

Comment regarder The Comedian sur Netflix gratuitement

Young Comedians

Young Comedians

HBO's long running showcase of young stand-up comedians. Six comics get presented to a live audience with each one doing a short routine demonstrating their comedic prowess..



Un regard sur le travail de deux humoristes, Jerry Seinfeld et Orny Adams un nouveau venu moins connu, détaillant les efforts et la frustration derrière la mise en place d'un acte et d'une carrière réussis tout en vivant une vie sur la route..

Les Harmonistes

Les Harmonistes

Allemagne, 1927, le parti nazi ne represente que 2,6% de voix. A Berlin, la vie culturelle est intense. Harry Frommermann, fils d'un chantre juif russe decede, passionne de musique decide de creer un groupe. Il passe une annonce dans la presse locale. Le groupe est forme. Apres maintes altercations le style est trouve: ce sera le swing. Nos musiciens vont connaitre le succes au point d'entamer une tournee en Amerique. De retour en Allemagne, le parti nazi gagne les elections. Frommermann et deux autres musiciens juifs du groupe sont interdits d'exercice..

Comedian's Counterfeit Killer

Comedian's Counterfeit Killer

The film tells that Xiao Xiaolong, who is a small clever person in his early childhood, has grown into a comedy star. After falling into a murder case, he fell into disrepair. The comedy class also disbanded. Dai Xiaolong, who was hiding in Tibet, became a killer by chance. In every corner of the city, it triggers a series of hilarious stories..

Le Voyage des comédiens

Le Voyage des comédiens

De 1939 à 1952, une troupe de comédiens sillonne les petites villes de Grèce pour donner des représentations. Lorsque la Seconde Guerre mondiale éclate, la comédie naïve qu’ils jouaient alors est vite remplacée par une tragédie. Malgré l’oppression politique et les drames qui se jouent entre les membres de la troupe, les comédiens continueront de jouer et de résister jusqu’au bout..

Stewart Lee: If You Prefer a Milder Comedian, Please Ask for One

Stewart Lee: If You Prefer a Milder Comedian, Please Ask for One

TV's Frankie Boyle has declared that no-one over 40 should do stand-up, as the old comedians lose their edge and their anger. Stewart Lee is 42 and Frankie's heartless Scottish words have made him wonder if it's worth carrying on. Undaunted, the furiously baffled comedian tries to win round the legendarily harsh Glasgow audience with a crowd-pleasing Mcintyre-style routine about coffee shops, but is distracted by scores of imaginary pirates; he tries to talk about every day middle aged men's concerns, but is drawn into a forty minute rant against Top Gear and all it stands for; he attempts to find some common ground with happy childhood memories that he and the audience can share, but is instead consumed with loathing and despair as a result of a Magners' Cider advertising campaign..

My Life as a Comedian

My Life as a Comedian

Juha, 12, class clown in the suburb of Sävbyholm, Sweden. To be funny is the only thing he is good at and all he wants is to fit in the social peckingorder at school. When Juha as an adult performs the show – My Life As A Comedian- to sold out theatres and tells the horrid and funny stories from his childhood to the audience he gets an unexpected visit from an old friend from school which makes him return to Sävbyholm and deal with his past..

Les Comédiens

Les Comédiens

Ana Ruiz, a young actress who works in a traveling theater company, plays only minor roles, but she hopes to succeed and prefers the success to the love of Michael. When the company decides to release "Heaven is not far," Ana hopes to be the young protagonist, however, the paper turns to fall on the veteran Carmen. The businessman Charles Marquez offers Ana to be the star in the new play if she becomes his lover.



Roni Beck is a man whose only thought in life is to become a professional comedian, but who due to his lack of success must live hidden in his mother's appartment in an old people's home, continuing to believe firmly that his day in the limelight will come. One day Serge Grätzer, the director of the old people's home, discovers Roni, and makes him help out with the work. Serge then decides to take a hand in Roni's career, embezzling money to launch the budding comedian. Once again however success eludes Roni. In the end Serge decides to fulfil his own secret longings to be on the stage. This leads to a row between the two men. Despite a reconciliation, they never again appear together on the stage. And when Serge's embezzlement is discovered he has to flee with the police at his heels and the home has to be closes. In the end, Roni persuades Mr. Klein, an eccentric old man who likes to play the stock market, to save the home with the millions he has stashed away..

Stewart Lee: 90s Comedian

Stewart Lee: 90s Comedian

You're looking at a very special DVD that very nearly didn't happen. Stewart Lee's tour de force, 90s Comedian, has been dubbed so controversial (along with his directing debut Jerry Springer the Opera) that none of the big DVD manufacturers would touch it with a barge pole. Which is a shame, and is why the fearless Go Faster Stripe stepped in and offered to organise a special one-off evening's pe.

I Am a Comedian

I Am a Comedian

Daisuke is a comedian who was excluded from TV because of his political statements. This is the story of three years filled with his challenges, suffering, and love for his family..