

Où voir Nymph Netflix

Les Nymphettes

Les Nymphettes

Lucien, modeste étudiant en ingénierie, découvre que Mireille, son amie de toujours, se sert de lui pour dissimuler ses rendez-vous avec Mario, un homme plus âgé. Lucien erre dans les rues de Paris, tard dans la soirée, il rencontre Joëlle, une adolescente sophistiquée qui subvient à ses besoins en travaillant dans une boîte de nuit louche. Joëlle invite Lucien dans la boîte et lui fait une démonstration de son numéro de strip-tease devant son public. Une complicité s'installe au fil de leurs pérégrinations. Au matin, ils découvrent qu'ils sont amoureux. Mireille apprend la nouvelle et, sur un pari, complote avec Philippe et d'autres amis pour faire échouer la liaison. Ni Lucien ni Joëlle ne succombent aux propositions de Mireille et de Philippe. Lucien apprendra t'il les complexités de l'amour ?.



À la tombée de la nuit, une jeune femme, nymphe ou sirène, évolue tranquillement dans un environnement aquatique. La créature semble prisonnière du tunnel, son corps semble se prolonger dans le boyau inhospitalier. La lumière de la projection joue à la surface mouvante de l’eau, hommage bien perceptible d’Ange Leccia aux recherches picturales de Claude Monet. Cette ondine est incarnée par Laetitia Casta, icône adulée de notre société, devenue ici nymphe mythique contemporaine..

Callisto, la petite nymphe de Diane

Callisto, la petite nymphe de Diane

"The little nymph of Diana" is ecstatic in front of the wheat fields and the joys of the family, Vichy obliges, we are struck by the erotic poetry of the subject, as under the spell of an esoteric soundtrack, graceful, and glittering..

Vampire Nymphets

Vampire Nymphets

In a city ruled by the underworld, a religious fanatic teenager is worried about the recent rumors of demonic gangs and cults. She takes a trip to the cemetery to take flowers in remorse for the car accident her friend recently had, unaware that the cemetery is territory of a female gang faction known as the Vampire Nymphets whose adored leader is a male vampire..



Nympha begins and ends with a scene in the cemetery where a group of people are standing around a tomb under the rain. The movie as a whole is an exposition of the events in Nympha’s life that lead to this scene. Nympha is a young girl reared and morally sheltered by a hypocritically pious elder female relative. The girl’s blind piety, however, is ripped apart by her sudden awareness of the sexually-charged environment and by her own first love affair. Eventually, she goes from man to man, driven by her demonic desires. Her unwanted pregnancy finally leads to a gory, fatal abortion..

The Constant Nymph

The Constant Nymph

Second of three versions of Margaret Kennedy’s novel about a sickly, sensitive Belgian schoolgirl, Tessa (Victoria Hopper), in love with world-famous composer Lewis Dodd (Brian Aherne), who marries her wealthy cousin Florence (Leonora Corbett). Undermining the already delicate Tessa’s health, the composer realises that life without Tessa is unbearable and leaves his unloving wife – but sadly too late..

Nymphs on Granite Rock

Nymphs on Granite Rock

Thalia is a stubbornly independent teenager traveling to her grandmother’s lake house where she will spend her first summer apart from her family. When she finds independence lonelier than she expected, she must face her self-destructive habits as she searches for a sense of identity in the charming small town that holds her best memories..

Naughty Nymphs

Naughty Nymphs

Two sisters and their lovers try to make sure their older sister is deflowered by every man in town. They make a potency pill so every man chases her, but the use of the pills turn into a disaster..

Nymphette's of the Wild Sex

Nymphette's of the Wild Sex

Young family on a yacht floating on the waves of the tropical seas, moored to some islets which seemed initially, and while their two daughters playing on the beach, unreasonable parents managed to blow up the boat with him. Children left alone on the island, they managed to survive, and now they have grown up, and the island was not so uninhabited....

Story of a Nymphomaniac

Story of a Nymphomaniac

Natsu, the older of two sisters, has a relationship with Yonosuke, the local kimono trader. Unlike her more conservative sister Oshichi she tries to use sex as a means to climb to a better social position. To even attempt that she first needs to get out of the Buddhist monastery she is working at....

The Stud and the Nympho

The Stud and the Nympho

The stud may be sued for divorce by his wife and cheated on by his mistress, but the nympho may be in even more trouble if she trusts someone who is actually a murderous lunatic..