


The Pompeii Prophecy: Countdown To Devastation

The Pompeii Prophecy: Countdown To Devastation

With reference to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius that destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, investigators hunt for clues hidden beneath the surface to assess the risk of a new and potentially devastating event of equal magnitude. This documentary follows historians and geologists as they discover the latest evidence of Pompeii's fiery destruction, unpacking the chain of events that led to the ancient world's most notorious disaster in AD 79. What lessons does the tragedy of Pompeii hold for Naples' citizens, who face a mounting threat from the unseen forces beneath their feet?.

Gerry's Pompeii

Gerry's Pompeii

The site known as Gerry's Pompeii was a one-bedroom ground-floor flat, and canal-side garden, occupied by Gerald Dalton from 1983 until his death in 2019. Entirely transformed by him into a unique landscape of handmade sculptures and architectural models, it referenced the shared histories of the UK and his native Ireland. As neighbours and friends campaign to keep Gerry's Pompeii in situ, this film investigates the poignant mystery of what inspired him..



Dans une région désertée, Victor et son petit frère Jimmy sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Dans la chaleur de l'été, ils tuent le temps comme ils peuvent avec d’autres jeunes de leur âge. Ils forment une bande soudée qui s'est inventée ses propres codes. Mais quand Billie, une jeune fille révoltée, entre dans la vie de Victor, l'équilibre du groupe va peu à peu se rompre et la vie de Jimmy radicalement changer..

The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii

Pompeii 79AD, mere days before the Vesuvian eruption. Glaucus and Jone are in love with each other. Arbaces, the Egyptian High Priest, is determined to conquer Jone. Glaucus purchases Nydia, the blind and long-suffering slave. Nydia falls in love with Glaucus and asks Arbaces for his help. He gives her a potion to make Glaucus fall in love with her-- In fact, a poison which will cause violent insanity..

Pompeii: Back from the Dead

Pompeii: Back from the Dead

Documentary about the Italian city of Pompeii, which was preserved by volcanic pumice and ash 2,000 years ago. Modern genetic technology is used to explore the lives of citizens who sought shelter in a cellar..

Pompeii New York, Part 1: Pier Caresses

Pompeii New York, Part 1: Pier Caresses

A crumbling pier, its walls covered with graffiti and erotic frescoes reminiscent of pagan Pompeii, the locus of the seduction rituals of men longing for men, is the focus of this meditation on gay cruising at the height of sexual freedom before AIDS. Shot in 1982, this is the first segment of a film capturing the life, death, and rebirth of the legendary “sex piers” over the last three decades..

Les morts-vivants de Pompéi

Les morts-vivants de Pompéi

Ensevelie sous les cendres de l'éruption du Vésuve en octobre 79, la ville antique de Pompéi fournit aujourd'hui encore de précieuses informations sur la vie romaine, notamment à travers ses vestiges les plus poignants : ses moulages de victimes figées dans la mort. Initiée par l'archéologue et numismate italien Giuseppe Fiorelli (1823-1896), cette technique, qui consiste à verser du plâtre liquide dans les cavités formées par les cadavres décomposés sous les dépôts volcaniques, permet d'obtenir une image précise des disparus.

Les fugitifs de Pompéi

Les fugitifs de Pompéi

Grâce aux rayons X, des experts enquêtent pour la toute première fois, sur un groupe de victimes baptisés «les fugitifs», tués lors de l'éruption du Vésuve durant l'Antiquité. Les données scientifiques devraient révéler l'âge et les blessures subies par les victimes ensevelies sous les cendres volcaniques de la ville de Pompéi, mais aussi les artefacts tels que des sandales et des bijoux. La catastrophe naturelle la plus célèbre de l'Antiquité sous l'Empire romain avait fait des milliers de morts..

The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii

Carmine Gallone and Amleto Palermi’s The Last Days of Pompeii 1926 stages in sumptuous colour tinting the epic fall of the ancient city buried by Mount Vesuvius’ eruption. Adapted from Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s love story, the film was innovative in its special effects and an early major box-office hit. A beautiful tinted restoration print was prepared using photochemical processes by Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia-Cineteca Nazionale in the mid-1990s and the premiere screening of the restoration print was held in the amphitheatre in Pompeii, followed by a screening at the major restoration festival ‘Il Cinema Ritrovato’ in Bologna in 1998..

Pompeii: Disaster Street

Pompeii: Disaster Street

With exclusive access granted over 10 months of excavation, the film reveals for the first time the unexplored parts of the city of Pompeii and captures the major findings which have emerged in the last 70 years of research and a 2018 dig..

The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii

79 AD. In the city of Pompeii the young Glaucus loves beautiful Jone, although he's courted by Giulia and secretly loved by his blind slave Nidia. One day Glaucus is wrongly accused of murder by a priest of Isis, Arbace, who wants to marry Jone and please Giulia. Glauco is condemned to be devoured by lions in the arena of the city, on that very day the erupting Vesuvius. Jone ovvero gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (1913) was one of two major Italian productions of The Last Days of Pompeii done in 1913, and not to be confused by the more famous Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (1913)..

Pompeii: The New Revelations

Pompeii: The New Revelations

Archaeologist Raksha Dave and historian Dan Snow uncover the untold story of the aftermath of the famous eruption in AD79, finding out what happened when the ash and dust settled. Dan squeezes into a network of illegally dug tunnels that burrow into a huge unexcavated villa, while Raksha is given privileged access to the highly restricted Regio V area of the town..

Bombing Pompeii

Bombing Pompeii

A l'époque où Pompéi était une vaste et vibrante cité romaine, elle s'est retrouvée enfouie sous un amas de cendres et de roches pendant des siècles après l'éruption du Vésuve de l'an 79. Mais la ville a failli être détruite une deuxième fois pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale..