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Dandelion for Industry

Dandelion for Industry

The space where people live is not just a place to feed and house themselves. It means a place where the emotions of life are accumulated and melted for a long time. Therefore, we call it home or hometown. Home or hometown, which expresses coziness and comfort to people, is just an unfamiliar expression to those who live in Onsan. The people of Onsan resemble dandelions, who cannot take root in their place of living and float like dust..

Nutcracker, Piano and Dandelion Wreath

Nutcracker, Piano and Dandelion Wreath

A touching story of the relationship between two teenagers who accidentally met in besieged Leningrad. Masha and Sergey are fighting hunger and death. She reads the book about the Nutcracker and the Mouse King over and over again, and the words of this story help her to be stronger, and he plays his favorite piano. The film is filled with soft sadness. The unique technique of combining animation and staged filming with the participation of actors gives the theme of war and the blockade amazing notes of authenticity of memories..



Based on the philosophical fairy tale “Dandelion Boy and Three Keys” by Alexander Sharov about the meaning of life and about the boy to whom the gnomes gave three keys. He had to manage them correctly and open the right lock..

White Dandelion

White Dandelion

Film-school students Mateusz and Karolina are conducting a private investigation into a murder in the highland village of White Dandelion, with the intention of making a documentary . In time, the investigation leads the protagonists to start identifying with the victim and the killer. The play begins in the style of a documentary drama, only to transform into pure surrealism by the end..



Tampopo, une jeune veuve, gère, sans succès, un petit restaurant de ramen dans un quartier populaire de Tokyo. Sa vie va basculer le jour où un client, Goro, routier à la dégaine de cow-boy et fin gourmet, décide de lui enseigner l'art et la manière de cuisiner les nouilles..

Blazen tot honderd

Blazen tot honderd

In the course of four seasons we follow the process as Maurits mourns the death of his mother. His intensely sad father, a restorer of paintings, is not able to offer him any solace. Maurits denies his mother's death and withdraws to the flood plains of the river. There he meets Moniek. During their journey of discovery through the plains, their tender friendship turns into love. But Maurits anger and sorrow sometimes turn to extreme emotions and that frightens Moniek. A dead dog takes them over the top and Moniek never wants to see him again..

Les pissenlits

Les pissenlits

Dans un univers théâtral et ludique, Annabelle et Jules s’adressent à la caméra et dévoilent leurs souvenirs d’enfance. Les deux adultes passent à travers certains souvenirs drôles, tristes et humiliants. Ils se lient d’un souvenir commun, celui de la cueillette de pissenlits....