

Deception voirfilms

WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception

WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception

There were two wars in Iraq--a military assault and a media war. The former was well-covered; the latter was not. Until now... Independent filmmaker, Emmy-award winningTV journalist, author and media critic, Danny Schechter turns the cameras on the role of the media. His new film, WMD, is an outspoken assessment of how Pentagon propaganda and media complicity misled the American people....

Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald

Fatal Deception: Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald

The story of the widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of shooting President Kennedy. Via flashbacks, the story traces the woman's life from her days in Russia, the turmoil following the assassination, raising her family, and coming to grips with the fact that she too may have been a pawn in a grand conspiracy..

The Obama Deception

The Obama Deception

L'animateur de radio controversé Alex Jones présente son documentaire selon lequel Obama n'était pas la lueur d'espoir qu'il a été décrit, mais plutôt un autre rouage du gouvernement immoral et du régime des entreprises. Alex Jones dénonce le système d’esclavage que voudrait mettre en place le président..

Double Deception

Double Deception

Mr. Ozaki, a Japanese conglomerate businessman living in Los Angeles, hires a beautiful young double (Maria) to protect his real daughter (Lisa) from harm. When Maria is kidnapped by a professional crime organization for a $2 million ransom, her bodyguard, Luke Campbell, conceives a plan to rescue her. By kidnapping the real Lisa Ozaki and turning her over to the kidnappers, Luke hopes to save Maria, and ultimately Lisa, as he knows her father will only pay the ransom for his daughter and not the double. However, the bodyguards hired to watch Lisa have another plan in mind. About to lose their jobs for losing Lisa when they were supposed to keep an eye on her at all times, they decide to steal the ransom money and rescue Lisa, in an attempt to be the heroes and save their jobs.

The 60 Minutes Deception

The 60 Minutes Deception

Should we believe everything we hear on the news? Can we trust the national media? Are we being fed the truth or an agenda? The 60 Minutes Deception takes you behind the scenes of one of America's most popular and longest running news magazine shows and reveals a shocking web of deceit! In The 60 Minutes Deception you will witness firsthand: How a dedicated and courageous journalist was viciously smeared by "60 Minutes" at the request of the White House. How Mike Wallace, the host of "60 Minutes," deliberately omitted crucial evidence and distorted interview responses through manipulative editing. Why the major news media refuses to report the truth about certain political scandals and the abuse of power. The 60 Minutes Deception is one of the most important and damaging expos�s ever produces, clearly showing the dishonest tactics used by the mainstream press in providing misinformation to the American people. Must viewing for all concerned Americans!.

The Panama Deception

The Panama Deception

This winner of the 1993 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature details the case that the 1989 invasion of Panama by the US was motivated not by the need to protect American soldiers, restore democracy or even capture Noriega. It was to force Panama to submit the will of the United States after Noriega had exhausted his usefulness..

9/11: Ten Years of Deception

9/11: Ten Years of Deception

What truly happened on one of the most horrific days in American history? This provocative doc collects footage from Toronto hearings ten years after 9/11, as scientists give their theories of the horrific events that occurred that day..

Passionate Deceptions

Passionate Deceptions

This lurid erotic thriller follows Tucker and Susan, two investigators working in the Internet Sex Crime division of the Los Angeles Police Department. The officers begin working on a missing person case, and soon wind up at a bizarre mansion where a sleazy reality show is routinely filmed by the owners. To catch the murderer, Susan poses as one of the girls on the series - little realizing what lies in store for her..

The American Matrix - Age Of Deception

The American Matrix - Age Of Deception

A shocking new 2 hour film by B.A. Brooks. This 2010 release is a follow up to "The Decline And Fall Of America" which was released in 2008. "The American Matrix - Age Of Deception" details news items that all people should be aware of such as the economic collapse of The United States and the formation of the a New World Order. See what has really been going on in America today..

Laws of Deception

Laws of Deception

A law student is seduced by a beautiful woman he doesn't know, and after a one night stand with her, his roommate warns him to be careful because he suspects she may have other motives. Years later, she returns and hires him as her lawyer to defend against a charge of murdering her husband. A web of intrigue ensues as the lawyer begins his hunt to find the killer and also confront the demons of his past..

Le Secret du chevalier d'Éon

Le Secret du chevalier d'Éon

Une question d'héritage a obligé Geneviève d'Éon à devenir Charles d'Éon. Élevée par son grand-oncle en garçon, elle suit un régiment de dragons et par le biais de la comtesse de Monval, elle est envoyée en mission par le roi Louis XV auprès de la tzarine Elisabeth pour renverser l'alliance entre la Prusse et la Russie. Aidée par Bernard de Turquet, dont elle est amoureuse depuis toujours et qui a découvert son secret, elle reviendra triomphante mais jalouse, après que Bernard s'est substitué à elle pour passer une nuit d'amour avec la tzarine, qui avait un faible pour ce mystérieux chevalier..

Lone Star Deception

Lone Star Deception

Stuart Sagle is leading in the race for Governor of Texas, but a fling with a prostitute threatens to derail his campaign. His biggest supporter, his uncle Bill Sagle, has a plan that puts a second candidate, Tim Bayh, into play, and Tim finds himself as the first Black candidate for Governor in Texas' history. Thrust into circumstances he neither understands nor controls, Tim weaves his way past assassination attempts, and faces his own demons as he has to decide to quit the race, ride a wave to the statehouse, or die trying..

Deadly Deception at Sobibor

Deadly Deception at Sobibor

PBS producer/director Gary Hochman will present a preview screening of his film "Deadly Deception at Sobibor." The film follows archeologists Yoram Haimi (Israel) and Wojtek Mazurek (Poland) as they uncover evidence of a Nazi cover-up of a 1943 revolt and mass escape from the WWII Sobibor death camp. To hide the revolt and their murder of 250,000 Jews, the Nazis erased all trace of the camp. Now, Haimi, Mazurek, and local Poles excavate a forest to reveal irrefutable evidence, including traces of the walled corridor through which the Nazis herded Jews to the gas chamber…a Star of David, and a small name tag of a murdered child from Amsterdam. Adding eyewitness testimony is Philip Bialowitz, one of the 7 remaining Sobibor survivors..