

Où voir Nerve Netflix

Les nerveux habitants des jolies collines alentours

Les nerveux habitants des jolies collines alentours

Toi, tu es là l’être cherché, trouvé pendant quelques instants puis noyé, étouffé parmi les pavés gluants de la bienséance et de l’ordre… Seul le battement de ton rythme cardiaque te rappelle que tu existes… Tandis que loin dans ton cerveau retentit le bruit des bottes de la bête immonde….

Optic Nerve

Optic Nerve

On a stormy night in a cramped decrepit apartment, 1973, a traumatized man seeking solace and structure through meditative drawing grapples with rabid anxieties as order and chaos collide and overtake him in this psychedelic trip of a film. Part narrative psycho-thriller, part audio-visual spectacle, one technicolor nightmare. Take the trip..

Nerve Tonic

Nerve Tonic

This film was a test of an idea for bi-pack shooting. I used some outtakes from Trigger Happy and had a positive and negative high-contrast print made. I had access to an Oxberry animation camera which had the ability to shoot “bi-pack,” which is to say two strands of film could be loaded into the camera gate at the same time, sandwiched together. By shooting through the black-and-white high contrast film, I could use it as a sort of filter, or contact print. This lets one fill in all the white or clear areas of the film with whatever artwork was under the camera. By shooting the same raw film through the negative and then winding it back and re-shooting it through the positive, I could replace both the black and the white of the film with whatever was on the stand. It was done very quickly in a spontaneous exploratory way. The resulting film test, one hundred feet of 16mm film had the original Trigger Happy outtakes now colored very vividly..

Optic Nerve

Optic Nerve

"Barbara Hammer's Optic Nerve is a powerful personal reflection on family and aging. Hammer employs filmed footage which, through optical printing and editing, is layered and manipulated to create a compelling meditation on her visit to her grandmother in a nursing home. The sense of sight becomes a constantly evolving process of reseeing images retrieved from the past and fused into the eternal present of the projected image. Hammer has lent a new voice to the long tradition of personal meditation in the avant-garde of the American independent cinema." -- John Hanhardt, Biennial Exhibition Catalogue, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1987.

Le Mystère de Hill Park

Le Mystère de Hill Park

Le journaliste de police Erik Brandt est envoyé pour se reposer et se divertir après avoir résolu un meurtre sous le nez de la police. Mais ses vacances bien méritées s'avèrent beaucoup plus mouvementées que prévu, lorsque la station est secouée par une série de meurtres brutaux. Une jolie jeune femme qui capture le cœur de Brandt pourrait être impliquée..

I Like Your Nerve

I Like Your Nerve

Romance and political intrigue highlight director William C. McGann's 1931 comedy about a playboy smitten with the stepdaughter of a corrupt government official in a fictional Central American country. The cast includes Loretta Young, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Henry Kolker, Boris Karloff (in the small role of a secretary), Edmund Breon, Claude Allister and Luis Alberni..

Young Man on the Bar Masturbating with Rage and Nerve

Young Man on the Bar Masturbating with Rage and Nerve

Dance and prostitution play the same role for Cristhian’s body. Virtuosity, desire, technique, and sex intertwine, granting coherence to a way of life that offers many answers to few questions. A leitmotiv that reconciles opposites and contradictions. Answers that are sometimes painful, like all truths..

First Night Nerves

First Night Nerves

Yuan Xiuling, a former star and has-been actress plans to return to the spotlight of the theater a year after her philandering husband died. She decides to star in Two Sisters, written and directed by transwoman An Ouyang. But, her biggest rival, He Yuwen, a rising actress, also stars in the play. Yuwen plans her theatrical debut through it. During the preparation of the play, such a drama unfolds at the backstage as much as on stage. With the opening night at Hong Kong’s City Hall Theater just seven days away, tensions at rehearsal increase and tempers flare as actresses Xiuling and Yuwen’s buried resentments rise to the surface..