

Où voir Revenger Netflix

Mirror of Revenge

Mirror of Revenge

After seven years of love with her boyfriend, Wen Liang, Jiang Yi Jing accidentally found him cheating with his business partner, Xiao Mi La. Hitting rock bottom, she discovered her consciousness is mysteriously transported into Xiao Mi La’s body through a mirror. Thus begins a tale of revenge of soul manipulation!.

The Revenge : A Visit from Fate

The Revenge : A Visit from Fate

Sho Aikawa plays a police detective whose dark personal history makes it impossible for him to stay within the limits of the legal system. But he is not just a detective; he is also a husband who has to explain to his wife how he got blood on his sleeve. And the criminals he pursues turn out to be as imperfect and oddly human as he is-and just as determined to protect their own families..

Gandarrapiddo!: The Revenger Squad

Gandarrapiddo!: The Revenger Squad

A story about Gandarra, Rapiddo, and Kweenie, who are all trying to attain and protect what is most precious to them. Family is the only thing that binds them, but as they stick to their separate missions, dark secrets arise and threaten to destroy everything they hold dear..

The Goddess of Revenge

The Goddess of Revenge

A 'wife of a famous broadcaster and freelance entertainer' has been doing well for 12 years. Due to a mistake, her life falls apart overnight However, she learns that there was another reason for her downfall, and so begins her revenge..

La Revanche des Gobots

La Revanche des Gobots

L’histoire se passe sur une planète peuplée seulement d'androïdes et de robots, l’étoile Kronos. Tout allait pour le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes lorsqu’un jour les Diablotrons débarquèrent et voulurent s’emparer du secret de la source de vie éternelle, le Vitalido. Ce secret était précieusement gardé par un ermite, Kirai, mais il sera tué par le clan Gader. Il était le père de deux enfants, la jeune AJ (Reina en VO), et Nick (Rom), qui suivait un dur entraînement. Ce dernier décide de venger la mort de son père et de lutter contre les forces du mal. Grâce a son épée, l’épée du loup, il fait appel à deux robots (« Force du Bien » et « Courageux ») dans lesquels il s’intègre pour en former plus qu’un afin de pouvoir affronter Gadès, Démo, Phytor et les frères Diablotrons. Dans leur combat pour sauver les habitants de la planète du clan Gader, le duo intrépide est accompagné par de nombreux robots capables de se transformer en divers engins : Leader, Proto et Vrille..

Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge

Pelin est laissée pour compte dans son mariage. En essayant de se remettre de cette mauvaise expérience, elle tombe sur une diseuse de bonne aventure qui lui dit que la seule façon de se débarrasser de sa douleur est de demander pardon à celui dont elle a brisé le cœur. Elle et ses amis commencent à chercher ce type..

Revenge of the Woman Gambler

Revenge of the Woman Gambler

Yukiko est en route pour rencontrer Boss Gunji. À en juger par son apparence, personne ne se douterait que cette belle jeune femme, tranquillement assise dans un train de banlieue, est la seule femme à pouvoir battre les meilleurs joueurs professionnels du Japon ; ou qu’elle porte le tatouage de l’homme qui l’a aimée et qui est mort pour elle….

La Vengeance aux yeux clairs

La Vengeance aux yeux clairs

Il y a 10 ans, Emma Fortuny a survécu à un meurtre déguisé en accident de voiture, dans lequel sa mère et son frère ont été tués. Tout le monde la pense morte, mais aujourd'hui, elle est de retour sous une autre identité. Nouveau nom, nouveau visage... devenue Olivia Alessandri, elle va tout faire pour se venger des assassins de sa famille. Sa cible ? La famille Chevalier, un clan sans pitié, qu'elle sait impliquée dans l'assassinat de ses proches et qu'elle va infiltrer pour le faire imploser. Mais elle se heurte à la corruption locale, et au fait que la famille qu'elle cible est celle de son ancien petit-ami. Son plan se révèle alors plus compliqué que prévu....

