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The Original Food Truck, Haven Brothers: Legacy of the American Diner

The Original Food Truck, Haven Brothers: Legacy of the American Diner

"The Original Food Truck," Haven Brothers: Legacy of the American Diner tells the story of Haven Bros. Diner, the oldest operating diner on wheels. The original fast food, the first food truck owned by woman, this late night lunch cart has served patrons for over 120 years. Located in the birthplace of the American diner, Providence, RI, the documentary centers around the fact that Haven Bros. was almost lost to the modernizing of Providence. The diner was moved from its reserved parking spot next to Providence City Hall, and this was considered blasphemy to its loyal followers. In the words of lifelong Providence resident and founder of artists' collaborative AS220, Umberto Crenca, "It's not just the physical reality of it being here, but the conceptual reality of it being not here. What would be missed?" The story of Haven Brothers is the story of the American Dream, the American diet, and what it is to be a success. Written by Haven Brothers Movie.

Food: Secret of the Peace

Food: Secret of the Peace

The end of WWII has brought much hardship to Western Europe, especially in the area of food security and availability. The war has wiped out much of Europe's ability to grow its own food - it, as a continent, was close to being self sufficient during peace times - or to distribute what can be grown internally. In cities, there are long line ups at the few places where food is available, and a growing black market for food for those who can afford it. Much of the food growing regions of the southern hemisphere are also having problems growing enough to feed their own due to natural disasters. That leaves the United States and Canada as the only major food growing nations to assist its war time allies of Europe through this crisis while Europe rebuilds..

Zap!! The Weapon Is Food

Zap!! The Weapon Is Food

In the first of a trilogy of documentaries made in the United States, John Pilger reveals American Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s policy of refusing aid to countries that do not support his government in the United Nations and the existence of a “Zap Office” – officially, the Office of Multilateral Diplomacy – specially set up in the State Department to monitor voting patterns..

Food from the Empire

Food from the Empire

Made in 1940 and sponsored by the Ministry of Information this film shows the food contributions supplied to Britain by various colonies and dominions. 'Food from the Empire highlights the severity of the food issue, by discussing food production as a battle (...) and offers insights into British attitudes towards its colonies and dominions. The commentary notes that the ‘free people’ of these countries are ‘anxious to send every ounce they can to the United Kingdom for they know that upon the ability of Great Britain to hold out depends their own freedom’. Britain is depicted as a dominant power, fighting to protect those within the Empire, while the colonies are loyal and ‘anxious’ to help.' - Tom Rice, on the film from

The Street Food Hype

The Street Food Hype

Gourmet sandwiches, salads, cakes and also ethnic cuisine, fried fish, ribs or spleen: these are just some of the recipes offered by the army of four-wheeled chefs that fill the streets. But now street food is also a way of life: those who offer it only need a van, some talent and a small investment, while those who eat it simply take to the streets..

The Best Christmas Food Ever

The Best Christmas Food Ever

Chef Paul Ainsworth and popular home cook Catherine Fulvio host Best Christmas Food Ever. Bringing culinary expertise and warmth the duo will also create a fun tone to the show. In each episode, Paul and Catherine will prepare seasonal dishes and their accompaniments worthy of the Christmas table. The first dish will range from show-stopping dishes to quick but tasty recipes for last minute festive entertaining. The second dish will be inspired by an ingredient which epitomises the 12 tastes of Christmas for the hosts. The final dish will be a recipe close to the heart of the celebrity guest who appears on each episode. The celebrity guest will also join in the general fun and Christmas joy of the show..

Feeding Frenzy: The Food Industry, Obesity and the Creation of a Health Crisis

Feeding Frenzy: The Food Industry, Obesity and the Creation of a Health Crisis

In the past three decades, obesity rates in the US have more than doubled for children and tripled for adolescents, and 70% of adults are now obese or overweight. The result has been a widening epidemic of obesity-related health problems, including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes. While discussions about this spiraling health crisis have tended to focus on the need for more exercise and individual responsibility, FEEDING FRENZY trains its focus squarely on the responsibility of the processed food industry and the outmoded government policies it benefits from. It lays bare how taxpayer subsidies designed to feed hungry Americans during the Great Depression have enabled the food industry to flood the market with a rising tide of cheap, addictive, high calorie food products, and offers an engrossing look at the tactics of the multi billion-dollar marketing machine charged with making sure that every one of those surplus calories is consumed..

The Global Junk Food Conspiracy

The Global Junk Food Conspiracy

Why are food manufacturers using tactics banned in the West in the developing world? Filmed in Brazil, India and France, investigates the new tactics of brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Domino’s Pizza..

The Meaning of Food: Food for Life

The Meaning of Food: Food for Life

This documentary follows chef Marcus Samuelsson as he travels the country, discovering what different people eat and uncovering what the food that someone eats, where they eat it, how the cook it and where they get it says about them..