

Comment faire pour télécharger Dead Man gratuitement

Dead Man's Gold

Dead Man's Gold

Jim Thornton trouve une mine d'or et envoie chercher son ami, Lash. Mais lorsque celui-ci arrive en compagnie de Fuzzy, il trouve Thornton mort. Il apprend que les meurtriers sont Conway et son gang, mais décide de ne rien tenter avant de savoir qui est le fomentateur du meurtre..

A Dead Man Cannot Live

A Dead Man Cannot Live

Tano works for Manuel, a businessman who’s made his fortune in the construction sector and who has a tight network of friends in local government who help him carry out his business safely, in exchange for making sure that the drugs enter and leave the city without causing any violence or making any noise. Tano knows that the golden era is long gone. Now, he’s 54 and struggling to make ends meet. His mission is to keep the drug-trafficking business from Morocco under control and to make sure the money keeps flowing, but someone has brought some samples of a new drug into the city and its effects are devastating, causing the local junkies to go completely crazy. Angel, Manuel’s son and heir to his business empire, is convinced that if they start dealing this new drug, they could go back to making the millions they were before the economic crash..

Mansion of the Living Dead

Mansion of the Living Dead

Quatre amies, Candy, Mabel, Marta et Tina, serveuses dans un bar d'Europe centrale se rendent en vacances hors saison sur une plage au sud de l’Espagne. L’hôtel est un lieu sinistre et Carlo son gérant un homme inquiétant qui séquestre sa femme, nue et enchainée comme un animal, dans une chambre de l'établissement. Les jeunes femmes décident de visiter les ruines d'une abbaye antique qui abrita jadis des membres des forces du Temple. Par les nuits de grand vent, un glas funèbre se fait entendre et les cadavres momifiés des templiers sortent de leur tombe pour célébrer des rites sanglants....

The Dead Man's Claim

The Dead Man's Claim

An aged miner finds a rich gold claim, stakes it out, fills a sack with samples of the gold ore and starts back across the desert to file his claim. His water gives out, and, after days of torture, he at last falls in a clump of sagebrush. In a nearby cabin Jim Durkin and Black, his partner, are about to sit down to supper when faint cries are heard..

CHIKARA Dead Man's Chest

CHIKARA Dead Man's Chest

Singles Match Jaka (w/Jakob Hammermeier) vs. Shynron Singles Match Pinkie Sanchez vs. Syd Gilmour Four Way Tag Team Elimination Match Dasher Hatfield & Heidi Lovelace vs. Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr.) vs. Hermit Crab & Rock Lobster vs. The Devastation Corporation (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) (w/Max Smashmaster) CHIKARA Young Lions Cup Title Match The Estonian ThunderFrog (c) vs. The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova Eight Man Tag Team Match Battle Hive (The Colony (Fire Ant & Worker Ant) & Amasis) & Officer Warren Barksdale vs. The Arcane Horde (The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon) & Oleg The Usurper) (w/UltraMantis Black) Singles Match Eddie Kingston vs. Jakob Hammermeier (w/Jaka & Pinkie Sanchez) CHIKARA Grand Title Match Princess KimberLee (c) vs. Soldier Ant Singles Match Rick Beanbag (Chuck Taylor) vs. Wani.

Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking

Two detectives team up to investigate several murders that they think are linked together. When the latest murder and a mission person report happen on the same day they question if they have a copy cat on their hands..

Rockabye Dead Man

Rockabye Dead Man

A rock opera about a detective and a police officer who are summoned to an old dark house to investigate the murder of their boss, the commissioner. Soon after, they become entangled in a web of deceit among the house guests, and are forced to confront the supernatural presence within the manor..

Dead Man Island

Dead Man Island

Depressed musician Gus and girlfriend Fiona must return to the home of his childhood, where the gruesome murder of his father took place. Soon after arriving they discover that even more sinister disturbances lurking in the shadows at this mysterious house on an island..

Dead Man Walking

Dead Man Walking

Alex and her boyfriend, Henry, struggle to connect in their secluded home in the woods after the recent death of Alex's father. However, following a trip to the market and a recent outbreak, Henry is attacked by a presumably homeless person forcing the couple to realize how much they truly mean to one another. As the film progresses the couple's newfound connection is met with even greater strife..

Dead Man Drinking

Dead Man Drinking

A discussion by friends with long-winded histories and a love of drinking results in four of them running off to house-sit for a long weekend while playing Killer, a schoolyard game where each player has to "take out" targets over a period of time using everything from water pistols to bits of cardboard with "sword" written on them. As the game progresses and frustrations rise, sexual tensions surface and it's obvious that with the possibility of only one winner, some people will do anything for victory. Dead Man Drinking is a full-length independent feature-film released for free under a creative commons 3.0 license..

Dead to Me

Dead to Me

En cherchant l'identité du chauffard qui a fauché et tué son mari, une veuve impulsive se lie d'amitié avec une excentrique optimiste... pas si claire qu'elle en a l'air..

Ça va chauffer, Sartana revient!

Ça va chauffer, Sartana revient!

Le seul survivant, nommé Sando Kid (Peter Lee Lawrence), d'un abattage du Nord cherche vendetta. Après avoir subi l'atrocité, Kid exécute une revanche à lui seul, il ravage, il frappe et tue chaque personne impliquée dans le massacre. Il est implacable dans sa vendetta, mortelle dans sa violence. Sando enrôle Texas Rangers, chasse hors la loi (Luis Barboo) et rencontre un chasseur de primes sympathique ....