

Comment faire pour télécharger The Gangster gratuitement

The Last O.G.

The Last O.G.

Après 15 ans passés derrière les barreaux, Tray réalise à quel point le monde a changé. De retour dans son quartier à Brooklyn, il découvre que son ex-petite amie Shay, est désormais mariée à un homme qui l'aide à élever des jumeaux, dont Tray n'avait jamais appris l'existence. Souhaitant se rapprocher d'eux et subvenir aux besoins de sa famille, il n'a d'autres choix que de mettre à profit ses talents d'ex-criminel..

Nameless Gangster

Nameless Gangster

1990, République de Corée. Fonctionnaire sur la brèche, Choi Ik-hyun n’a pas hésité à rejoindre le camp des corrompus en s’associant avec le patron le plus puissant de la pègre de Busan. En moins de dix ans, ce bon père de famille s’est livré à toutes sortes d’activités illicites, se transformant peu à peu en véritable parrain. Mais face aux intimidations, les partenaires d’hier ne vont pas tarder à devenir les ennemis d’aujourd’hui....

Gangsters par alliance

Gangsters par alliance

Owen Browning , un directeur d'agence bancaire tout ce qu'il y a de plus rangé, est sur le point d'épouser Parker, l'amour de sa vie. Lorsque sa banque se fait braquer par les fameux "Bandits fantômes" la semaine de son mariage, il soupçonne ses futurs beaux-parents, qui viennent d'arriver en ville, d'être les malfrats en question..

The Third Gangster

The Third Gangster

A small yakuza gang is taken to war by a more powerful rival after a violent bar brawl involving members of both gangs. Young boss, Masaki, must decide whether to disband his dwindling gang or fight..

The Gangster's Apprentice

The Gangster's Apprentice

Crime film about a Copenhagen social worker who, out of boredom, seeks away from his environment and into the criminal underworld, which he soon becomes part of - with fatal consequences..

The Gangster

The Gangster

An old gangster returns from the United States to Mexico City to live with his sister-in-law and his two nephews, where he will face the daily life of a middle-class family..

The Story of a Gangster

The Story of a Gangster

Old man Wan enjoys boasting about his adventurous days as a gangster to anyone who would listen in the teahouse. His son Hue, a strong-willed boy, is in love with Chew Hung, the daugther of Wan's blood brother, Chuen. But things turn sour when Chuen promises her to the son of a powerful politician. To force the lovers to separate, Chuen gives a loan to Wan with a condition attached. The young people decided to elope to Taipei, but soon Chuen and his gang of hoodlum have tracked them down... —L.H. Wong.



Chicago, au temps de la prohibition. Un petit malfrat, l'ambitieux Tony Camonte, tue son patron et devient le garde du corps de Lovo, chef du gang rival. Amoureux de Poppy, la petite amie de Lovo, il veille jalousement sur sa soeur Cesca, lui interdisant toute liaison sentimentale. Avec son complice Guido Rinaldo, Tony prend peu à peu le pouvoir au sein du gang de Lovo..

My Dear Gangster Oppa

My Dear Gangster Oppa

A shy introvert named Guy has a longtime crush on his handsome friend Wan, but then again, everyone likes him. Feeling like he can’t compete for his affections, Guy dives into The Legend of Saga, an online game where he plays as “idealize.” It's in the game where Guy meets a kind sister named Yuri who he later discovers is a handsome young mafiaso named Tiw. While Guy starts to open his heart due to Tiw's gentleness, he also gets to know Tiw's mysterious and terrifying past. Despite that, could this tough guy be the ideal lover he's been looking for after striking out in the real world?.

Ninja Gangsters IV: The Mysterious Golden Castle

Ninja Gangsters IV: The Mysterious Golden Castle

On their way to the Owari, Sanzo and Yumenogosuke gets lost in the Kiso Mountains. There they encounter a hidden gold mine being demolished by the Mino Naegi clan. The two join a beautiful girl named Tsubakuro Osen, whom they meet in the mountains to extort the Nabeki clan. They reach an agreement with Kageyama Taito to receive 300 ryo in three days but suddenly the Naeki clan is stripped of its power by the authorities... a plot set in motion by Sakai Wakasamori and Saegusa Kanmotsu..