

Possessed sokroflix gratuit

Support Group for the Formerly Possessed

Support Group for the Formerly Possessed

A patient, charged with a murder they cannot remember, find themselves subjected to a 51-50 psychiatric hold in an institution. There, they uncover a chilling truth: the facility is dedicated to treating disorders stemming from supernatural causes..

I Was Possessed

I Was Possessed

Using video and audio captured during an actual exorcism, each hour long episode tells two separate stories of people who experienced demonic possession..



An insane man is shot dead by two cops, Kung and Hsiao, after he refused to listen to them and stabbed a woman dead. After the encounter, the two cops always strange things and Hsiaos girlfriend is also haunted. To reduce the fear of hiring police a Taoist to sort out this problem ....



A widowed minister investigates a potential case of demonic possession involving a college student in this ghostly feature. The incident attracts the attention of Toby and Jim, radio talk show hosts who specialize in the paranormal..

D@bbe: The Possession

D@bbe: The Possession

Alors que Kübra se prépare pour son prochain mariage, elle est attaquée par des démons qui la désorientent. Le psychiatre Ebru, un vieil ami de Kübra, va l'aider et travailler avec un exorciste pour la sauver..

La Papesse

La Papesse

Laurent, un homme qui désire détenir des pouvoirs magiques doit, pour parvenir à ses fins, subir une initiation parmi une secte. Les membres de la secte lui demandent d'emmener sa femme et de la leur abandonner..

Le Maréchal de l'enfer

Le Maréchal de l'enfer

France, Moyen-Âge. De retour chez lui après avoir combattu contre les Anglais, le maréchal Gilles de Lancre est snobé à la cour, le roi lui refusant les honneurs qui lui reviennent. Revenu dans son château, Gilles retrouve sa maîtresse et décide de se consacrer à ses recherches sur la pierre philosophale. Il reçoit alors un soi-disant alchimiste nommé Simon de Braqueville pour l' aider dans son entreprise. Le charlatan avec l'appui de la perfide maîtresse convainc Gilles de répandre le sang de jeunes filles vierges lors de rituels voués au démon, s'il veut obtenir le pouvoir et la richesse. Très vite c'est le début de messes noires....

Distant Home Movies

Distant Home Movies

Children look up at a carp banner blowing in the wind. This footage was shot by an anonymous person and yet it has become my own memory. Grown up, holding an 8mm camera, I look up at a carp banner just like that day..



A teacher must put aside his personal traumas to rally his school in a fight for survival against a group of violent, possessed students..

A Woman Possessed

A Woman Possessed

An evil princess who kills her lovers is condemned by the Inquisition. Four centuries later she returns with the help of a vampire and tries to live forever in the body of an identical woman..

The Possessed

The Possessed

A woman is impregnated by an evil spirit but thinks the ex-husband is the father. She gives birth five months later than she should, which is just the beginning of her troubles. A Buddhist monk is eventually called in to help..

Possessed Grandmother in the Eerie House

Possessed Grandmother in the Eerie House

A follow-up to Nenek Lampir ("The Possessed Grandmother"). Rusimini is possessed by the spirit of her baby that she abandoned after birth and finally dies a tragic death. Her "imperfect" death (without peace) is used by the devil to wreak havoc. People are influenced to commit sin and then murdered, as if that is the only way for a "perfect" death to be achieved. To stop the wave of evil, Kyai Abdullah, a religious teacher, arrives to drive away and placate the evil spirits with peace..



A secretary is forced into an affair with her boss after an sexual assault. She spirals into madness and commits a violent crime - castration..

Possessed by a Thousand Demons

Possessed by a Thousand Demons

"The possessed is a very poor woman, ravaged by delusions and ghosts, until, driven by mysterious voices, she suddenly becomes another person, young, beautiful, insinuating. Her exploits make her the subject of a police chronicle. She seduces teenagers, attacks men, she becomes an insatiable wolf who arouses the wrath of the whole community against her. Revenge is not slow and a group intends to stone her. But she manages to lure her pursuers to a strange place where she faces them in struggle. unequal and wins ". (Extracted from Guide to Movies, 55).