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The Human Chain

The Human Chain

Deering and his gang rifle the station safe and gain possession of some valuable gems; Helen seizes the package and throws it into the river. In order to recover the package, a human chain is formed by the railroad men, which Helen climbs down and attempts to catch the package with her feet. Meanwhile, Deering and his men have boarded a launch, and succeed in grabbing both Helen and the package. Morton takes over a freight train, captures the crooks, and rescues Helen and the gems..

The Daisy Chain

The Daisy Chain

This project brings together five South Asian men from across Canada. Each of the men express in a short video-vignette a particular experience of their carnal body in relation to queer 'male' sexuality. This video-chain-letter originated in Calgary where Kevin d'Souza recorded a short message and then passed it on to the next participant who in turn recorded his own message and then circulated it to the next participant. The result is a series of short postcards: How to Feel Free by Atif Siddiqui, Biryani is My Business by Arif Noorani, Ghar Ke Khani by Imtiaz Popat, Devotion Desire by Himmat Shinhat, and Cancer by Kevin d'Souza. This project, through the process of self/body documentation, was transformative; leading out of the pessimism of colonial discourse by making new narratives and by exhibiting imperfect bodies in the realm of the fetishized/advertised/racialized body..

Break the Chain

Break the Chain

Produced and Directed by Michigan documentary filmmakers, Laura E. Swanson and Kirk Mason, ‘Break the Chain’ is an award-winning feature-length documentary film that addresses the often "hidden-in-plain-sight" issue of Human Trafficking within Michigan communities and the United States. The film chronicles two survivors of Human Trafficking - providing a detailed look at how trafficking goes unnoticed within our backyards. Kwami, a child survivor of Labor Trafficking, was enslaved for nearly five years with three other children in Ypsilanti, Michigan before anyone noticed. Debbie, a survivor of Sex Trafficking, takes us through her experience of being sold for sex around the Detroit-Area between the ages of 13 and 18..

The Food Chain

The Food Chain

In 2002, I began working on a short film – The Chain of Food - dealing with the question: is there or isn’t there hunger in Palestine? The figures in the reports of several humanitarian organizations and statements by various officials seemed rather ambivalent to me. I assumed that there is hunger in Palestine and that outdated conceptual categories—which identify hunger with the swollen bellies of children, as in the case of Biafra—have prevented us from seeing the situation in the Occupied Territories as it truly is..

The Golden Chain

The Golden Chain

The distant future: a Nigerian space station in a remote corner of the galaxy orbits an artificial pinpoint of matter so dense it cannot exist in our solar system. A first-time collaboration between experimental filmmaker Adebukola Bodunrin and graphic novelist Ezra Claytan Daniels, The Golden Chain finds the two artists intertwining their contrasting aesthetics to revisit the themes of the Yoruba creation tale..

The Killing Chain

The Killing Chain

Closed New Zealand’s freezing plants have become ruins with wildlife growing through them. Once they were used by the country’s dominant industry processing livestock into meat and other products, but the industry has been in decline since Britain joined the EEC. Animation permeates the documentary film, with workers arising from archive footages..

The Weight of Chains

The Weight of Chains

The Weight of Chains is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics. This film also presents positive stories from the Yugoslav wars - people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice..

Chainsaw Man

Chainsaw Man

Denji est un adolescent qui vit avec son chien-démon-tronçonneuse, Pochita. À cause d’une énorme dette que son père a laissée derrière lui, le garçon se retrouve dans la misère la plus totale, cherchant avec Pochita à rembourser l’argent en récoltant des cadavres de démons pour le compte d’une organisation. Un jour, Denji est trahi et tué. Encore conscient, il passe un contrat avec Pochita et renaît sous le nom de Chainsaw Man, un homme au cœur de démon ….

The Catskill Chainsaw Redemption

The Catskill Chainsaw Redemption

"The Catskill Chainsaw Redemption" is the story of a chainsaw-wielding maniac who goes on an unexpected odyssey of self-discovery. After a lifetime of cutting people open, can he learn what they're really like inside?.

The Bangor Chainsaw Massacre

The Bangor Chainsaw Massacre

Set in the woods, somewhere in Bangor, PEI, this short work, starring Michael Gaudet, illustrates a well known frustration in this rural based community - a chainsaw that breaks down and doesn't start, no matter what you fiddle with, or, how many, many times you pull the cord. This incident ends in the ultimate demise of the offending device and serves as a warning to all chainsaws in the future..