

Comment regarder The Priest sur Netflix gratuitement

Le Noël de Monsieur le curé

Le Noël de Monsieur le curé

The parish priest looks to create a Nativity scene for his church, but his congregation is too poor to afford the statuary dealer's price for a statue of baby Jesus. The miracle, then, is that the faithful's prayers are answered by the appearance of angels and the Virgin Mary, who present them with a statue..

The Priest's Niece

The Priest's Niece

Don Sabino, a priest from the provinces who lives with his niece, Monica. Don Sabino is an arcane priest but his character changes radically when he is with Lucila, a girl whom he and Monica have raised since she was just a baby, when they found her abandoned at the door of their house. Don Sabino is a very helpful priest with his parishioners and life goes on without great upheavals until one day Tomasón appears, fleeing from justice after having committed a murder..

The priest's suitcase

The priest's suitcase

Two Italian cousins, Mariantela and Monica, come for holidays in Greece. At the airport, however, their luggage is confused with those of Alkis, a Catholic priest who carries a cross of remarkable value on behalf of a smugglers' coil. As the life of Alkis is directly at risk from the villains, if he does not find the valuable suitcase soon, he can only follow the Italians in Spetses..

The Priest

The Priest

"If a person doesn't go to church anymore, then the church should go to them," says Rinalds, a calm, smiling, young man with a good sense of humor. He is a priest from a small village in Latgale, Latvia's easternmost and poorest region, and the documentary Prīsters (The Priest) follows the routines of his daily life, his thoughts of life and religion and why he chose this path for himself..

The Priest's Niece

The Priest's Niece

Dun Benit is constantly dogged by misfortune. Though this description may seem to be pessimistic, it is in fact very optimistic, given the situations Dun Benit has to face! It was not enough that during the short period he was on holiday abroad, the sacristan decided to abandon his duties to another job..

Mon curé chez les pauvres

Mon curé chez les pauvres

L'abbé Pellegrin, curé de Sableuse, un village d'environ 2100 habitants, cède à un inconnu présenté par un ancien camarade de guerre, La Goupille, un Christ ancien. Il apprend trop tard qu'il a été abusé par un escroc, Saint Preux, mais, ne voulant pas compromettre son ami La Goupille, propose à son évêque de retrouver lui-même l'escroc et le Christ.Dans ce but, il troque sa soutane contre des habits civils....

Kino: The Legend of the Black Priest

Kino: The Legend of the Black Priest

Propped up on his deathbed, a 17th century Spanish missionary named Father Kino (Enrique Rocha) looks back on his remarkable life and relives one of his greatest challenges: bringing the teachings of Christianity to California's native population while convincing the Spanish military to respect the Indians' traditions..

Yakuza bozu

Yakuza bozu

Un voyou pratiquant les arts martiaux, fornicant, buvant de l'alcool, jouant un prêtre qui rivalise avec le voyou yakuza local en ouvrant sa propre maison de jeu et en bat beaucoup pour démarrer. Le prêtre combat ses propres conventions, les yakuzas, les femmes amoureuses et assure la justice de rue..

The two priests

The two priests

Adiodato is an old priest about to retire. Ramiro, the young priest who is going to succeed him, talks to him about his fear of inheriting the church..

Santa Cruz, the guerrilla priest

Santa Cruz, the guerrilla priest

Juán Auzmendi, sacristan of a small Spanish village, decides to emigrate to America in search of new horizons. To pay for the trip, he steals the saving of his parish priest and begins the journey to the city of Pasajes, where he hopes to get on a ship. But Spain is again on the verge of a Civil War and the trip to the coast gets complicated..