

The Originals film en francais

L'histoire non coupée de l'origine de Mewtwo

L'histoire non coupée de l'origine de Mewtwo

The devious leader of Team Rocket Organization, Giovanni, has a fervent ambition to take control of the Pokémon world through both financial and military means. To achieve his military needs, he covets a Pokémon stronger and more adept than any other, a veritable living war weapon, so he enlists a scientist named Doctor Fuji to create this being from the DNA of the ancestor of all Pokémon and most powerful of Pokémon, Mew, which Fuji had found on a previous jungle expedition. Fuji accepts, for he is heavily into the prospect of cloning to create and restore life itself, because of his love for his deceased daughter, Amber..

Wekufe: The Origin of Evil

Wekufe: The Origin of Evil

A student travels with her boyfriend to Chiloé, remote Patagonia island in southern Chile, to investigate the link that exists between the high number of sexual related crimes and the myths 'n' legends that surround this mysterious place..

Taming The Younger Sister-in-Law Origin

Taming The Younger Sister-in-Law Origin

Min-sang and Yoo-ra is already married for two years. Min-sang lives with his wife Yoo-ra and her sister Yoo-mi. Min-sang used to live alone because his parents died early, and Yoo-ra lived alone with her younger sister after their parents died in an accident. Because of this mutual understanding, when they were introduced to each other through a dating agency, they became attracted to each other, and they even got married... I'm starting to feel more and more like a woman..

Homo sapiens, les nouvelles origines

Homo sapiens, les nouvelles origines

Au Maroc, la découverte d’ossements par un chercheur français bouleverse notre vision de la préhistoire. Le récit palpitant d’une aventure scientifique, entre effondrement des certitudes et prouesses technologiques. Un crâne à la face allongée et aux arcades sourcilières proéminentes : c’est, en 1960, l’incroyable découverte faite par un ouvrier dans une mine du Djebel Irhoud, au Maroc. Serait-ce un homme de Neandertal ? Le carbone 14 permet de dater la trouvaille à plus de 40 000 ans, mais à quand remonte-t-elle précisément ? Dans les années 1980, le chercheur français Jean-Jacques Hublin et son collègue, le professeur marocain Abdelouahed Ben-Ncer, émettent une autre hypothèse. Pour eux, le crâne appartiendrait non pas à un Néandertalien mais à un Homo sapiens, et serait bien plus ancien..

Original and Five

Original and Five

As the family prepares for Farah Hanan Ali Sharif, Sa`fan falls in love with Jihan, and becomes involved with his friend fleeing justice in a chase with the police. What will happen to everyone after all this?.

Theoretical: The Origin Of the Architect

Theoretical: The Origin Of the Architect

A man named Sully (Travis Page) has a theory that people can cross universe’s and meet themselves, he believes that this theory has actually worked and he has been placed in a different universe. is he crazy? or is this the start of something more?.

Second Origin

Second Origin

After a massive destruction on Earth, a white girl Alba (14) and a black boy Didac (9), are the only survivors on the Earth. They must start a new world. A Second Origin. Population is over. There are only two survivors. Now, our future depends on them..

L'étincelle : une histoire des luttes LGBT+

L'étincelle : une histoire des luttes LGBT+

Une histoire de la lutte LGBT des années soixante à nos jours, après que l’étincelle des émeutes de Stonewall a embrasé l’action militante qui, de New York, devait se répandre partout dans le monde. De San Francisco à Paris en passant par Amsterdam, entre les premières Gay Pride, l’élection d’Harvey Milk, la « dépénalisation » française, l’épidémie du Sida et les premiers mariages homosexuels, ces quelques décennies de lutte s’incarnent au travers de nombreux témoignages d’acteurs et actrices de cette révolution arc-en-ciel..

The Original of the Forgery

The Original of the Forgery

The plot lasts from 1945 until today's day. Pavle, Stojan and Dragisa, the three war friends are taking different positions within the society immediately after the war. Pavle, a former war commissar, is now a school teacher. Thanks to him, Stojan, who was a bakery assistant before the war, does the job of a district committee's secretary, while Dragisa works in the state's secret police. The reason of conflict between Pavle and Stojan in 1947 was Stojan's fiancée Lena, who loves Pavle, marries him and gets pregnant, right when Pavle is taken to the state prison. Stojan accepts his wife and kid again, but the avalanche of political events will make all them unable to stop the inevitable catastrophe..

Jack London, une aventure américaine

Jack London, une aventure américaine

Disparu en 1916, l'auteur de « Croc-Blanc » fut témoin et acteur des évolutions de l'Amérique entre la fin de la conquête de l'Ouest et la Première Guerre mondiale. Le réalisateur retrace le parcours hors norme de cet aventurier dans l'âme, qui fut aussi grand reporter et photographe, entre autres. Le récit est illustré d'images d'archives (pour la plupart inédites), de témoignages de spécialistes ainsi que de scènes de reconstitution..