

Où voir Shining Netflix

Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman

Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman

Hiroya Matsumoto, hoping to become a great employee as his late father, has just been hired at Raito, a top trading company. Little does he know that he’s been recruited for a very mysterious department within the company: Special Duty Combat Unit: SHINESMAN…which faces a terrible alien menace unbeknownst to Earthlings. Like most corporate employees, Hiroya still has meetings to attend and deadlines to meet, but when the Shinesman rage war against the alien race from Planet Voice, Hiroya and his co-workers don their office-colored combat unit suits: sepia, gray, moss green, and salmon pink..

Shining Blood

Shining Blood

Nam vet and recent parolee Billy "The Hawk" Hawkins rescues an attractive couple from a kidnapping attempt in Arizona. The 3 of them go searching for a buried treasure in the desert, stumbling upon sacred Native American burial sites..

The Shining Pyramid

The Shining Pyramid

When stones begin miraculously arranging themselves on the edge of one young man's private land, he and his friend begin trying to decipher them in any way possible. When they realize that it might be a dark portent, they become desperate to achieve their goal before it is too late..

Shining Time Station: 'Tis a Gift

Shining Time Station: 'Tis a Gift

It's Christmas at Shining Time Station! Stacy Jones is busy helping passengers, Schemer tries to win the role of Santa's helper for the Indian Valley Gala Holiday Pageant, Mr. Conductor tells the kids a story about Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends and helps them deal with a bratty kid, while a kind old passenger, Mr. Nicholas, arrives and brightens the holiday for everybody..

The Way You Shine

The Way You Shine

An emergency call in the middle of the night awakens ZHOU Sin-xing’s 20-year happy life. The sudden death of her father and the revelation of his vast debts bring her tremendous pressure. Even her fiance wants to break the betrothal, lest he becomes affected.Within the blink of an eye, the young bride had fallen to her low. Instead, she restores her status from the bottom of life with her strong will, resilient character, and passion for baking. After several embarrassing yet adventurous incidents, she becomes tangled with an heir of a renowned food company..

Shine Post

Shine Post

L'unité d'idols "TINGS" a de grands rêves, mais seulement de petites réalisations, et n'est pas très populaire. Le meilleur manager du monde était censé être leur sauveur, mais ... "Je ne suis pas intéressé à être votre manager." L'homme qui se présente est Naose Hinaki, un homme sans motivation. Cependant, il a un pouvoir spécial ... ? C'est une histoire de vous et des filles qui brillent de mille feux pour devenir des "idoles absolues". Le meilleur divertissement d'idole commence ici. !!.

The Shining Future

The Shining Future

Documentary short film intended to drum up support for the Fifth War Loan Campaign. It shows a happy family in the future of 1960 enjoying the prosperity and advantages made possible by the successful prosecution of the war, and how the sacrifices of 1944 have made the world a better place..

Shining Victory

Shining Victory

In a Scottish sanitarium, a brilliant research psychiatrist works on a treatment for dementia praecox. He falls for his altruistic female lab assistant and they begin a passionate, tragic relationship..

Sea to Shining Sea

Sea to Shining Sea

Brothers from other mothers, from different sides of the world, with different opinions on damn near everything, travel in a dusty old Subaru, coast to coast across the fantastic and fantastically flawed United States of America..

Brille ou perds la raison

Brille ou perds la raison

Wang So est le prince du royaume de Goryeo. Après avoir vécu une enfance solitaire, il réalise en grandissant qu'il va devoir devenir roi. Il semble brillant, mais possède en réalité un esprit blessé en raison de sa destinée maudite. En effet selon une ancienne prophétie, lorsque celui-ci montera sur le trône, le royaume deviendra une rivière de sang sous son règne. Seulement un jour, il fait la rencontre de Sin Yul qui se trouve être la dernière princesse du royaume de Balhae. Née avec pour destin d'être à la tête d'un autre pays, celle-ci a fait face à la mort et s'est réfugiée à Goryeo. Le soir même de leur rencontre, Wang So et Sin Yul se marient, deviennent alliés et apprennent à s'aimer l'un, l'autre..