

Où voir Nowhere Netflix

From Nowhere

From Nowhere

Three undocumented teenagers, a Dominican girl, an African boy and a Peruvian girl, are about to graduate high school in the Bronx, while working with a teacher and a lawyer to try to get their papers to stay in the USA. Forced to grow up prematurely and navigate problems most adults don't even have to face, they're really just American teenagers who want to be with their friends, fall in love, and push back against authority..

Happy End

Happy End

Val, une jeune femme souhaitant devenir actrice, vient tenter sa chance à New York. Sans domicile fixe, elle fait des rencontres de hasard : un scénariste cynique en panne d'inspiration, une lesbienne psychopathe... Petits boulots, ronde des castings... Val collectionne les galères. Mais elle a juré à sa mère de devenir une star, et la vie ressemble parfois aux contes de fées....

Sur La Trace Du Serpent

Sur La Trace Du Serpent

Les agents Woo et Kim enquêtent sur le mystérieux meurtre des quarante marches. Utilisant des méthodes assez expéditives, ils vont très vite retrouver la trace du coupable, un charismatique trafiquant de drogue, Chang Sungmin, mais celui-ci s'avère très coriace, changeant à maintes reprises d'apparence..

Un Illustre inconnu

Un Illustre inconnu

Sébastien Nicolas a toujours rêvé d’être quelqu’un d’autre. Mais il n’a jamais eu d’imagination. Alors il copie. Il observe, suit puis imite les gens qu’il rencontre. Il traverse leurs vies. Mais certains voyages sont sans retour..

Road to Nowhere

Road to Nowhere

Mitchell Haven prépare un nouveau film inspiré de faits réels dans lesquels un politicien corrompu, sa maîtresse - la mystérieuse Velma Duran - et plusieurs milliers de dollars ont disparu. A la recherche de son actrice principale, il fait la rencontre d'une jeune femme qui ressemble étrangement à la femme fatale de son histoire. Mitchell tombe sous le charme et le film devient peu à peu le récit de sa fascination pour son personnage. Mais la sombre affaire criminelle va peu à peu remonter à la surface....

I Had Nowhere to Go

I Had Nowhere to Go

I Had Nowhere To Go is based on Jonas Mekas’s diary. It’s been over 70 years since he left his village in Lithuania to escape Nazi persecution. He was 22 years old. Today he is one of the last surviving members of a displaced generation and one of the greatest documenters of the human experience..

Nowhere Man

Nowhere Man

A film based on two separate stories from the filmmaker's middle school in Guangzhou: one of a lunchbox found behind a television stand filled with moldy food during a school health inspection, and the other a story told by a math teacher that a thief's dead body had been found in the gap between two buildings behind the school..

Center of Nowhere

Center of Nowhere

College couple Lucas Aragon and his girlfriend Sarah White venture into the New Mexican woods looking for the mythical Chupacabra. Their first night inspires them to look deeper for answers. Motivated and eager for adventure, the two head out one last night. What follows is a night of terror..

Nowhere Fast

Nowhere Fast

Murder binds the lives of a desperate woman and a haunted man as the two try for one night to outrun a maniacal cop, and the toxic lives they're trapped in..

Girl From Nowhere

Girl From Nowhere

A Cape Town couple, Katherine and Hugh, are headed to their private mountain getaway, when they pick up a hitchhiker, Liza, who carries a gun. Liza is invited for lunch, but soon the couple can't get rid of her..