

Où voir Foundation Netflix Foundations Of Programming [object-oriented design] Foundations Of Programming [object-oriented design]

Most modern programming languages, such as Java, C#, Ruby, and Python, are object-oriented languages, which help group individual bits of code into a complex and coherent application. However, object-orientation itself is not a language; it's simply a set of ideas and concepts. Let Simon Allardice introduce you to the terms—words like abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, subclass—and guide you through defining your requirements and identifying use cases for your program. The course also covers creating conceptual models of your program with design patterns, class and sequence diagrams, and unified modeling language (UML) tools, and then shows how to convert the diagrams into code..

Foundations of Freedom: What Makes America Different?

Foundations of Freedom: What Makes America Different?

Throughout history, the global landscape has been marked by instability. Nations on every inhabitable continent have seen governments rise and fall, some over twenty times in the span of a century. Yet America's government endures - and has for over two hundred years. Why is our nation the exception to a worldwide norm? What makes America different? America's founders designed a justice system unlike any the world had ever seen. They valued and protected the rights of the individual, even over government agenda. Where did these principles come from? What influenced their distinct ideas on Civil Justice? Where do they fit in the world today? The Founding Fathers warned future Americans against the dangers of perpetual national debt. Thomas Jefferson once said that America must choose between "economy and liberty" or "profusion and servitude." Is it too late for our nation to heed this economic warning? Does the Bible offer any advice for a broken economy?.

Foundations of Freedom: God and Government

Foundations of Freedom: God and Government

This generation of Americans is taught that our government was established as a secular institution. But the founders believed God was a part of everything, including government. So what are we to make the separation of church and state? How should God and government intersect in today's America? The early American pastor had a reputation as a courageous and fearless leader. In that era, silence was not an option and the word of God was boldly proclaimed as the handbook for life, speaking to everything from morals and values, to public policy and current events. What can we learn from these brave leaders? How can Christians today cultivate a courageous church? Our Founders shared a deep sense of responsibility to care for the poor. But unlike many people today, they believed this duty belonged to churches and individuals, rather than government..

Untitled (Generali Foundation Vienna)

Untitled (Generali Foundation Vienna)

Philipp Fleischmann develops special cameras designed to formulate specific relations between the material of the footage (16 or 35 mm film) and the object of the recording. For instance, in his 2013 project “Main Hall,” he deconstructs the main exhibition hall of the Viennese Secession, filming the exhibition architecture with 19 individual cameras and thus creating images that show the view of the exhibition space onto itself. Fleischmann’s recent work, “Untitled (Generali Foundation Vienna)" identifies the film camera as a spacial object-form by itself. Correlating with the history of artistic interventions on site, the object is placed in the former exhibition space of the Generali Foundation at Wiedner Hauptstrasse 15, Vienna, and provided with a cinematographic view..

Keys to Good Government / Foundations of American Government

Keys to Good Government / Foundations of American Government

Discover the keys to good government by investigating the wise counsel and instruction given to us by leaders such as William Penn, Benjamin Rush, Noah Webster, John Witherspoon, John Adams, Fisher Ames, George Washington, and many others. The information in this DVD not only stands in stark contrast to many contemporary teachings surrounding civic responsibilities but it also shows how we as Americans can reclaim the quality of government we once enjoyed..

Foundations - An Overview of Systematic Theology

Foundations - An Overview of Systematic Theology

In Foundations: An Overview of Systematic Theology , R.C. Sproul shows that the truths of Scripture relate to each other in perfect harmony. This eye-opening series addresses a myriad of questions about the origin and authority of the Bible, God, the Trinity, man, sin, salvation, revelation, miracles, the church, the end times, and more..