Maid's Revenge

Maid's Revenge

The Dong family of Jiangcheng is slaughtered overnight, and the family's daughter Dong Tingyao is forced to come to her fiancé Fang's house to seek help. In the Fang family, Dong Tingyao not only finds that her identity has been taken over, but also that the person she has to serve as a maid is Fang Tianyi, the famous Governor of Jiangcheng who killed her father. Dong Tingyao wants to take revenge, but she does not know that the culprit who brought the Dong family to its doom is her fiancé Fang Yuze who is Fang Tianyi's nephew. How can the young lady complete her revenge plan? How is she going to deal with the two men of Fang family? All the curtain thus unveiled..

Sawako: It's Endless Revenge

Sawako: It's Endless Revenge

Machika Otokawa (Mai Fukagawa) loses her future lover, Yukito Hatta (Yuta Koseki).. Sawako Fukai (Shuri), Yukito's ex-lover, appears before Machika, who is at a loss.. By chance, Sawako ends up living with Machika.. Machika's family welcomes the cheerful and thoughtful Sawako, but the voluptuousness and madness that Sawako occasionally shows spreads like poison to Machika's family and surroundings.. Kensuke Otokawa (Sota Ryosuke), Machika's younger brother who is attracted to Sawako's bewitching charm, Shinji Otsu (Kohei Shoji), a detective who approaches Machika, and Nono Igarashi (Hirai Amon), Kensuke's art school classmate, a reporter Kazuomi Makihara (Kazuya Tanabe), who suspects Machika, is quietly creeped out by Sawako's madness.. Why does the crazy Sawako target the people around Machika one after another…?.

Revenge from the Past

Revenge from the Past

Phing is a chubby, cute, good-hearted young woman who was killed when Foei and Nisa plotted to have Foei seduce and marry Phing for her fortune. Only she didn't stay dead, she was revived and transformed herself into a thin and beautiful woman so she could take revenge. Cho is the kind son of a noodle shop owner, who secretly likes Phing but never got up the courage to tell her... until she had died. Heartbroken that he never told her how he felt, he decided that if he was given another chance at love he wouldn't hesitate to tell her his feelings, and along comes May..

Soldier's Revenge

Soldier's Revenge

Rentrant du Vietnam, Frank Morgan ne trouve à son retour qu'une volée de bois vert, car on lui reproche d'avoir pris part au massacre d'un village Vietnamien. Lorsqu'on lui offre la mission de transporter des armes jusqu'à un pays d'Amérique Latine en guerre civile, il accepte. Sa commanditaire l'accompagne, mais après avoir atterri, ils sont capturés par un des camps.f.

The Revenge Of A Broken Word

The Revenge Of A Broken Word

Khun Dech lost his childhood memories from the shock he suffered after witnessing his father being murdered brutally in a cave. His father was the guard who took care of the Buddha idol found in the cave. He died while trying to stop the thieves from cutting off and stealing the Bhudda idol’s head. When Khun Dech remembered everything, he began seeking vengeance. Yongyuth and Dara are Khun Dech’s best friends who knew each other since they were young. Yongyuth is determined to become a cop and Dara wants to be an archaeologist. Yongyuth secretly loves Dara, but Dara likes Khun Dech. However, Khun Dech falls in love with the dancer Buathong. All of them have different ways to protect their country’s posession, but what they have in common is the love for their country..

Ex's Revenge

Ex's Revenge

Designer An Duoduo discovers that her fiancé Qin Lang is cheating on her during their wedding preparations. She catches her fiancé with her lover in bed, but doesn't call off the wedding. On her wedding day, she hires a man to be her future husband and marries him. A new romance between dogs and cats is about to begin!‌‌.

The Revengers

The Revengers

2061. A lethal virus has spread following an explosion at a secret military lab. Those infected turned into blood thirsty mutants. In this chaotic world, a boy named Tadzio sets on a journey in search of his father's killer..

The Revengers Family

The Revengers Family

In a certain village, a little girl was killed inexplicably. The murderer was a homeless man with a mental disorder. In the face of unexplained disaster, the family of four did not choose to accept it. They calculated a plan of revenge on their own and implemented it..