

Cargo sokroflix gratuit

Bound Cargo

Bound Cargo

Three girls are on the run from a group of disbanded soldiers. Nowhere to go they come across a lonely widow to seek refuge. Risking her life to save the young women the widow only demands erotic pleasure in exchange..



A man wakes trapped inside a cargo container with only a cell phone and is given 24 hours by his kidnappers to raise ten million dollars in ransom or die..

Desperate Cargo

Desperate Cargo

When two showgirls decide to leave South America and head for home, they sweet talk the purser of a clipper ship into giving them berths. In the course of the voyage, a band of thieves attempts to take over the ship and make off with its cash cargo. The heroic purser has other ideas and weighs in to save the day..

Red Cargo

Red Cargo

Two undercover agents sent to get rid of a rhino poaching syndicate, become the hunted after discovering that high ranking government officials are implicated..

Sacred Cargo

Sacred Cargo

Two brothers head to Russia to help a group of priests smuggle $200 million worth of sacred relics out of the country in order to keep them out of the hands of neo-Nazis..

Escape: Human Cargo

Escape: Human Cargo

An American entrepreneur is closing a deal in Saudi Arabia in 1977. After a fallout with his influential Saudi partners, they have him arrested. Due to the US policy of noninterference in SA, the embassy won't help him. He must escape..

Live Cargo

Live Cargo

Nadine and Lewis move to a small Bahamian island hoping to restore their relationship in the wake of a tragedy, only to find the picturesque island torn in two: on one side a dangerous human trafficker and on the other an aging patriarch, struggling to maintain order..

L'équipage fantôme

L'équipage fantôme

En 1943, alors que la guerre fait rage dans l'Atlantique, le voilier du capitaine Skalder a été déserté par son équipage après avoir traversé une tempête ainsi que des tirs d'un sous-marin allemand. Lorsqu'il rencontre l'imposant chalutier du capitaine Pat Bannon, il lui demande de le remorquer jusqu'à Trabo, petite ville portuaire....

Human Cargo

Human Cargo

Bonnie Brewster and "Packy" Campbell, rival reporters on competing newspapers, team up to put an end to a smuggling gang that brings illegal aliens to the United States, and then makes further victims of them by extortion payments. They go to Vancouver, Canada and board a ship carrying aliens. But the gang recognizes them as reporters and gang-henchmen Tony Scula (Ralf Harolde) and Ira Conklin take them off the ship. But Campbell recognizes Scula as the gunman who killed Carmen Zoro..

Gun Cargo

Gun Cargo

A Maritime Board of Inquiry investigates the loss of the merchant ship, the Black Rover . Its captain, Jim Parker, offers the following testimony on his own behalf: Jim is recommended by Fred Winthrop to his father, owner of the Winthrop Shipping Line, to command the Black Rover after its captain and crew refuse to make the voyage. Jim, who has just received his captain's papers, agrees, unaware that Winthrop is illegally running a cargo of contraband weapons. The film has never had a theatrical release. Production began in 1930 under the title "Contraband," stopped when the producers ran out of money, then began again under the title "Contraband Cargo." Production soon stopped again and was not resumed until 1939, when new footage was shot and footage from HELL HARBOR (1930) was edited in. The film was still deemed not suitable for theatrical distribution, and it was not until 1949 that it was finally released... for late night airing on television..

The Devil's Cargo

The Devil's Cargo

John Joyce arrives in Sacramento with his sister, Martha, and aunt to become the editor of a newspaper. He is determined to clear the town of the low-down mining camp types who are flaunting their freewheeling ways. When Joyce meets Faro Sampson, he falls in love, believing that she is the daughter of a minister. Actually she's the daughter of the man who runs a gambling den, "Square Deal" Sampson..

Cargaison blanche

Cargaison blanche

Après que Jean, un de ses confrères, a disparu alors qu'il était sur le point de publier un article important, Françoise, jeune journaliste, reprend l'enquête. Du bureau de Madame Irma, une cartomancienne, en passant par une affaire d'import-export, dirigée par Madame Ploit, jusqu’au cabaret de nuit où règne Mado, elle découvrira, au péril de sa vie, un vaste trafic de traite des Blanches avec l'Afrique du Nord et le Moyen-Orient. Sauvée in extremis par son confrère Pierre, Françoise fera paraîtra son article avec la signature de son ami disparu..