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Ange ou démon

Ange ou démon

Victor l'ange et Veronika le demon decident de tester le mortel en la personne de Bull le chauffeur de taxi. Celui-ci est frappe de malchance et accumule les problemes. Chacun joue ses propres cartes pour le recuperer : bonte, heroisme et procedes peu orthodoxes pour Victor, charme, perversion et debordements charnels pour Veronika..

Speaking Parts

Speaking Parts

Dans un moratorium, Clara contemple l'image vidéo de son frère défunt auquel elle fit un don d'organes sans succès. Clara décide de raconter son histoire en film..

Speak No Evil

Speak No Evil

Quand tous les enfants dans une petite ville deviennent possédés, une mère refuse de croire que sa fille est perdue pour le diable et fera tout ce qu'il faut pour la garder vivante..

La Speakerine 2021

La Speakerine 2021

Un demi-siècle après La speakerine, redécouvert en 2018 à la Berlinale, Margarita Tsomou, coéditrice du magazine féministe Missy et professeure en arts performatifs, revisite l’exercice de l’annonce télévisée pour faire avancer le féminisme inclusif. Un nouveau manifeste à l’adresse aussi de l’industrie du cinéma..

Speaking in Tongues: The History of Language

Speaking in Tongues: The History of Language

Currently there are more than 6,000 languages spoken around the world. This five-part series traces the history and evolution of language and attendant theories and controversies while evaluating the scope of linguistic diversity, the dissemination of language, the expansion of language into written form, and the life cycle of language..

Manson Speaks: Inside the Mind of a Madman

Manson Speaks: Inside the Mind of a Madman

The two-part special “Manson Speaks: Inside the Mind of a Madman” presents a new theory on Manson’s motives that does not align with the “Helter Skelter” theory he was prosecuted under; brings forth eye witnesses who are speaking publicly about Manson for the first time; and makes contact with the only convicted Manson Family killer who is currently out of prison and living under a pseudonym.The special also examines 26 hours of exclusive never-before-broadcast phone conversations with Manson that may change the scope of his crimes, almost five decades later..

BTS Love Yourself : Speak Yourself [The Final]

BTS Love Yourself : Speak Yourself [The Final]

The finale of the LOVE YOURSELF Tour attended by 2.06 million people through 62 concerts in 24 cities around the world, spectacular performances and special effects that filled the Seoul Jamsil Olympic Stadium and the live atmosphere of the last day of the LOVE YOURSELF Tour..

We Will Speak

We Will Speak

The Cherokee language is deeply tied to Cherokee identity; yet generations of assimilation efforts by the U.S. government and anti-Indigenous stigmas have forced the Tri-Council of Cherokee tribes to declare a State of Emergency for the language in 2019. While there are 430,000 Cherokee citizens in the three federally recognized tribes, fewer than an estimated 2,000 fluent speakers remain—the majority of whom are elderly. The covid pandemic has unfortunately hastened the course. Language activists, artists, and the youth must now lead the charge of urgent radical revitalization efforts to help save the language from the brink of extinction..

Billy Wilder : confessions

Billy Wilder : confessions

En 1988, le cinéaste allemand Volker Schlöndorff s'est assis avec le légendaire réalisateur Billy Wilder (1906-2002) dans son bureau de Beverly Hills, en Californie, et a allumé sa caméra pour une série d'entretiens filmés..