

Divine Will streaming vf complet gratuit

Divine Accounts

Divine Accounts

The story of Mónica, a normal woman with a normal life who, one day, due to an unimportant detail which could have been solved like any other previous disagreement, kills her husband. She then discovers crime as a substitute for ansiolitics, free from all moralism..

Divine Love

Divine Love

The film begins at night, as parishioners holding lanterns form a series of processions, travelling through the night from Rome, and villages in the Abruzzi and Lazio regions, to make it to the Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amore, 10 miles from the capital, by morning. More than an anthropological study of ecstatic devotion – with its genuflecting disciples, and women who scream desperately at the sky – Divino Amore also speaks to Mangini’s interest in disappearing rituals and communities at risk of extinction. When generations of worshippers pour out of the church at the end of the service, formality dissolves into secular leisure, as families perched on horse carts eat plates of spaghetti and men fall asleep on the grass. The velvet-clad austerity of the church’s interior gives way to a series of pastoral tableaux..

The Secrets of Star Divine Arts

The Secrets of Star Divine Arts

Chen Xing, the parentless young lord of the Chen Clan in Dongyang City, was supposed to become the family lord when he reached adulthood, but fell into the tricks of Chen Sheng, the ambitious interim lord of this clan, who intended to take over the leadership. No one would thought that he, lucky survived from the holocaust, could accidentally obtain the long-lost supreme "Star Divine Arts", and got enhanced after learning part of the moves. -Youku.



In a village deep in the mountains of Nepal, an aging shaman ekes out a living as a farmer. Since his childhood, the villagers have called him whenever they’ve been plagued by illness and suffering. One day, when he is asked to heal a sick man, his healing powers no longer work. Neither his trance-like recitation of mantras nor the sacrifice of a rooster has any effect. The gods don’t hear him. Has he become too old to be a healer? In tranquil and contemplative images, AAKHAT tells the story of a shaman who is facing the end of his life..

The Diviners

The Diviners

The main characters of the film are the inhabitants of the contemporary Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Odesa, and Lviv. Their reality is multi-layered, unvarnished, deprived of unambiguous interpretations of good and evil, humanity and cruelty, charity and indifference. This story is a kaleidoscope, which features all of us: the righteous, the merciless, the funny, the naïve. The honest..



En Sicile existe un Sud encore empreint de magie. Ce n’est pas quelque chose de visible, mais un sentiment mystérieux et caché qui enveloppe chaque homme et chaque chose et qui se révèle dans les histoires parallèles de Moka, un jeune artisan d’origine marocaine et d’Achille, un vieux voyant rendu célèbre par la télévision régionale. Moka, inspiré en rêve par les paroles du philosophe grec présocratique Empédocle, scrute et expérimente les secrets de la transformation du métal au cœur d’une fonderie. Achille, quant à lui, retourne à la vie civile après une longue période d’emprisonnement, fortement motivé à se réintégrer dans la société. Il devra faire face à ses problèmes de santé et surtout à une humanité aujourd’hui totalement transformée, mais qui se tourne encore vers les magicien·nes et les diseur·euses de bonne aventure pour résoudre ses problèmes ou pour courir la chance..

Dante - La divine politique

Dante - La divine politique

S’appuyant sur de rigoureuses recherches, ce film en forme d’hommage au poète reconstitue les faits marquants de ce temps, qu’il a retranscrits avec passion dans cette véritable somme sacrée, tandis que professeurs et historiens décodent son écriture métaphorique et son époque fondatrice de l'Europe chrétienne moderne..

The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in Paradise. They lived well in Paradise, but that was boring. All birds, bees have children, but they do not, because they are sinless. So, they ate the forbidden apple, and God expelled them from Paradise. What if Adam and Eve had not tasted the forbidden fruit, if they had been afraid of God’s wrath?!.