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Horace Pinker, criminel particulièrement sanguinaire, est enfin retrouvé par la police, grâce aux rêves prémonitoires d'un jeune garçon. Condamné à la chaise électrique, Pinker attend sans angoisse l'exécution de sa peine. En effet, il sait pouvoir résister à une charge de 200.000 volts....

Dix mille chambres à coucher

Dix mille chambres à coucher

Le millionnaire américain Ray Hunter (accompagné par son pilote privé Mike Clark), de passage à Rome afin d'acquérir l'hôtel Le Régent, est pris en charge à l'aéroport par Maria Martelli, employée de la comtesse Alzani, actuelle propriétaire de l'immeuble. Ray est guidé en ville par la jeune femme qui lui sert d'interprète et le présente à sa famille, dont son père Vittorio et sa sœur cadette Nina....

Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War (1980)

Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War (1980)

Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day War, a 26-part Canadian television documentary on the Vietnam War, was produced in 1980 by Michael Maclear. The series aired in Canada on CBC Television, in the United States and in the United Kingdom on Channel 4. Maclear visited Vietnam during the production of the series and had access to film material there. He was the first Western journalist allowed to visit that area since the war. The documentary series was consolidated into 13 hour-long episodes for American television syndication. The series was released on videocassette format by Embassy and won a National Education Association award for best world documentary. Series writer Peter Arnett was an Associated Press reporter in Vietnam from 1962 to 1975. CBC aired only 18 of the episodes during the 1980-81 season because the series production was incomplete. The remaining episodes were broadcast during CBC's 1981-82 season..

10000 Years Later

10000 Years Later

Hundreds of thousands of years after the collapse of civilization, the world is a post-tech wasteland, and is inhabited by humanoid tribes. The Peace held between them is threatened by the return of Wushen, an evil shape-shifting ghost of modern technology. Wushen threatens to enslave the world population. Zhuma, a ten-year-old girl is the heroine of the story, accompanied by Zhanggong, her lion-like Tibetan Mastiff dog. Chosen, and helped by a ethereal goddess she must assemble a band of allies from the surviving tribes to fight Wushen, and stop him from gaining control over an ancient power..

10000 Maniacs: MTV Unplugged

10000 Maniacs: MTV Unplugged

MTV Unplugged is a 1993 live album by 10,000 Maniacs. The music was recorded for the MTV Unplugged series and it was also the last album by the band featuring Natalie Merchant as vocalist. In addition to the songs released on this album, four takes of "How You've Grown" were recorded, second takes of "Because the Night" and "Gold Rush Brides", a brief take of "Puff the Magic Dragon" and three other songs which featured singer David Byrne as a guest: "Let The Mystery Be" (two takes, one of which was released as a B-Side to "Few and Far Between" and on Campfire Songs: The Popular, Obscure and Unknown Recordings), "Jolene", and "Dallas". In 1994, it reached 13 on the Billboard 200..

Flight 666

Flight 666

Lors d’un terrible orage, les passagers et l’équipage d’un vol international sont attaqués par des forces surnaturelles qui menacent la vie de tous..

Astro Boy: Mighty Atom – Visitor of 100,000 Light Years, IGZA

Astro Boy: Mighty Atom – Visitor of 100,000 Light Years, IGZA

The interplanetary spacecraft Galileo II carries Atom and his friends to Titan, a satellite of Saturn. However, what awaits them when they arrive there is an attack from an unknown entity. What appears is a mechanical life form called "Igza" that wants to destroy humans. The battle between Atom and Igza unfolds in the far reaches of space..

Cent Mille Dollars au soleil

Cent Mille Dollars au soleil

Aux portes du désert, Castigliano dirige une entreprise de transports routiers. Hans doit conduire un chargement clandestin de cent mille dollars au coeur de l'Afrique. L'apprenant, Rocco élimine le chauffeur, vole son véhicule et part avec sa complice. Castigliano promet alors une forte récompense à Marec s'il récupère le camion. Commence une folle poursuite....

The Mad Atlantic

The Mad Atlantic

Captain Murakami takes over as skipper of the Azuma Maru, replacing the well-liked former captain. Murakami forces the crew to work harder than they ever have, creating enmity and exhaustion. Just when the ship has taken a huge catch of tuna in its nets, Murakami learns that his ship is the only one in position to rescue the crew of another ship, sinking in a storm. He must choose between saving the catch or saving lives. Either choice may mean his ruin..

Ten Thousand Sorrows

Ten Thousand Sorrows

After the death of her mother, Nary decides to live her life independently, dressing and acting as a man in order to work at a taxi company, but Kosal soon finds out..



Pyramid is an American television game show that has aired several versions. The original series, The $10,000 Pyramid, debuted March 26, 1973, and spawned seven subsequent Pyramid series. The game featured two contestants, each paired with a celebrity. Players attempt to guess a series of words or phrases based on descriptions given to them by their teammates. The title refers to the show's pyramid-shaped gameboard, featuring six categories arranged in a triangular fashion. The various Pyramid series won a total of nine Daytime Emmys for Outstanding Game Show, second only to Jeopardy!, which has won thirteen. Dick Clark is the host most commonly associated with the show, having hosted every incarnation from 1973–88, save for a 1974–79 syndicated version, The $25,000 Pyramid, hosted by Bill Cullen. John Davidson hosted a 1991-92 version of The $100,000 Pyramid, and another version, simply titled Pyramid, ran from 2002–04 with Donny Osmond as host. A new version titled The Pyramid premiered September 3, 2012 on GSN. This version was hosted by Mike Richards. The show only lasted one season before being cancelled..

Avec la peau des autres

Avec la peau des autres

Un agent secret français, Pascal Fabre, se rend à Vienne, en Autriche, pour tenter de démêler l'écheveau des pièges qui menacent son réseau, devant un ennemi sans visage. Il doit retrouver son ami Margery et enquêter pour savoir qui est l'agent double parmi les collaborateurs des services secrets. Sa route croise celle d'un avocat d'affaires, d'une jolie chanteuse, de quelques mondains ou d'employés des théâtres et gares viennois..

Ernest's Greatest Hits Volume 2

Ernest's Greatest Hits Volume 2

Hey Vern! Your ol' buddy Ernest is back in a new video that features Commercials, Bloopers, Behind-the-Scenes looks, and special surprises! Ernest sells things like ice cream, soft drinks, dairy products, even beer! He also has public service announcements on drunk driving and more. It also shows how Ernest commercials are made, and with the bloopers, how they're attempted to be made. It also features many of Ernest's long lived routines: the window slamming on his hands, falling off a ladder, trying to fix the TV and getting electrocuted, him propping the window with an Acme window stop, removing it and the window falls on him again, Ernest starting to fall off the ladder but tosses an anchor onto the roof, Vern cuts the rope and Ernest goes sailing to the ground..

The Negotiator: The Movie

The Negotiator: The Movie

Un véhicule blindé transportant 260 000 000 yens se fait braquer. Les voleurs prennent la fuite en se rendant dans un centre commercial bondé. Ils en profitent pour prendre une cinquantaine de personnes en otages. Reiko Usagi et l'équipe du SIT sont appelés pour négocier. Mais, quand Reiko arrive sur place, une explosion a lieu. Les otages paniquent et s'enfuient laissant aux criminels le loisir de s'échapper. Quelques semaines après l'incident, Reiko est à l'aéroport de Haneda pour des vacances bien méritées. Elle repère Yusuke Kimoto, l'un des anciens otages du centre commercial. Reiko se souvient alors de son comportement bizarre et décide de le suivre à bord de l'avion....