

Comment faire pour télécharger Atoms gratuitement

Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

Neutron the Atomic Superman vs. the Death Robots

The evil scientist Dr. Caronte plots to revive the brains of three dead scientists and use them to obtain the formula for the super-powerful neutron bomb. The resulting creation needs blood lots of blood, sending Caronte's midget assistant Nick and his legion of mutant monsters out to get fresh victims. However, the masked atom-superman Neutron vows to put a stop to Caronte's deeds..

Notre ami l'atome  : un siècle de radioactivité

Notre ami l'atome : un siècle de radioactivité

L'histoire passionnante de la fission de l'atome, une percée scientifique d'une importance incalculable qui a inauguré l'ère nucléaire, a un côté sombre : les nombreux événements au cours desquels des personnes ont été exposées à des radiations, intentionnellement ou par accident..

Atomic War Bride

Atomic War Bride

This conventional post-nuclear holocaust drama from Yugoslav director Veljko Bulajic seems to be at cross purposes. On the one hand, its anti-war sentiments are clear, as well as its realistic scenarios of destruction, and on the other hand, the director and scripter Cesar Zavatini have turned the story into a satire. At the center of focus is a young couple who were getting married when the atomic bombs changed the face of the planet, and through the couple's own dilemma the greater picture is glimpsed. Assisting Eva Krizevska, Anton Vrdoljak, Zlatko Madunic, and other actors is President Marshal Tito's army..



Acting : Atom
popularity : 0.256
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Atom en streaming gratuit.

L'Aventure atomique

L'Aventure atomique

Algérie, 1961. Alors que la France vient de faire exploser sa quatrième bombe atomique, un groupe de sept soldats est envoyé́ jusqu'au point d'impact afin d'y effectuer des prélèvements et des mesures de la radioactivité́. Mais plus ils avancent, plus le capitaine, un vétéran de guerre d'une cinquantaine d'années, se voit confronté aux paradoxes d'un monde qui change, obsédé́ par le progrès..

Atomic Chicken

Atomic Chicken

Un poulailler installé au pied d'une centrale nucléaire voit son quotidien bouleversé par moultes mutations comiques dans le style du cartoon..

Atomic Brain Invasion

Atomic Brain Invasion

Science-fiction B-movie spoof. A bunch of misfit high-schoolers must band together to stop an army of brain creatures from outer space that intend to kidnap Elvis Presley when he performs in a small New England town..

Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero

Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero

Through the use of spectacular, never-before-seen nuclear test footage, travels to ten former testing sites and explores the history, physical changes resulting from the tests and current condition of these amazing and important places. Visit the notorious Nevada Test Site, known as the most bombed place on earth. Over 900 nuclear explosions where detonated at this location – an area larger than the State of Rhode Island. Once upon a time these locations were kept top secret, but today, with this 60th Anniversary Diamond Edition of Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero, you will finally see these historic hot spots. Preserving the incredible legacy of America’s nuclear testing program stands as a reminder of the fine line between the progress of mankind and the destruction of the earth. Once you understand what really happened at the Ground Zero nuclear testing sites, you will never be the same..