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It Will Get Better

It Will Get Better

Working as a TV host of an important political campaign for mayor, Luisa suffers with the professional relations with her co-workers. It’s the last week before the first round of local elections and Luisa, away from her hometown and family, discovers a serious scandal that could jeopardize the entire election. Not only must she now decide her fate, but that of an entire city..

Mais où est donc passée la 7ème compagnie ?

Mais où est donc passée la 7ème compagnie ?

Pendant la débâcle française de juin 1940, la 7ème compagnie du 106e régiment de transmissions se réfugie dans les bois, sous le commandement de son capitaine Dumont (Pierre Tornade). Cependant, elle est rapidement encerclée et faite prisonnière par l’armée allemande. A l'exception de trois de ses hommes qui en réchappent, précédemment envoyés en poste d'observation, sur les hauteurs de la commune voisine, Ures (fictive), dans son cimetière. Ce sont les soldats Pithivier (Jean Lefebvre) et Tassin (Aldo Maccione), sous les ordres du sergent-chef Chaudard (Pierre Mondy). Dans le civil, ils étaient respectivement : employé de mairie aux services extérieurs à la Roche-sur-Yon, ouvrier dans un abattoir de Nice et gérant d'une quincaillerie à Vesoul. Ils se retrouvent livrés à eux‐mêmes dans une France occupée dans laquelle la nourriture reste à trouver, le matériel militaire est sacré et éviter de se mettre dans les pattes des Allemands….

As Green As It Gets

As Green As It Gets

Georg "Schorsch" Kempter is a gardener in a small Bavarian town, working day-in, day-out in his nursery, which is facing bankruptcy. He doesn't like to talk much. He never has. His marriage has long lost all its magic and on top of that, he has trouble to connect with his daughter. Only when he is flying in his own rickety biplane, Schorsch feels truly free. When the owner of the local golf course tries to cheat Schorsch for his money, claiming the shade of green of the grass Schorsch has planted on the golf course is not right, insolvency seems unavoidable. So just when his airplane is about to be impounded, Schorsch grabs the control stick and flies away in an attempt to save his plane and himself. He embarks onto a journey into the unknown, to places he has never seen before, full of odd and special encounters - and with every take-off and every landing, this tough man's heart slowly warms up to what you might call an idea of happiness..

Get Lucky

Get Lucky

Six teenagers experience tumultuous vacation at the Baltic Sea with a lot of sun and beach. At the holiday home they meet the sexologist Ellen. The teenagers experience their first love, the first sex and what possibly can go wrong..