

Où voir Awaken Netflix

The Moment After 2: The Awakening

The Moment After 2: The Awakening

In The New World Order, who can you trust? The government? Ragtag militia? Religious "fanatics"? After a dramatic escape from death row, former FBI agent Adam Riley (David A.R. White) reunites with his friend and mentor Jacob Krause (Brad Heller) leader of The Way, and his small remnant of Christians. Little do they know the forces out for their destruction. Global Alliance leader Commander Fredericks (Monte Perlin) has forced Adam's former partner Charles Baker (Kevin Downes) to hunt them down while a ragtag militia, led by "Captain" Jackson (Lonnie Colon), spy on them for their own gain. As events lead to an explosive confrontation, all will be forced to an awakening of the real struggle... for their very souls..

The Awakening of Annie

The Awakening of Annie

The lovely orphan Annie is wandering St Tropez when she meets a mysterious photo-journalist, who convinces her to pose nude for him on the luscious beaches. Proud of her work as the photographer’s muse, Annie agrees to travel to Brazil with him to model nude. After her swarthy companion tries to force himself upon her, Annie flees into the arms of Hugo: another photographer, but one with a more gentle spirit. Hugo takes Annie on a fateful trip into the heart of the Amazon, where the danger and the passion heat up..

Rude Awakening

Rude Awakening

In the later 1960s, two hippies are forced to leave their friends as they are wanted by the FBI, who sees them as criminals. They hide in the jungle for 20 years, secluded from the outside world. In the later 1980s, the find out that a secret war is about to start in the US, and decide to return to New York to tell someone about it..

Awakening Sleeping Beauty

Awakening Sleeping Beauty

Awakening Sleeping Beauty is an upcoming British independent slasher film produced by Jagged Edge Productions and ITN Studios. The film serves as the seventh installment of the Twisted Childhood Universe..



Awakenings is a story about growing up, despite the fact that the main characters are are entering their 40's. It is set in the bedrooms of the six protagonists, where they discuss their everyday dilemmas, secrets, fears and hopes. Their awakenings are not only physical but primarily emotional..

A Crude Awakening

A Crude Awakening

Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack's nonfiction treatise Crude Awakening joins Maxed Out, An Inconvenient Truth, and other recent documentaries devoted to unearthing and exploring forces that are untying the connective threads of contemporary society. The subject at hand is crude oil - specifically, the depletion of petroleum from the Earth, in an era when consumption threatens to exceed supply..

Hebrews to Negroes 2: Revelation - The Age of The Awakening

Hebrews to Negroes 2: Revelation - The Age of The Awakening

Hebrews to Negroes 2 : Revelation is a documentary that uncovers the 'True Biblical Identity" and Ancestral Homeland of the people living in North Africa, the Middle East and the Levant (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Israel). Find out what "secrets" have been hidden for centuries in regards to the "Identity" Theft of the True Descendants of Abraham and Jacob with the Children of Japheth..

Broken Blade 1 : L'Heure du réveil

Broken Blade 1 : L'Heure du réveil

Cruson, terre dépourvue de carburant… Pour faire face à ce cruel manque d'énergie, une nouvelle technologie fut créée, mêlant magie et minéral : la manipulation du Quartz. Chaque habitant naît avec la faculté de pouvoir le contrôler à différents degrés. Lygatt Arrow est un Impuissant, il ne peut contrôler le Quartz. Lui et son frère vivent à la campagne, marginalisés par les autres. Le Roi Hözl et la Reine Shee-Gyun, souverains de Kreeshna et anciens camarades de Lygatt, le convoquent à la Capitale, Bynnon-Ten. Il y apprend la terrible nouvelle : la guerre est proche ! Athnès veut annexer le Royaume de Kreeshna et demande en secret les têtes de la famille Royale. Zeth, leur ancien ami, se dirige vers la Capitale pour faire capituler Hözl. C'est alors que la vie de Lygatt bascule, il découvre qu'il peut piloter un Golem mécanique vieux de 1000 ans déterré par Hözl. Lygatt va devoir prendre part dans la bataille qui s'annonce, et donc choisir entre ses deux amis, Hözl ou Zeth..

L'état sauvage

L'état sauvage

À la mort de leurs parents, deux frères reprennent l’affaire familiale : une école d’équitation. Ramon, le contremaître de l’école et son fils Aaron veillent au bon fonctionnement de l’affaire. Mais les problèmes surgissent quand les deux frères tombent amoureux d’Aaron….

Suryaa: An Awakening

Suryaa: An Awakening

Thakur Gangadhar Choudhary rules a small community in rural India with an iron hand, and will never permit anyone to speak up against him. He owns most of the land surrounding his palatial home - save for the small patch of land owned by Veer Singh. He summons Veer to his house, and offers him substantial compensation for his land, but Veer refuses, and the Thakur has him killed. Veer's widow dies of shock, leaving behind a young Suraj to be brought up by a kindly widow Mrs. Salma Khan, who is also the mother of Iqbal. Years go by, Suraj grows up joins the Indian Armed Forces, and after a meritorious career, he resigns and returns home to avenge his father's death. What he does not know that he must first come to terms with the local Police Inspector Iqbal Khan, and then the wealthy Collector of the District, Rajpal Chauhan, before he can even think of touching a single hair of Gangadhar Choudhary..

I Am Legend Awakening

I Am Legend Awakening

I Am Legend Awakening was first released as a graphic novel showing stories set in the universe of the I Am Legend (2007) movie. These stories were animated and presented as DVD extras for the I Am Legend DVD release. While they can be listed separately as episodes, for a lot of people they will be shown one after the other as a mini movie..

The Awakening

The Awakening

Sara lives in a small town where everybody knows everybody and her life is an open book. Left with the care of her family home, she has trouble meeting the mortgage payments and her ex-boyfriend is the bank manager attempting to foreclose. When she takes in boarders to meet expenses, she unwittingly rents a room to an international criminal hiding out from a bounty hunter, John Flynn. When the bounty hunter shows up, the criminal takes a hike. Reluctantly admitting that he might need her help, Flynn agrees to make Sara a partner for half the bounty if they catch the missing man in time. What follows is a wild ride where Sara discovered that she is anything but boring and predictable..

The Awakening

The Awakening

Un jeune lycéen s'endort en classe. A son réveil, ses camarades et son professeur sont immobiles, le silence est total. Et d'étranges signes sont inscrits au tableau....