

Comment regarder Alone sur Netflix gratuitement



17-year old Jamie Lockford is struggling with coming to terms with his sexuality and his hidden feelings for his best friend, Chris Thompson. Chris reciprocates his feelings but it is too late. Jamie commits suicide after feeling alone and unloved for the majority of his life. In the afterlife, he discovers how Chris felt towards him and how his death had affected his loved ones, and comes to the realization that he made a grave mistake..



People always have bad days from time to time, there's no way to escape that. But for him, every day is a bad day..



A small child in the surf at the seashore. The child is evidently frightened at the rushing waves and stands terrified until a larger wave than usual comes along, whereupon the child turns and runs toward the shore..



In the aftermath of a devastating virus, a group of people try to survive each day and all that the incident has brought upon them. Only five percent of the population remain, and none of them know why they are alive, nor for how much longer they will be..



A young man escapes the city life to spend some time in the forest. As he makes a meal for himself, he struggles to find a way to happily live his life through a letter to his parents..



A woman stumbles upon a severely injured stranger, the woman realizes she might be the only one that can save the stranger..



The final days of a gay artist in NYC. A gay artist breaks from his overprotective mother to live in NYC. He uses his alone time to write, draw and avoid his mother. He becomes obsessed with death only to find it on the street. Where he sought its embrace he finds a nightmare..



A man stays isolated in his room and refuses to open the door when a mysterious knock is heard. A Bolex horror microshort inspired by the Mandela Catalogue..



Come aboard transport ship CF 80622 en route to Earth 2.0 and witness one maintenance robot's attempt to evade loneliness..

Maman, j’ai encore raté l’avion !

Maman, j’ai encore raté l’avion !

Après Paris, c'est à Miami que la tribu McCallister décide de passer les fêtes de Noël. À l'aube du jour J, toute la famille est sur le pied de guerre et file a l'aéroport en prenant bien garde de ne pas oublier Kevin. Mais celui-ci s'éclipse pour acheter des piles pour son walkman, il ne retrouve plus les siens et s'embarque par mégarde pour New York....



Pim, une jeune femme d'origine Thaïlandaise, mène une vie heureuse en Corée du Sud auprès de Lee, son mari aimant, attentionné. Un coup de fil nocturne bouleverse leur vie paisible : la mère de Pim est hospitalisée en Thaïlande, victime d'une grave maladie inconnue. Le couple se précipite à son chevet. A peine la frontière passée, des flashback douloureux, étrangement familiers assaillent son esprit. Une présence invisible ne la quitte plus, emprunte de terreur, de nostalgie mêlées. Pim découvre alors un lourd secret familial : elle était l'un des deux bébés d'une paire de jumelles siamoises. Lors de la séparation chirurgicale des enfants, sa soeur est morte....