin XIXème, Joseph Ferdinand Cheval, est un simple facteur qui parcourt chaque jour la Drôme, de village en village. Solitaire, il est bouleversé quand il rencontre la femme de sa vie, Philomène. De leur union naît Alice. Pour cette enfant qu’il aime plus que tout, Cheval se jette alors dans un pari fou : lui construire de ses propres mains, un incroyable palais. Jamais épargné par les épreuves de la vie, cet homme ordinaire n’abandonnera pas et consacrera 33 ans à bâtir une œuvre extraordinaire : « Le Palais idéal », premier monument d’art naïf..

Tales from the Palaces

Tales from the Palaces

Tales from the Palaces is a British television documentary series following the conservation teams inside Britain's Historic Royal Palaces: Hampton Court, The Tower of London, Kensington Palace, The Banqueting House and Kew Palace. It is produced by BBC and has been shown worldwide including in Australia on the SBS network. The ten-part series was filmed over a year and was shown on BBC Two in 2006..



Palace, also known as Gong, Gong Suo Xin Yu, and Palace: The Locked Heart Jade, is a Chinese television series produced by Yu Zheng. The series was directed by Lee Wai-chu and starred cast members from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The series was first broadcast on Hunan TV in China in 2011. It is later followed by Palace 2..