

Kidnapped film en francais

Comment j'ai kidnappé mon boss

Comment j'ai kidnappé mon boss

Anna est une femme active et mère célibataire de jumeaux d'un an. Engagée par Max, un designer arrogant qui ne supporte pas les enfants ni les mères qui travaillent, Anna prétend être libre comme l'air et compte sur son amie Molly pour faire la nounou. Néanmoins, elle craque en conduisant son patron à l'aéroport et se fait virer. Lorsque Max se réveille amnésique après un choc à la tête, la jeune femme l'embarque chez elle et lui affirme qu'il est le père de ses enfants....

Kidnapped Soul

Kidnapped Soul

It tells the story of a mother’s desperation to locate her child when the abductor dies before her child can be located. With time running out, the child’s mother seeks the assistance of a spiritual medium..

Kidnapped by North Korea

Kidnapped by North Korea

In the 1970s and 80s, hundreds, possibly thousands, of men, women and children were abducted by North Korea’s Secret Service on the orders of Kim Jung II. The majority of these victims came from Japan and South Korea but it’s believed that nationals from at least 11 other countries, including Thailand, Romania, Holland and France were also taken. Some were abducted to teach North Korean spies their language and culture so that their spies could integrate more easily in foreign countries. Others were taken to provide wives for American deserters or North Korean army officers. The fate of most of these hostages is still unknown. Some were held hostage in the totalitarian dictatorship for 40 years before finally being released. Others died or were killed in captivity. However some may still be alive and being held against their will. We investigate the phenomenon of the North Korean abductees..

Tamar Was Kidnapped

Tamar Was Kidnapped

Dato’s friends learn that his lover Tamriko is getting married to another man. They decide to get Tamriko and Dato closer to each other. They ask Tamriko a nurse, to go with them in the ambulance outside the city. Tamriko learns that she is kidnapped and demands that she is brought back home. However, Tamriko gets to like the company of her "kidnappers" and stays..

The Kidnappers

The Kidnappers

After being released from prison, a mysterious man roams the city, the city where he still felt warmth 3 years ago, but can only feel hatred for now. He has only two wishes left: to bury his daughter and kill the people who destroyed his life. The paths of two strangers, hematologist Li Xiao Feng (Li Li Ren) and insurance agent Ji Fan (Marc Jia), cross when they both desperately need a big sum of money. Career woman Li Ruo Nan (Eva Zhu) has a rebellious daughter, Wang Yi Han (Zhao Yun Zhuo), who hates her mother. Finally, there is Liu Ge (Liu Nan), an elite of the financial world who can’t get rid of his gangster ways and only believes in money. The lives of all these people become intertwined in a kidnapping case that will significantly change them..

Les Repaires de la Jungle Noire

Les Repaires de la Jungle Noire

Nous sommes aux Indes; en l'an 1880. Le capitaine Mac Pherson, courageux officier britannique, trouve son existence brisée, lorsque sa petite fille se fait enlever par une cruelle secte, les Thugs, qui voient dans l'adorable gamine, la réincarnation de la puissante déesse Khali... Ce ne sera que vingt années plus tard, que le père, à la tête d'un détachement militaire, parviendra à délivrer sa fille et à détruire les fanatiques religieux..

Kidnapping à Vostok

Kidnapping à Vostok

In the middle of the Antarctic, a group of Russian scientists is trying to recover crucial information for their research. For this, they have no choice but to kidnap you in for interrogation..



The film chronicles about an aged loan shark who faces a threat from one of his forgotten enemy who seeks a revenge. The consequences from his past life cruelty forces the loan shark as a father to sacrifice big to save his dearest daughter from danger. A long time ago the cruelty of a loan shark had known no bounds. Years later, his past in the form of a vengeful enemy comes to haunt him and threaten his daughter, who gets kidnapped. Now the retired loan shark has to do what his enemy asks of him..



Unconventional and unaccepted, eleven-year-old Ida is searching for love and affection - and a kiss, of course, would be a good place to start..



Louis Vincent is found unconscious in a city park. He claims to a policewoman that he has been kidnapped. In addition to narrating the judicial investigation, the film becomes an open reflection on the power of the imagination..



After her six year old son is kidnapped, a successful fashion designer must work with a detective to clear up the terrifying mystery and get her son back..



“Al Makhtufun” won the 1998 Best Short Documentary Film Award at the Mediterranean Film Festival for highlighting the issue of abducted Lebanese. The film raises two major issues: The abductee’s physical absence and his spiritual presence among his family members, and the parents silently wishing his return. The documentary looks at documents kept by Wadad, a mother who decides to step outside her comfort zone and share her papers and forms when other parents would not..

Sardinia Kidnapped

Sardinia Kidnapped

Christina Fisher arrives in Sardinia to spend a holiday with her university friend, Francesco. As they are touring the island, they are trapped by mountain terrorists. Francesco is kidnapped, but Christina is permitted to leave. She is determined to contact the police, but is persuaded not to by Francesco's best friend, Gambino. Together they try to find the kidnappers, but she becomes suspicious of everyone including Gambino. Confused and paranoid, she sets out alone to contact the police..



Bertram’s uncle, a petty criminal, hurls him and the whole family into the kidnapping of a rich man’s son to get money for a new flat after they’ve been kicked out by the bailiff. But things don’t go quite as planned. The film is an action-packed gangster comedy for the whole family, a kind of “Ocean’s Eleven” for children and the young at heart..

The Heineken Kidnapping

The Heineken Kidnapping

On a cold November day in 1983, beer magnate Alfred Heineken and his chauffeur Ab Doderer are abducted. What follows is the most infamous kidnapping case the Netherlands have ever known..



The story of Lina who got kidnapped and separated from her family at a young age and the 20 years she spent at the mercy of her captor..

Le grand kidnapping

Le grand kidnapping

Le commissaire de police Cardone s'étonne de l'inaction de son prédécesseur, Jovine, devant les affaires de kidnapping qui ont toujours été considérées comme classées. Il décide de mener sa propre enquête....