

Manifesto voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Survivor Manifesto - The Art of Making Kin

Survivor Manifesto - The Art of Making Kin

This video essay is a survivor manifesto. It gives voice to those who are very often lonely, brings them together and celebrates them. The author is convinced that it is their experience and skills that may lead the humankind to utopian society. A thorny path, paved with painful processes like getting even with traumas, healing and self-acceptation, could make the soil ready for a world dominated by empathy, self-reflection and queer love..

City Manifesto

City Manifesto

Des entrailles les plus obscures jusqu’aux sommets les plus inaccessibles, “City Manifesto” explore huit alternatives, en partant à la rencontre de ceux qui se réapproprient notre espace citadin mondial, et imaginent le manifeste d’une Cité nouvelle. Exploration urbaine, parkour, ou urban hacking sont autant de disciplines qui nous invitent à nous échapper et vivre une expérience exploratoire de la ville. Londres, Paris, New-York, Berlin, ou même Stockholm sont devenus des centres névralgiques qui agitent ces disciplines, et inversement..

Les Liaisons scandaleuses

Les Liaisons scandaleuses

Merveilleux outil de réflexion sur la condition féminine, satire sociale annonçant la révolution, manuel libertin… « Les Liaisons dangereuses » de Choderlos de Laclos, qualifié à sa parution de livre « satanique » est aujourd’hui considéré comme l’un des chefs-d’œuvre de la littérature et a inspiré quelques-uns des plus grands cinéastes contemporains. Du scandale à la consécration, ce film raconte un roman culte, tout à la fois profondément enraciné dans son époque et totalement intemporel..



This found footage film is composed entirely of often-shocking videos that Russian teenagers have posted on social media. Innocent morning rituals on YouTube or TikTok have been placed next to shots of panicking young people fleeing school shooters. And students all over Russia are apparently secretly recording images of violent teachers who can’t keep their hands to themselves. In class they are told that a woman must have sex with her husband whenever he wants; furthermore, students are called idiots and are beaten. One critical teenager is threateningly told that a report will be made about her political views..

The Maddock Manifesto

The Maddock Manifesto

It all begins in an empty theatre. In search of a manuscript that is supposed to change the world, Ben embarks on an odyssey. He encounters a flying fish, a telephone without a dial, an oracle called Enigma and a mystical canine figure in a deserted mountain landscape – reality and longings become inextricably intertwined on his visually stunning journey..

In Defense of Food

In Defense of Food

In Defense of Food tackles a question more and more people around the world have been asking: What should I eat to be healthy? Based on award-winning journalist Michael Pollan's best-selling book, the program explores how the modern diet has been making us sick and what we can do to change it..

Biopirates: The São Luis Letter

Biopirates: The São Luis Letter

In December 2000, in the Brazilian city of São Luís do Maranhão, 23 shamans of various indigenous Brazilian groups claimed the patent of their traditional knowledge through the "Letter of Sao Luis". Between cities and forests, the Indians seek tools to defend themselves against the assaults of the multinational pharmaceutical industry and to protect biodiversity..