

Daylight voirfilms

Burning Daylight

Burning Daylight

Burning Daylight is a dance/film project. The performance is set from late one night until dawn in a transit zone outside a notorious pub on a Broome-style Karaoke night. A series of contemporary dance scenes unfold expressing the....

Daylight Again

Daylight Again

Maggie's life is in shambles; but upon hitting rock bottom, a manipulative and cunning former lover re-enters her life with the promise of salvation..

A Nightmare Outdoor 2009: The Last Daylight

A Nightmare Outdoor 2009: The Last Daylight

A Nightmare Outdoor festival 2009 16th of May in Evenemententerrein Luttenberger, Hellendoorn. 6 Areas. Main Line-up: Outrage, Prolaxx, Ruffneck, Weapon X, The Stunned Guys, Ophidian, Amnesys, Offensive, The Hitmen, Neophyte, Tha Playah, Paul Elstak, Nosferatu, Evil Activities, Unexist. Many More....

Everyday Daylight

Everyday Daylight

Total Refusal meets with filmmaker and artist Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis in Los Santos, the digital city landscape of video game GTA V, to go on an art tour through the game world and discuss the concept of hyperrealism in capitalist media..

The Daylight Moon: Les Murray

The Daylight Moon: Les Murray

A profile of the Australian poet Les Murray. Shot on location in Northern New South Wales. Featuring dramatisations of his poems and evocative footage of the most unusual landscape. He talks illuminatingly about his life and work..

From Darkroom To Daylight

From Darkroom To Daylight

FROM DARKROOM TO DAYLIGHT explores how the dramatic change from film to digital has affected photographers and their work. Photographer Harvey Wang, who began taking pictures as a teenager, was mid-career when the tools of his craft were made nearly obsolete with the transition to digital. Wang interviewed more than 20 important photographers and prominent figures in the field, including Jerome Liebling, George Tice, David Goldblatt, Sally Mann, Eugene Richards, Ruud van Empel, John Cohen and Jeff Jacobson, as well as innovators Steven Sasson, who built the first digital camera while at Kodak and Thomas Knoll, who along with his brother created Photoshop. Much of Wang's work has been about disappearance--of trades, neighborhoods, ways of life--and to live through this transition in his own craft has enabled him to illuminate the state of the art as both a photography insider and a filmmaker..

Daylight Moon

Daylight Moon

"Lewis Klahr's collage films have always mimed the processes of memory by pulling together the discards of contemporary life (images from ads, text books, or comic books, objects such as game pieces, menus, playing cards) into scenarios that seem like some Hollywood film dimly remembered. In Daylight Moon, he reaches even further back, to try to recall the moments in which a small child configures the world out of patterns of visual fascination, a mode of seeing that relies on touch and the feel of things rather than deep space. One of his most abstract films, Daylight Moon rarely reveals a human figure. Instead of characters, Klahr gives us the play of enigmatic spaces and empty sites that promise both the invitation of desire and the discovery of crime" Tom Gunning.

Run To Daylight

Run To Daylight

A documentary based on the book by legendary Packer coach Vince Lombardi. Narrated by Horace McMahon and told by Vince Lombardi, the 55-minute B & W film is a behind-the-scenes look at the Green Bay Packers from the beginning thru the end of training camp for the 1964 NFL season..

A Daring Daylight Burglary

A Daring Daylight Burglary

A thief jumps a fence and removes the shutter from a house. He enters, but a lad who's witnessed the crime runs off to hail the coppers. The first officer on the scene climbs the fence, enters the house, and is soon fighting with the thief on the roof. Falling from the roof, the officer is injured and requires an ambulance. Meanwhile, the thief flees, pursued by more men in blue..

Burning Daylight

Burning Daylight

Elam "Burning Daylight" Harnish is a prospector who makes a million dollars in the Dawson, Alaska gold rush and loses the million dollars in Dawson. He journeys to San Francisco, makes three million dollars and loses it in San Francisco. He returns to Alaska and eventually finds his treasure..

Daylight Rules

Daylight Rules

In a future time a few people can harness the power of the sun, and this power is misunderstood. A young woman must find out who has the best intentions for her and others of her kind..

The Daylight Zone

The Daylight Zone

35 year old Carl Smith is on his way home to Johnson City, Texas. He claims Jesus never existed, and bases that claim on never having met Jesus in person. But what does it take for a man to know if someone did indeed exist, or if that someone is in fact telling the truth?.

Secondhand Daylight

Secondhand Daylight

Carol Morley's 16mm documentary short is set in a fast food restaurant where a selection of twenty-somethings talk about their troubles. One of two shorts Morley directed as her graduation films from Central St. Martin's School of Art (the other being Girl)..