

Comment regarder Phantoms sur Netflix gratuitement

Human Phantoms

Human Phantoms

This is a time of disorder and isolation. Wars, Pandemic, Protests and suppressions. The world is splitting up and the society is falling apart, people are dividing from each other. Everything is messing with human's inner being, attacking their mentality and consciousness, their memory and visual starts to make turbulence. This is the visual of a virus who transfers from human to human, this virus sees through humans, feels what they feel, remembers what they remember, everything is phantoms in their mind. The virus eventually get overloaded by all these sensory stimuli and it exploded inside the person's mind, the person it's in thus get infected..

The Phantoms

The Phantoms

Based on numerous Victorian Gothic stories, most notably Charlotte P. Gilmans' works, this film follows John and his wife, Charlotte, as they unravel the mysteries of the Wakefield house in the aftermath of their daughter's death. While witnessing a variety of supernatural events, John and Charlotte realize there is more than ghosts haunting the Wakefield house..

The Phantom's Secret

The Phantom's Secret

At the death of Count de Beaulieu, his daughter Jeanne learns that her father had been the arch-criminal known as The Phantom. The only other person who knew her father's identity was his lieutenant, Franz Leroux, who now demands that Jeanne marry him in return for his silence..

Phantoms of Phosphor

Phantoms of Phosphor

This dance, forever reaching towards an elusive ending, garlands the nocturnal heavens with a hue of melancholic blue as ephemeral bodies revel in the rapture of ecstatic communion..

Phantoms of a Libertine

Phantoms of a Libertine

Set in a deserted, silent at, laden with mementoes and artefacts belonging to a now departed inhabitant. The film pieces together an elusive biography of a traveller to far flung destinations. There is a heavy stillness in the deserted space, the inhabitants faded memories are retraced by Rivers, but remain inescapably unresolved; narratives flicker and then disperse in succession; the immateriality of life is reflected in the material left behind..

Le Fantôme de la liberté

Le Fantôme de la liberté

Tolède, 1808, lors de la prise de la ville par les troupes napoléoniennes, un capitaine de dragons français baise une statue de femme et reçoit un coup de poing d'une statue de chevalier. Un homme étrange dans un parc, remet à une petite fille des cartes postales pornographiques, les parents sont horrifiés par ces clichés alors qu'ils ne représentent en fait que des monuments célèbres de Paris… Une suite de scènes surréalistes et farfelues ponctuées par des scènes de répression qui dévergondent la rigidité morale de la société..

Notre monde

Notre monde

Kosovo, 2007. Zoé et Volta quittent leur village reculé pour intégrer l’université de Pristina. À la veille de l’indépendance, entre tensions politiques et sociales, les deux jeunes femmes se confrontent au tumulte d’un pays en quête d’identité dont la jeunesse est laissée pour compte..

The Phantom of Santa Fe

The Phantom of Santa Fe

Au début du XIXème siècle, à Santa Fé,une bande de pillards attaque et pille une mission, volant des trésors religieux inestimables. la population accuse un hors-la-loi connu sous le nom de "Hawk"....

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra

En 1877, dans l'Opéra de Paris, plusieurs ouvriers sont retrouvés dévorés, mutilés et assassinés par une force mystérieuse. Sur le scène du théâtre, la jeune soprano Christine Daae répète. Un fantôme l'observe, visiblement subjugué par sa beauté et son talent. Il décide de l'aborder. La jeune femme, intriguée et troublée, va basculer dans une passion amoureuse aussi irréelle qu'éphémère pour ce fantôme. Pendant ce temps, l'Opéra continue à être le théâtre d'une série de mystérieux accidents..

Lustful Phantom

Lustful Phantom

Faikham has to unwillingly inherit the spirit of Ka from her late mother. It can make her more beautiful by licking her face, yet gives her a terrifying form too. This spirit of Ka was once a beautiful woman, called Princess Oenglong who was brutal and evil. Now Oenglong strongly desires revenge on anyone who hurt her when she was alive. Even after her death, the spirit of Faikham's mother is still stuck under Ka's powerful control. Now Faikham not only has to save herself but also her mother from the claws of evil Ka. One day, Faikham has a chance to work in the palace, opening up an opportunity for Oenglong to take revenge..

Phantom Squad

Phantom Squad

In 1950s Singapore, two outcast policemen lead a squad of misfits in an undercover war against the brutal secret societies that run the underworld..

Sex Detective Nana: The Phantom of the Sauna

Sex Detective Nana: The Phantom of the Sauna

Karin, a sex detective, and Nana, an assistant, have protected the peace of Shimbashi based in a Chinese-style oil beauty salon. In the city, a mysterious incident occurs in which women disappear one after another, but Karin is not so absorbed in having sex with the New York Police Department Kasumi. Nana aims to solve the case with a newcomer China Girl Hachi and pseudo-sex detectives who are a reserve army of sex detectives. As the investigation continues, the shadow of a male office worker who is envious of his female boss, as well as the super-male and female criminal association ADAM, begins to flicker..

Phantoms of Nabua

Phantoms of Nabua

The story based on the mysterious portrait of the town of Nabua in northeastern Thailand. Soon after nightfall when the crepuscular violets concede to blackness, the wind's rustling intensifies and the boys come out to play..

Le Vaisseau fantôme volant

Le Vaisseau fantôme volant

La ville d'Hayato est dévastée par un robot géant, ses parents sont tués dans le massacre. Le seul ami qui lui reste est son chien Jack, les seules choses qui lui restent sont la chaussure de sa maman et une photo d'un homme et d'une femme qui, comme le lui dit son père sur son lit de mort, sont ses vrais parents. Maintenant Hayato veut se venger de celui qui aurait envoyé le robot : le terrible Ghost Ship qui menace les navires et dont on dit qu'il souhaite tout exterminer..