

Comment trouver A Cold gratuit

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid

La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid

Enfant, après avoir été témoin du meurtre brutal de toute sa famille par des Amérindiens, Jeremiah Bridger devient un tueur indien impitoyable et un chasseur de scalps. Après avoir sauvé la vie d'une belle fille amérindienne nommée Tune, le tireur solitaire et silencieux reconsidère lentement sa haine. Il commence à douter de son ancienne persuasion, que ce sont vraiment les Indiens, qui ont tué sa famille, et doit bientôt découvrir qu'un propriétaire terrien cupide et sans scrupules blâme généralement les Amérindiens pour ses propres crimes..

Colditz : La guerre des évadés

Colditz : La guerre des évadés

Pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, le lieutenant Jack Rose est emprisonné à Colditz. Forteresse médiévale, Colditz est la prison la mieux gardée par les nazis. Trahi par l'un des siens, Jack doit s'évader par tous les moyens….

A Cold

A Cold

One late summer. Yuko has a cold and doesn't go to school. She waits for someone in a strange neighborhood until sunset..

Mars froid

Mars froid

Un adolescent arrive dans une petite ville de province pour y faire ses études dans une école technique. L'ambiance générale y est plutôt agitée. Jour après jour, les événements se succèdent. Le fil du temps se déroule, infini. Des gestes de tous les jours surgit le destin. Et, seuls les actes sortant de l'ordinaire obligent les personnages à marquer un temps d'arrêt et à réaliser que la vie s'en va chaque jour davantage..

A Taste of Cold Steel

A Taste of Cold Steel

It's a no-holds-barred battle to the death for possession of the invaluable Purple Sword. Assistant director Wang Po-yi also wrote this entertaining and exciting adventure which could have also been called "The Five Tigers" since there's no doubt that this quintet is the highlight of the action. Huang Tsung-shun is "Fierce Tiger," Hung Liu is "Drunk Tiger," Hsu Erh-niu is "Lame Tiger," award-winning actor Ku Feng is "One-eyed Tiger" and respected director/actor Wu Ma is "Sick Tiger" in a tangle of tussles and thrills.

A Cold Day

A Cold Day

The heater in a classroom in a primary school catches fire and a teacher risks his life to save the students. He rescues the children, but he is severely burnt and is taken to the hospital. The head teacher is forced to bring in another teacher for the students but.....

Au service du passé

Au service du passé

Jenny est une mère célibataire qui passe des vacances en Europe avec sa fille. Son passé d'ex-espionne du KGB la rattrape quand le CIA s'intéresse à elle notamment pour ses capacités physiques hors normes. Bientôt, une série de meurtres perpétrés par un individu aux mêmes facultés extraordinaires a lieu....

Virgo - A Woman's Cold Feet

Virgo - A Woman's Cold Feet

Future. Planet Earth. An aged man receives a package from the global government in which he finds a fascinating hologram that will accompany him during his last day of life. We will witness his sad birthday party while he waits for his daughter, Margot..

Does Your Soul Have a Cold?

Does Your Soul Have a Cold?

By following the lives of five Japanese individuals this documentary explores the problem of depression in Japan and how the marketing of anti-depressant drugs has changed the way the Japanese view depression. Marketing of anti-depressants did not begin in Japan until the late 1990s and prior to this, depression was not widely recognized as a problem by the Japanese public. Since then, use of anti-depressants has sky-rocketed and use of the Japanese word "utsu" to describe depression has become commonplace, having previously been used only by psychiatric professionals..

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War

Calendrier civil, année 1205. Lavi est née à North Ambria, la région la plus pauvre du nord-ouest de Zemuria. Elle s'engage dans les Jaegers du Nord, les forces militaires les plus importantes du continent, pour protéger sa ville natale. Elle se démarque ainsi de son grand-père Vlad, qui était autrefois un héros, mais qui a trahi North Ambria. Son dévouement à sa cause lui vaut souvent d'enfreindre le règlement et, un jour, elle reçoit l'ordre de former un peloton avec Martin, Iseria et Talion pour une mission d'espionnage délicate à Erebonia. Elle doit recueillir des informations sur le "Héros Impérial", une mystérieuse menace pour North Ambria….

A Cold Rain of Loneliness

A Cold Rain of Loneliness

The action takes place in a remote village. The main characters are a married couple and a boy who lives with his grandmother. Locals talk about household chores every day. And at the same time there is a world of unusual, according to my grandmother, young people who enjoy nature and do not see the earthly problems that locals see. For a young couple, this is a new experience and a new life. The young man, an engineer by education, shares with the guy his idea of ​​a unique new home, balanced in functionality and naturalness. And gives advice to the guy on the balance of flight of his plane, which constantly falls at launch. But in a new world of dreams of a young couple comes war - a young man is taken to the anti-terrorist operation zone….

A Couple in Cold War

A Couple in Cold War

Ye Hui and Jiang Man were originally a loving couple. One time Hui received a 1000 dollar bonus, and his colleague Zhu Ge-Kong paid a plan to hide the bonus in the shoes and prepared to spend it on his own. After Man found out, he took the money away, and the two quarreled about it. , Hui asked for a divorce in anger, but he was not allowed to move away, so he only hung a tent in the bedroom as the "Chu River and Han Jie". After that, Huichang fought with his wife, even pretending to have brain cancer, and tricked Man into taking care of him. , Unexpectedly, it was seen through by Man again. Manager Hong of Hui Company and Manager Mei of Man Company reunited, and the two companies merged together, and Man promoted the director, making it difficult for Hui and Kong. After the manager of Man Demei persuaded him, he witnessed the affection of others’ husbands and wives. Deeply ashamed, reconciliation with Hui is as good as ever..

Wish Upon a Star: Cold Body + Warm Heart

Wish Upon a Star: Cold Body + Warm Heart

Hikari is a girl whose mother Mari has fused with a spaceship. Traveling in the spaceship, Armadillo, Hikari experiences things and encounters people, including a strange boy called Romeo who emerged from the extracted noise she came across on the Web, and her long-lost father Raven..

Cold Blood Warm Heart

Cold Blood Warm Heart

Bong (Adam Cheng) blamed Sing (Kwan Hoi San) for abandoning his mother and refused to acknowledge him as his father even he was one of the richest men in town. He loved and admired his foster father Kin (Bow Fong), who was a retired cop. He and his brother Lap (Gallen Lo) followed Kin’s footsteps and joined the force. Bong’s half-brother Kei (Poon Chi Man) was involved in a murder case and Bong in turn got suspended since his superior Kin (Julian Cheung) suspected he was Kei’s conspirator. Fortunately, he was proved innocent by Hang (Eddie Cheung).......