

The Cloud streaming vf complet gratuit

The Clouds

The Clouds

A black and white semi-narrative film, touching on moments in the narrator's life unavailable to his recollection, and a journey through the North of England on the prevailing wind..

The People's Cloud

The People's Cloud

THE PEOPLE'S CLOUD is a web-based six-part documentary series that gets to the bottom of the internet; investigating the ecology and impact of cloud computing on the lives of those who use it, the places it is physically located in and the people who work to maintain it..

Rock Musical Bleach - No Clouds in the Blue Heavens

Rock Musical Bleach - No Clouds in the Blue Heavens

No Clouds in the Blue Heavens focuses on Rukia's execution and the main events surrounding it. It sees the addition of Asuka Sekine, Hiroko Kasahara, and Masahiro Kuranuki to the cast. Their roles are Suì-Fēng, Retsu Unohana, and Kaname Tōsen respectively. Kohei Murakami and Harumi Inoue were not able to play Hanatarō Yamada and Rangiku Matsumoto in No Clouds in the Blue Heavens but they both will appear in the next three musicals..

Ash Cloud: The Week the World Stopped

Ash Cloud: The Week the World Stopped

A documentary about the unusual natural calamity that struck Britain and worldwide in 2010, when a massive volcanic ash cloud stopped aircraft and trapped travelers. The narrative is recounted firsthand by those who were on the front lines, with archival and testimony from those in charge of clearing the skies, those who went into the air to learn more about the threat, and others who were stranded at home and onboard..

The Black Cloud

The Black Cloud

20-year-old Olya is not an easy character. Friends say that Olya is evil. Olya goes to a psychologist and in sessions with him tries to give his anger a place, to release anger. She tells the psychologist about all the people who infuriate her, and wishes them death in terrible agony. A teacher at the institute, best friend, boyfriend, father, mother… They all annoy Olga very much. And suddenly they all start dying one by one under mysterious circumstances..

The Cloudhopper

The Cloudhopper

The plot of this film really isn't that important. Instead, the sight gags and chase scenes are paramount--with some of the most impressive chase footage you'll ever see. All the near-misses with the speeding train were amazing and the scene where the car gets smashed by the truck are absolutely priceless..

Cloud in the Sky

Cloud in the Sky

Produced in both English and Spanish, the film focuses on the Lopez family, now motherless because of tuberculosis. When Consuelo, the daughter of the family, begins to manifest symptoms, she prays fervently, though a “wise padre,” as the credits would have this character, advises her to seek medical attention..

The Cloud Puncher

The Cloud Puncher

It hasn't rained for week and there are no symptoms of coming rain to be found. An itinerant artist carrying a huge canvas rambles along a country road. He reaches the hut of a hermit inventor who is dying of thirst. The artist paints a picture of a reservoir so realistically that the water overflows and fills a cup which he holds in his hand..

Girl in the Clouds

Girl in the Clouds

Et si le fantasme devenait réalité ? C'est exactement ce qui se passe lorsque Providence, une fangirl de 11 ans de "Earth Sentinels" (une série fantastique YA sur les héros de l'environnement) se voit confier une plume magique par l'énigmatique auteur des livres. La plume réalise tout ce qu'elle écrit. Saisissant sa chance, Providence s'envole pour une dangereuse mission visant à réparer les torts environnementaux..

a fence is a fence but the clouds move freely

a fence is a fence but the clouds move freely

A brief essay on the origin of four small towns in rural Kansas and Oklahoma, told through each town’s respective water tower. Tall tales, public memorials and roadside signage present in a region shadowed with settler-colonialism, imperial pursuits, identity fictions and the threat of severe weather..

In The Cloud: Afterlife

In The Cloud: Afterlife

In the Cloud VR Afterlife begins with Theo James (Tomiwa Edun), the genius inventor behind Cloud Inc., as he welcomes you to the Cloud and walks you through the technology that allows him to map the human brain. After introducing the Cloud, James will begin to ask you a series of questions to dig deep into your soul and better understand your morality. With every answer, a slim crack widens encompassing a visually stimulating journey to the other side to reveal your inner truth that may or may not be what it seems. The VR experience, based off of the Crackle Original Movie, In the Cloud, is a spectacular and mystical ride built with live-action actors, visually stunning special effects and 360-sound..

Cloud - The Wild Stallion

Cloud - The Wild Stallion

Watch the drama unfold as Cloud struggles to keep his family intact in the face of challenges both natural and man made. In 1995, while filming wild horses in the mountains of Montana, Ginger Kathrens discovered a striking, almost pure white colt just hours after his birth. Kathrens named him Cloud. She feared that his distinctive coat would make him an obvious target for mountain lions; but he survived and Kathrens continued to follow him in his adventures. In Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies this wild horse developed from a bumbling, unsteady colt into an adventurous, defiant youth. In Cloud’s Legacy: The Wild Stallion Returns, Cloud is now a band stallion with a mare and her children, a yearling and a foal. Meanwhile, Cloud’s own child, which has a telltale golden coat, lives with another herd and will never know him as his father..

The Clouded Dawn

The Clouded Dawn

August 1945 - 1946. Japan surrenders. World War II is over, but the scars are deep. Canadian prisoners are released from Japanese war camps. In Canada, as elsewhere, the monumental task of rehabilitation begins..

Kicking the Clouds

Kicking the Clouds

An experimental documentary, Kicking the Clouds is centered on a 50-year-old cassette tape of a Pechanga language lesson between the director’s grandmother and great-grandmother, and contextualized by an interview with his mother in his Pacific Northwest hometown..

The Cloud Rider

The Cloud Rider

Bruce Torrence is an aviator and member of the secret service. His rival for the hand of Zella Wingate is Juan Lascelles, a drug smuggler. To get rid of Torrence, Lascelles loosens a wheel on one of his planes, but Zella is the one who goes up in it. Torrence goes up in another plane and attaches a fresh wheel to Zella's plane. In spite of his efforts he later finds her in Lascelles' arms..