

Comment regarder Drone sur Netflix gratuitement

Soratabi Okinawa - Iyashi Drone Sightseeing

Soratabi Okinawa - Iyashi Drone Sightseeing

The main island of Okinawa, full of history and nature, is filmed with the Inspire 2, a professional drone manufactured by DJI, and a gimbal camera with a Super 35mm sensor. Enjoy the colorful and spectacular views of Cape Kyanabu, Hyakuna Beach, Cape Hendo, and more..

Madre Drone

Madre Drone

Madre Drone was made at a period of crisis, that encompassed decades of political, economic, and environmental catastrophes in South America, including: the burning of Bolivia's Chiquitania dry forests and Amazon rainforests; mass uprisings in Santiago, Chile over low wages and the high cost of living; and eruptions of police brutality. Created while Domínguez was volunteering at an improvised animal shelter that cared for wildlife burned or maimed in the forest fires, the dreamlike video Madre Drone draws a line between environmental disaster and human political crisis. In it, imagery of a toucan blinded by flames merges with laser-clad robots, cosmic serpents, spy drones, and footage of protests in Santiago, during which hundreds suffered eye trauma from hardened rubber bullets and tear gas fired by Chilean security forces. [Overview courtesy of New Museum].

La Grande Muraille de Chine vue du ciel

La Grande Muraille de Chine vue du ciel

Le réalisateur britannique William Lindesay est obsédé par la Grande Muraille depuis qu’il l’a découverte, enfant, dans un atlas scolaire. En 2017, après vingt-sept années passées en Chine et plusieurs documentaires sur le sujet, il a enfin accompli son rêve : filmer dans son intégralité le monument depuis le ciel. Équipé d’un drone, avec sa femme chinoise et leurs deux enfants, il commence son périple à l’est, à Old Dragon's Head, où la muraille se jette dans la mer, et poursuit vers l'ouest jusqu’à la province du Gansu. Un voyage époustouflant de 9 000 kilomètres à la (re)découverte de la Chine ancienne et d'un monument iconique, raconté à la première personne du singulier par celui qui est le seul étranger officiellement reconnu comme "protecteur du mur" par les autorités chinoises..

Mensageiras da Amazônia: Jovens Munduruku Usam Drone e Celular para Resistir às Invasões

Mensageiras da Amazônia: Jovens Munduruku Usam Drone e Celular para Resistir às Invasões

In the Sawré Muybu Indigenous Land, in southwest Pará, three Munduruku women are part of the Munduruku Audiovisual Collective Daje Kapap Eypi, which disseminates the denunciations of the indigenous people beyond the banks of the Tapajós River. Accompany these young women during the production of a documentary about the actions of their people to protect the Amazon and defend the territory from invaders, especially loggers and miners. Expelling invaders has always been risky, but in times of the Bolsonaro government it is even more so..

Shura City: A Proposal for Anti-Drone Architecture

Shura City: A Proposal for Anti-Drone Architecture

Collaboration with Asher Kohn and 유+웃 CHAiT. In response to drone attacks and unlawful use of surveillance, a proposed city, Shura City, exists as an alternative city-state model. The polity’s citizens through collective decision-making are able to live free of intrusion by state forces and enable us to think about the value of security and privacy..

Cosplay Fetish Battle Drones

Cosplay Fetish Battle Drones

It's Morphin' time! There's a tumor in the collective unconscious, and it's up to 6 young people to draw on its power to become the Struggled Reagans! Armed with Metaphysical super powers, a giant robot, and perverse sexual fetishes, they can defeat an ancient Hindu god and his googley eyed monster...Right?.

A Drone Opera

A Drone Opera

A self-contained and uniquely seductive world featuring custom built drones with live video feeds, laser set-design, opera singers and an original libretto that combines to drive a narrative of desire, fear and destruction..

The Freestone Drone

The Freestone Drone

An unmanned drone deviates from its destined flight path, as it wanders through time and space its camera surveys its surroundings and the robot narrates its findings..

Skier vs Drone

Skier vs Drone

2018 Olympic Bronze Medalist skier racer, Victor Muffat-Jeandet, faces off against 2x World Drone Racing Champion, Jordan Temkin, in a dual GS race to see who is the fastest down the mountain..