

Imperfect voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Imperfect Murder

Imperfect Murder

Imperfect Murder follows carefully planned schemes that seem to ensure freedom for the killer despite having committed the most gruesome of crimes, yet end up falling apart based on a single detail. Each one-hour episode of Imperfect Murder reconstructs the killing plan in detail, including the motivations and conflicts that encouraged the potential killer to threaten their target..

Forensic Files

Forensic Files

Real crimes, disease outbreaks and accidents around the world are solved by experts using scientific laboratory analysis which helps them find previously undetectable evidence. Brilliant scientific work helps convict the guilty and free the innocent..

Imperfect Age

Imperfect Age

Camilla wants to be a ballerina and the upcoming auditions for a dance college will be a great opportunity for her to showcase her talent. But, pushy like a tenacious summer wind, Sara swirls into her life and introduces her to an unfamiliar world made of sex, shopping sprees, soft drugs, parties, and wild friends..

Imperfect Blue

Imperfect Blue

A sleepless young man is struggling to cope with the loss of his brother. Constantly irked by a mysterious girl, he tries to find comfort in his regret. The sky is not always going to be a perfect blue; humans are not perfect..

An Imperfect Woman

An Imperfect Woman

Lyubanya, a hairdresser who has lost her job, and her eleven-year-old son find themselves in a difficult situation. She tries to borrow money from his girlfriend Simkina. She agrees to help, but only on the condition that Lyubanya will help her regain the man she loved, a certain Valeriy. Lyubanya must "accidentally" get acquainted with him and pretend to be his ideal, and when he falls in love with the "woman of his dreams" — leave him. Then Simkina will appear to "glue" Valeriy's broken heart, and at the same time their broken relationship. Out of desperation, Lyubanya joins in this game, but very quickly realizes that she has fallen in love. The heroine faces the question: how to tell Valeriy the truth about himself and their "casual" acquaintance?.

Imperfect Perfect Life

Imperfect Perfect Life

Crew member Lei Menghan, unable to repay his debts and with nowhere else to turn, reluctantly agrees to his ex-wife's request to take care of her current husband, Hua Chengzhi, a primary school principal who is paraplegic. In return, she promises to lend him the money needed to settle his debts. Throughout their time together, Lei Menghan and Hua Chengzhi face numerous challenges but gradually earn each other's trust through genuine efforts. Ultimately, after a series of events that bring them closer, they support and help each other grow. Together, they rekindle hope in their lives during their lowest points..

Le passé devant nous

Le passé devant nous

L'histoire d'Alice, une escort-girl enfermée dans une petite vie routinière. Mais lorsque son ex-compagnon décède, elle se retrouve obligée de s’occuper de son fils qu’elle a abandonné. À travers cette rencontre, elle est confrontée au vide émotionnel de sa vie et doit admettre qu’elle n’a pas réussi à totalement se détacher de ses sentiments..

The Imperfect Alibi

The Imperfect Alibi

A South Georgia couple were killed in church 35 years ago, and a man sits in prison convicted of their murder. Is he the right guy? If not, who is? Journey with us as a single journalist sheds light on a case many believed was over, settled, solved..

Imperfect Getaway

Imperfect Getaway

Imperfect Gateaway Jordan, London Andrew and Nate are College friends who meet up after ten years. Nate and London are a couple, have started a family and they are well off. Nate, being a Financial Advisor and London a Successful College Professor. Andrew and Jordan are a couple but they are struggling financially due to Jordan's previous addiction. They all get together for a weekend retreat at Nate and London's beautiful home. Too perfect on the outside, Jordan starts to become suspicious of London and Nate's picture perfect relationship after watching a short clip of Nate's Sentry mode video on his tesla, sounding like he was with another woman. Nate may be hiding a secret life and Jordan starts Investigating. Troubles arise once Jordan starts on a path of destruction during the couple's getaway that she can't let go of..

Tracing Imperfection

Tracing Imperfection

As master conservator Naoko Fukumaru demonstrates Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing pottery using gold, she recalls how learning the practice has taught her to embrace her own imperfections as it has mended her own life..

Imperfect Crimes

Imperfect Crimes

A psychiatrist is murdered and a rich heiress fears her disturbed lover will be implicated as the killer. She hires an ex-lover lawyer friend to help her defend him but when he turns up dead, the lawyer realizes he´s in over his head..

My Tutor Is Mine - Imperfect Spiral

My Tutor Is Mine - Imperfect Spiral

A female university student works as a tutor. She has a student who wants to become a doctor. This student has an older sister whom he lives with. The student is horny for his slim tutor. The tutor visits the student's home for the lessons. The student drugs his tutor with a home-made concoction that puts the woman to sleep. His plan for sex is interrupted when his older sister comes home. Then things become explicit..



He Jianhao is released from the Boys' Home and his mother Huifang, is worried that he would be led astray again. Thus, she wants him to look after her stall in Bugis under her stepsister's supervision. Jian Hao's girlfriend Shanshan also manages to convince him to retake his O-levels. Jian Hao is getting back on the right path and his future seems promising. Jianhao's friend, Zach, joined a gang Yi Ren Tang to get protection as he is always bullied by Alex. Wang Guodong is a gang leader of 660 and also the father of Alex. Jianhao joined the Yi Ren Tang after much persuasion from Zach....